Sorry folks, I currently struggle a little bit to get things merged fast due to a lot of private stuff. Really appreciate all your PRs and hope to get the bigger ones (which are sadly still not merged yet) into next release.
Really appreciate any person working on this project! - Have a nice day :)
- BREAKING CHANGE Added support for specifying an External ID with IAM role Arns (cristiangreco)
# Before
- type: rds
- "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/Prometheus"
# After
- type: rds
- roleArn: "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/Prometheus"
externalId: "shared-external-identifier" # optional
- Add alias for AWS/Cognito service (tohjustin)
- Fix logic in dimensions for Transit Gateway Attachments (rhys-evans)
- Fix bug with scraping intervals (boazreicher)
- Support arm64 builds (alias-dev)
- Fix IgnoreLength logic (dctrwatson)
- Simplify code base (jylitalo)
- Simplify k8s deployments for new users (mahmoud-abdelhafez)
- Handle metrics with '%' in their name (darora)
- Fix classic elb name (nhinds)
- Skip metrics in edge cases (arvidsnet)
Freshly shipped new integrations:
- Certificate Manager (mksh)
- WorkSpaces (kl4w)
- DDoSProtection / Shield (arvidsnet)
- Make exporter a library. (jeschkies)
- Add CLI option to validate config file (zswanson)
- Fix multidimensional static metric (nmiculinic)
- Fix scrapes running in EKS fail after first scrape (rrusso1982)
- Fix Docker build (jeschkies)
- Allow to use this project in China (insectme)
- Fix error retrieving kafka metrics (friedrichg)
Freshly integrated:
- Add AWS/NetworkFirewall (rhys-evans)
- Add AWS/Cassandra (bjhaid)
- Add AWS/AmazonMQ (saez0pub)
- Add AWS/Athena (haarchri)
- Add AWS/Neptune (benjaminaaron)
Thanks to doc fixes: calvinbui
- Fix CI issue
- BREAKING CHANGE Removed a need to use static dimensions in dynamic jobs in cases, when they cannot be parsed from ARNs (AndrewChubatiuk)
# Before metrics: - name: NumberOfObjects statistics: - Average additionalDimensions: - name: StorageType value: AllStorageTypes # After metrics: - name: NumberOfObjects statistics: - Average
- BREAKING CHANGE Use small case for searchTags config option (AndrewChubatiuk)
# Before searchTags: - Key: type Value: public # After searchTags: - key: type value: public ```
- BREAKING CHANGE CloudFront renamed from
# Before - type: cf # After - type: cloudfront ```
- Added regular expressions to parse dimensions from resources (AndrewChubatiuk)
- Added option to use floating time windows (zqad)
- Added CLI option to validate config file (zswanson)
- Added AWS network Firewall (rhys-evans)
- Fixed multidimensional static metric (nmiculinic)
- Tidy up code (jylitalo)
- BREAKING CHANGE Use NaN as default if AWS returns nil (arnitolog)
- Add autodiscovery for AWS/EC2Spot (singhjagmohan1000)
- Add autodiscovery for DocumentDB (haarchri)
- Add autodiscovery for GameLift (jp)
- Added support for fips compliant endpoints (smcavallo)
- Update deps and build with golang 1.15 (smcavallo)
- Add API Gateway IAM info to README (Botono)
- Fix sorting of datapoints, add test util functions (Botono)
- Fix missing DataPoints and improve yace in various ways (vishalraina)
- Added Github action file to basic validation of incoming PR (vishalraina)
- Fix info metrics missing (goya)
- Add rds db clusters (goya)
- Fix missing labels (goya)
- Add sampleCount statistics (udhos)
- Add WAFv2 support (mksh)
- Fix alb issues (reddoggad)
- Add nlb support (reddoggad)
- Big tidy up of code, remove old methods and refactor used ones (jylitalo)
- Fix crashes where labels are not collected correctly (rrusso1982)
- Fix pointer bug causing metrics to be missing (jylitalo)
- Allow more then 25 apigateways to be discovered (udhos)
- Add api-gateway support (smcavallo)
- Improve metrics validation (jylitalo)
- Fix metrics with '<', '>' chars
- Remove error during build
Wow what a release. Thanks to all contributors. This is our biggest release and it made me a lot of fun to see all those contributions. From small doc changes (love those) to major rewrites of big components or new complex features. Thanks!
- BREAKING CHANGE Add support for multiple roleArns (jylitalo)
# Before
- type: rds
roleArn: "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/Prometheus"
# After
- type: rds
- "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/Prometheus"
- Upgrade golang from 1.12 to 1.14
- Major linting of code and improving global code quality. (jylitalo)
- Improve logging (jylitalo)
- Add config validation. (daviddetorres)
- Added support for tags with '@' char included (afroschauer )
- Added Transit Gateway Attachment Metrics (rhys-evans)
- Fix information gathering if no data is retrieved by cloudwatch (daviddetorres)
- Improve docs (calvinbui)
- Add redshift support (smcavallo)
- Allow easier configuration through adding period / addCloudwatchTimestamp setting additionally to job level. (rrusso1982)
- Add initial unit tests (smcavallo)
- Add new configuration to allow snake case labels (rrusso1982)
- Fix complex metric dimension bug (rrusso1982)
- Upgrade golang packages (smcavallo)
- Set up correct partition for ASG for AWS China and GovCloud Regions (smcavallo)
- Add ability to set custom tags to discovery job metrics (goya)
- BREAKING CHANGE Add support for multiple regions (goya)
# Before
- type: rds
region: eu-west-1
# After
- type: rds
- eu-west-1
- Fix missing alb target group metrics (abhi4890 )
- Added support for step functions (smcavallo)
- Added support for sns / firehose (rhys-evans)
- Added support for fsx / appsync (arnitolog)
- Hugh rewrite: Decouple scraping and serving metrics. Thanks so much daviddetorres!
- BREAKING CHANGE Decoupled scraping and set scraping interval to 5 minutes.
The flag 'decoupled-scraping' makes the exporter to scrape Cloudwatch metrics in background in fixed intervals, in stead of each time that the '/metrics' endpoint is fetched. This protects from the abuse of API requests that can cause extra billing in AWS account. This flag is activated by default.
If the flag 'decoupled-scraping' is activated, the flag 'scraping-interval' defines the seconds between scrapes. Its default value is 300.
- Hugh rewrite: Rewrite of metric gathering to reduce API Limit problems. Thanks so much daviddetorres!
- Improvment of ALB data gathering and filtering (daviddetorres)
- Detect and fix bug after merge (deanrock)
- Add cloudfront support (mentos1386)
- Fixed docker run command in (daviddetorres)
- Added support for Nat Gateway / Transit Gateway / Route 53 Resolver (j-nix)
- Added support for ECS/ContainerInsights (daviddetorres)
- Fix pagination for getMetricList (eminugurkenar)
- Change logging to json format (bheight-Zymergen)
- Add support for kafka (eminugurkenar)
- Add structured json logging (bheight-Zymergen)
- Increase code readability (bheight-Zymergen)
- Fix ecs scraping bug (rabunkosar-dd)
- Fix aws cloudwatch period bug (rabunkosar-dd)
- Fix sts api calls without specifying a region (nhinds)
- Update aws-sdk to v1.25.21 (nhinds)
- Fix github actions (nhinds)
- Update aws-sdk-go (deanrock)
- Avoid appending to a shared dimensions variable from inside a loop (nhinds)
- Remove hardcoded StorageType dimension from S3 metric (nhinds)
- Fix problems and crashes with ALBs and ELBs (Deepak1100)
- BREAKING Changing user in Docker image to be non root to adhere to potential security requirements. (whitlekx)
- Fix prometheus metric bug with new services with '-' e.g. ecs-svc.
- Was accidentally with code from 01.14.0-alpha released.
- BREAKING Default command in Dockerfile is changed to yace. This removes the need to add yace as command.
# Before
- "yace"
- "--config.file=/tmp/config.yml"
# After
- "--config.file=/tmp/config.yml"
- Add support for Elastic MapReduce (nhinds)
- Add support for SQS - (alext)
- Add support for ECS Services as ecs-svc
- Add support for NLB
- Add retries to cloudwatch api calls (Deepak1100)
- Fix dimension labels for static jobs (alext)
- Add region as exported label to metrics
- Fix errors with "=" in tags (cdchris12)
- Add curl to container for easy debugging (cdchris12)
- Limit concurrency of aws calls
- Add Autoscaling group support (wjam)
- Fix strange AWS namespace bug for static exports (AWS/EC2/API)
- Add warning if metric length of less than 300s is configured / Interminent metrics
- Fix ALB problems. Target Group metrics are now exported as aws_albtg
aws_albtg_request_count_sum{dimension_LoadBalancer="app/Test-ALB/fec38de4cf0cacb1",dimension_TargetGroup="targetgroup/Test/708ecba11979327b",name="arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:eu-west-1:237935892384916:targetgroup/Test/708dcba119793234"} 0
- CI problem
- BREAKING For some metrics
iam permissions are needed. Please update your role! - BREAKING Add 'v' to indicate it is a version number in docker tag / version output
# Before
# After
- Use golang 1.12.0 to build
- Use goreleaser to release
- Update aws dependencies
- Use github actions as CI
- Migrate dependency management to golang modules
- BREAKING For some metrics
iam permissions are needed. Please update your role! - BREAKING As adding cloudwatch timestamp breaks some metrics I decided to not set it as default anymore.
This should make it easier for new users to have fun with this project.
It fixes for some users
non-histogram and non-summary metrics should not have "_sum" suffix
# Before
- name: FreeStorageSpace
disableTimestamp: true
# After
- name: FreeStorageSpace
# Before
- name: FreeStorageSpace
# After
- name: FreeStorageSpace
useCloudwatchTimestamp: true
- Add ability to specify additional dimensions on discovery jobs e.g. for BucketSizeBytes metrics on S3 (abuchananTW)
- Fix incorrect dimension value in case of alb in discovery config (GeeksWine)
- Add CLI command to debug output
- Add DynamoDB support
- BREAKING Add the exact timestamps from CloudWatch to the exporter Prometheus metrics (LeePorte)
- Add a new option
to not include a timestamp for a specific metric (it can be useful for sparse metrics, e.g. from S3) (LeePorte) - Add support for kinesis (AndrewChubatiuk)
- BREAKING Add snake_case to prometheus metrics (sanchezpaco)
# Before
# After
- Add optional delay setting to scraping (Deepak1100)
period: 60
length: 900
delay: 300
- Reduce usage of listMetrics calls (nhinds)
- Add support of iam roles (nhinds)
- Add optional roleArn setting, which allows scraping with different roles e.g. pull data from mulitple AWS accounts using cross-acount roles (nhinds)
- name: FreeStorageSpace
roleArn: xxx
- 'Sum'
period: 600
length: 60
- Add lambda support (nhinds)
- Fix support for listing multiple statistics per metric (nhinds)
- Add tag labels on metrics for easy querying (nhinds)
# Before
aws_ec2_cpuutilization_average + on (name) group_left(tag_Name) aws_ec2_info
# After, now name tags are on metrics and no grouping needed
- BREAKING Change config syntax. Now you can define tags which are exported as labels on metrics. Before:
- region: eu-west-1
type: "es"
- Key: type
Value: ^(easteregg|k8s)$
- name: FreeStorageSpace
- 'Sum'
period: 600
length: 60
New Syntax with optional exportedTagsOnMetrics:
- Name
- region: eu-west-1
type: "es"
- Key: type
Value: ^(easteregg|k8s)$
- name: FreeStorageSpace
- 'Sum'
period: 600
length: 60
- Added VPN connection metrics (AndrewChubatiuk)
- Added ExtendedStatistics / percentiles (linefeedse)
- Added Average Statistic (AndrewChubatiuk)
- ALB Support (linefeedse)
- Custom lables for static metrics
- namespace: AWS/AutoScaling
region: eu-west-1
- name: AutoScalingGroupName
value: Test
- Key: CustomTag
Value: CustomValue
- name: GroupInServiceInstances
- 'Minimum'
period: 60
length: 300
- Sanitize colons in tags (linefeedse)
- BREAKING: Period/length uses now seconds instead of minutes
- BREAKING: Config file uses new syntax to support static
- Support of --debug flag which outputs some dev debug informations
- Support of metrics who are not included in tags api (e.g. autoscaling metrics)
- discovery:
region: eu-west-1
- name: HealthyHostCount
- 'Minimum'
period: 60
length: 300
New Syntax:
- region: eu-west-1
type: elb
- Key: KubernetesCluster
Value: production
- name: HealthyHostCount
- 'Minimum'
period: 60
length: 300
- namespace: AWS/AutoScaling
region: eu-west-1
- name: AutoScalingGroupName
value: Test
- name: GroupInServiceInstances
- 'Minimum'
period: 60
length: 300
- Support of EFS - Elastic File System
- Support of EBS - Elastic Block Storage
- BREAKING: Config file uses list as statistics config option, this should reduce api calls for more than one statistics.
- discovery:
statistics: 'Maximum'
- discovery:
- 'Maximum'
- Start to track changes in
- Better error handling (discordianfish)
- Increase speed, not only each jobs threaded but now each metric
- Add s3 support
- Fix potential race condition during cloudwatch access
- Fix bug ignoring period in cloudwatch config
- Use interfaces for aws access and prepare code for unit tests
- Implement minimum, average, maximum, sum for cloudwatch api
- Implement way to handle multiple data returned by cloudwatch
- Update go dependencies