Did you think about coding your own features for AndStatus and wanted to know how to start?
With a few easy steps you can start developing AndStatus features:
- Install Java, GIT, Android Studio bundle
- Check out the source or clone AndStatus GIT repository ...
- Optionally integrate Project issues published at Issues with Android Studio.
- Optionally Use SonarQube for static code analysis.
- Set the logging level of the whole application to VERBOSE using the "Minimum logging level" option in the "Preferences". More on logging here.
- Use and enhance a suite of automated tests to help you debug your code and understand how the System works. The tests in this suite not only do Unit testing of components, but they also create AndStatus accounts locally, add messages to the database, open activities and press buttons on them. And of course, they check results. As a result, the Test suite is almost an Integration test of all local components. Only connection to remote servers is not tested automatically. Test suite is located under "androidTest" directory.
- Check and fix your code using modern tools of static code analysis. AndStatus has a configuration section for launching SonarQube