The most important thing when working on a team is communication. People need to be able to work together effectively and the only way to do that is by communicating. As developers, we communicate primarily through code. We communicate with other parts of the software through code and we communicate with other developers through code.
Always remember: “Programs are meant to be read by humans and only incidentally for computers to execute.”
We use the Google Java Code Style with line wrap set to 120 columns (our monitors are big!)
How to import XMLs:
Eclipse -> Preferences -> Java -> Code Style -> Code Templates/Formatter
- Import
- Import
intoCode Templates
Note: If you want to generate the comments automatically, you can toggle on Option Automatically add comments for new methods and types
under Code Templates
How to import the Jar:
File -> Import Settings
Select java/intellij/java-code-style-v1.jar
Then, you will be guide to restart the Intellij IDE. All set!
We use airbnb guidelines. Specially 2 spaces indentation.
We follow the PEP8 style guide for Python with a few modifications like 4 spaces -- never tabs -- for indentation.
This is a strict rule and ignoring this can (has) cause(d) bugs.
will help you check that you are not breaking the rules.
We have some checks that are disable like 80 characters max for line length.
pylint . --disable=F0401,E0611,E1124,E1004,C0111,I0011,I0012,W0704,W0142,W0212,W0232,W0613,W0702,R0201,W0614,R0914,R0912,R0915,R0913,R0903,R0904,R0801,C0301
All non-trivial methods should have docstrings. Docstrings should follow guidelines here: PEP257. For more examples, see the Google style guide around docstrings.