This is the first view of program, that appears aften launch. Here you can choose what device do you want to interact and interface type (simplified or full).
At first, select type of your electric system. Old bafangs such as BBS01/02/HD have UART protocol (you can also recognize them by round green connector), new have CAN protocol (you can recognize then by "house-shaped" green connnector).
For systems with UART available two kinds of UI - full and simplified. If you are newbie, better to select simplified mode.
If you have motor with UART, select port where you device connected to. Check usual name of USB-Serial ports for you operational system in internet. Also, there is a item Demo
that connects program to virtual device for test purposes and virtual /dev/tnt
ports if you have them in your system (available only for Linux). Non-USB serial ports usually removed from list on Linux due to high ammount of "dead" ports in standard list.
If you have motor with CAN, select your BESST Tool USB device. Also, there is a item Demo
that connects program to virtual device for test purposes.
There are disclaimer checkbox, you should select them.
Then press button "Check Connection". If connection is successful, press "Select". In not, check device type, port, cable and device.
This is a main view of program. Here you can configurate device and see docs for it.
This is a side menu. Button "Back" closes connection and opens device selection view. Button "Parameters" opens page with parameters that you can change (check out docs for parameters of your device). Button "Manual" opens list of docs, available for your device except complicated technical data, that you need only in full mode.
When you enter unusual value to parameter field, you will get warning about it. Note, that this function is not absolutely reliable and you may not get warning even for wrong value or get wrong warning for correct value.
Button with two spinning arrows means "read all data from device again". Button with floppy disk and arrow means "write all data to device".
After reading or writing you will get notifications with result (success or error).
This is a main view of program. Here you can configurate device and see docs for it.
This is a side menu. Button "Back" closes connection and opens device selection view. Button "Info" opens page with reand-only data from device. Button "Settings" opens page with parameters that you can change (check out docs for parameters of your device). Button "Manual" opens list of docs, available for your device.
When you entered unusual value to field on "Settings" page, you will get warning about it. Note, that this function is not absolutely reliable and you may not get warning even for wrong value or get wrong warning for correct value.
Button with two spinning arrows means "read all data from device again". Button with floppy disk and arrow means "write all data to device".
After reading or writing you will get notifications with result (success or error).
If you prefer old parameter classification and names, like in original Stefan Penoff's program, turn on switch "Old style layout".