- include the tog_oracle stylesheet on tog_oracle pages
- check delayed_job for setting up a runner every day
- try to put the rendering of the page/action in oracle/questions/:id/answers into helpers
- when no answers/questions exist, put an explanation there, not just a blank list
- display the author and the date the question was posed on question lists and the "answers to a question" page
- make a pick suitable answer + edit links on the member_oracle_questions page (Your questions)
- possibility of reporting abuse for questions
- possibility of tagging questions
- test delivery of overdue notification messages
- question and answers should not be modified once the question is closed
- check that only the question's publisher can pick the suitable answer, edit the question, etc.
- add title to questions
- let the question be editable (edit page for question)
- AnswersController.update - can we use fields_for on the index form? X
- add some common sense links to pages
- i18n the close_question_request mail
- i18n
- check that the question can not be closed(= a suitable answer picked) if it is <1 hour after posting the question.
- set up a runner that checks for questions that should be closed
- remove radio buttons to select suitable answer once the question is closed
- mark suitable answer in the list of answers for a particular question