This repository provides software to construct skills using pre-trained Hierarchical Actor-Critic (HAC) agents. As an example, executing the command python3 --show --subgoals will implement an ant agent in a four rooms enivronment that randomly executes a set of three skills, which include
- Move to northern door of room
- Move to center of room
- Move to southern door of room.
Please note that in order to load the pre-trained agents, the file paths listed in the "checkpoint" file within the "models" folder need to be replaced with the current file paths. That is, the paths "/Users/andrewlevy/.../models/HAC.ckpt-99" should be replaced with "/YourFilePath/models/HAC.ckpt-99".
To visualize the skills without the HAC subgoals, remove the --subgoals option. To train agent without the visualization, remove the --show option. The following video shows a preview of these skills.
Skills can be constructed/modified using the,, and files.
Please note that in order to run this repository, you must have (i) a MuJoCo license, (ii) the required MuJoCo software libraries, (iii) the MuJoCo Python wrapper from OpenAI, and (iv) TensorFlow.