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File metadata and controls

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Creating LDAP entries manually is always a pain, but Adldap2 makes it effortless. Let's get started.

When you have a provider instance, call the make() method. This returns an Adldap\Models\Factory instance:

$factory = $provider->make();

Or you can chain all methods if you'd prefer:

$user = $provider->make()->user();

Available Make Methods:

When calling a make method, all of them accept an $attributes parameter to fill the model with your specified attributes.

// Adldap\Models\User
$user = $provider->make()->user([
    'cn' => 'John Doe',

// Adldap\Models\Computer
$computer = $provider->make()->computer([
    'cn' => 'COMP-101',

// Adldap\Models\Contact
$contact = $provider->make()->contact([
    'cn' => 'Suzy Doe',

// Adldap\Models\Container
$container = $provider->make()->container([
    'cn' => 'VPN Users',

// Adldap\Models\Group
$group = $provider->make()->group([
    'cn' => 'Managers',

// Adldap\Models\OrganizationalUnit
$ou = $provider->make()->ou([
    'name' => 'Acme',


When you have any model instance, you can call the save() method to persist the changes to your server. This method returns a boolean. For example:

$user = $provider->make()->user([
    'cn' => 'New User',

if ($user->save()) {
    // User was saved.
} else {
    // There was an issue saving this user.

Note: When a model is saved successfully (whether created or updated), the models attributes are re-synced in the background from your AD.

This allows you to perform other operations during the same request that require an existing user.

Creating (Manually)

If you are sure the model does not exist already inside your AD, you can use the create() method:

$user = $provider->make()->user([
    'cn' => 'New User',

if ($user->create()) {
    // User was created.
} else {
    // There was an issue creating this user.

Note: When you call the create method, if the model does not have a distinguished name, one will automatically be generated for you using your base_dn set in your configuration and the models common name.

Updating (Manually)

If you are sure the model does exist already inside your AD, you can use the update() method:

$user = $provider->search()->whereEquals('cn', 'John Doe')->firstOrFail();

$user->displayName = 'Suzy Doe';

if ($user->update()) {
    // User was updated.
} else {
    // There was an issue updating this user.

Checking Existence

If you need to check the existence of a model, use the property exists.

How does it know if the model exists in AD? Well, when models are constructed from search results, the exists property on the model is set to true.

$user = $provider->search()->find('jdoe');

$user->exists; // Returns true.

if ($user->delete()) {

    $user->exists; // Returns false.


If a model is created successfully, the exists property is set to true:

$user = $provider->make()->user([
    'cn' => 'John Doe',

$user->exists; // Returns false.

if ($user->save()) {
    $user->exists; // Returns true.


Since all models extend from the base class Adldap\Models\Model, there are many useful methods that you can utilize on every model.

Getting Attributes

You can get attributes in a few ways:

// Returns an array all of the users attributes.

// Returns an array of all the users email addresses.
// Returns `null` if non-existent.

// Returns the users first email address.
// Returns `null` if non-existent.
$user->getAttribute('mail', 0);

// Returns the users first email address.
// Returns `null` if non-existent.

// Returns an array of all the users email addresses. 

// Returns the users first email address.

Using a Getter

Some attributes have methods for easier retrieval so you don't need to look up the LDAP attribute name.

For example, to retrieve a users email address, use the method getEmail():


Or to retrieve all of a users email addresses, use the method getEmails():

Available Getters on All Models

The following methods are available on all returned models:

// Returns the model's 'name' attribute.

// Returns the model's 'cn' attribute.

// Returns the model's 'displayname' attribute.

// Returns the model's 'samaccountname' attriubte.

// Returns the model's 'samaccounttype` attribute.

// Returns the model's 'whencreated` attribute.

// Returns the model's 'whencreated` attribute in a MySQL timestamp format.

// Returns the model's 'whencreated' attribute in unix time.

// Returns the model's 'whenchanged` attribute.

// Returns the model's 'whenchanged` attribute in a MySQL timestamp format.

// Returns the model's 'whenchanged` attribute in unix time.

// Returns the model's 'objectclass' attribute.

// Returns the model's root object category string.

// Returns the model's object category in an array.

// Returns the model's object category distinguished name.

// Returns the model's SID in binary.

// Returns the model's GUID in binary.

// Returns the model's SID in a string.

// Returns the model's GUID in a string.

// Returns the model's primary group ID.

// Returns the model's 'instancetype' attribute.

// Returns the model's 'maxpwdage' attribute.

For more documentation on specific getters, please take a look at the relevant model documentation.

Getting Dirty (Modified) Attributes

You can get a models modified attributes using the getDirty() method:

$user = $provider->search()->users()->find('john');

// Returns array [0 => 'John Doe']

$user->setAttribute('cn', 'Jane Doe');

// Returns array ['cn' => [0 => 'Jane Doe']]

// The attribute has been modified - returns array [0 => 'Jane Doe']

The method returns an array with the key being the modified attribute, and the array being the new values of the attribute.

Getting Original (Unmodified) Attributes

You can get a models original attributes using the getOriginal() method:

$user = $provider->search()->users()->find('john');

// Returns array [0 => 'John Doe']

$user->setAttribute('cn', 'Jane Doe');

// The attribute has been modified - returns array [0 => 'Jane Doe']

// Retrieving the original value - returns array [0 => 'John Doe']

Note: Keep in mind, when you save() a model, the models original attributes will be re-synchronized to the models new attributes.

Setting Attributes

Just like getting model attributes, there's multiple ways of setting attributes as well:

// Setting via method:
$user->setAttribute('cn', 'John Doe');

// Specifying a subkey for overwriting specific attributes:
$user->setAttribute('mail', '[email protected]', 0);

// Setting the first attribute:
$user->setFirstAttribute('mail', '[email protected]');

// Setting via property:
$user->cn = 'John Doe';

// Mass setting attributes:
    'cn' => 'John Doe',
    'mail' => '[email protected]',

Creating Attributes

To create an attribute that does not exist on the model, you can set it like a regular property:

$user = $provider->search()->whereEquals('cn', 'John Doe')->firstOrFail();

$user->new = 'New Attribute';


If the set attribute does not exist on the model already, it will automatically be created when you call the save() method.

If you'd like manually create new attributes individually, call the createAttribute($attribute, $value) method:

if ($user->createAttribute('new', 'New Attribute')) {
    // Attribute created.

Updating Attributes

To modify an attribute you can either use a setter method, or by setting it manually:

Note: You can also utilize setters to create new attributes if your model does not already have the attribute.

$user = $provider->search()->whereEquals('cn', 'John Doe')->firstOrFail();

$user->cn = 'New Name';

// Or use a setter:

$user->setCommonName('New Name');


If you'd like to update attributes individually, call the updateAttribute($attribute, $value) method:

if ($user->updateAttribute('cn', 'New Name')) {
    // Successfully updated attribute.

Removing Attributes

To remove attributes, set the attribute to NULL:

$user->cn = null;


Or, you can call the deleteAttribute($attribute) method:

if ($user->deleteAttribute('cn')) {
    // Attribute has been deleted.

Checking Attributes

Checking Existence of Attributes

To see if a model contains an attribute, use the method hasAttribute():

// Checking if a base attribute exists:
if ($user->hasAttribute('mail')) {

    // This user contains an email address.


// Checking if a sub attribute exists, by key:
if ($user->hasAttribute('mail', 1)) {
    // This user contains a second email address.

Counting the Models Attributes

To retrieve the total number of attributes, use the method countAttributes():

$count = $user->countAttributes();

var_dump($count); // Returns int

Checking if a Model is Writable

To check if the model can be written to, use the method isWritable():

if ($model->isWritable()) {

    // You can modify this model.

Force Re-Syncing A Models Attributes

If you need to forcefully re-sync a models attributes, use the method syncRaw():


Note: This will query your AD server for the current model, and re-synchronize it's attributes. This is only recommended if your creating / updating / deleting attributes manually through your LDAP connection.

Moving / Renaming

To move a user from one DN or OU to another, use the move($newRdn, $newParentDn) method:

// New Relative distinguished name.
$newRdn = 'cn=John Doe';

// New parent distiguished name.
$newParentDn = 'OU=New Ou,DC=corp,DC=local';

if ($user->move($newRdn, $newParentDn) {
    // User was successfully moved to the new OU.

If you would like to keep the models old RDN along side their new RDN, pass in false in the last parameter:

// New Relative distinguished name.
$newRdn = 'cn=John Doe';

// New parent distiguished name.
$newParentDn = 'OU=New Ou,DC=corp,DC=local';

if ($user->move($newRdn, $newParentDn, $deleteOldRdn = false) {
    // User was successfully moved to the new OU,
    // and their old RDN has been left in-tact.

To rename a users DN, just pass in their new relative distinguished name in the rename($newRdn) method:

$newRdn = 'cn=New Name';

if ($user->rename($newRdn)) {
    // User was successfully renamed.

Note: The rename() method is actually an alias for the move() method.


To delete a model, just call the delete() method:

$user = $provider->search()->whereEquals('cn', 'John Doe')->firstOrFail();

echo $user->exists; // Returns true.

if ($user->delete()) {
    // Successfully deleted user.

    echo $user->exists; // Returns false.