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Using Plug ins

Tobe O edited this page Mar 12, 2017 · 7 revisions

Using Plug-ins

Angel is designed to be extensible. As such, it exposes a typedef, AngelConfigurer, that has special privileges within the framework - they act as plug-ins and can be called via app.configure().

Plug-ins simply need to accept an Angel instance as a parameter, and return a Future (the result of which will be ignored, unless it throws an error). Angel instances have several facilities available to be customized, and thus it is easy to use a custom plug-in to bring about desired functionality within your application.

typedef Future AngelConfigurer(Angel app);

As a convention, Angel plug-ins should be hooked up before the call to startServer.

import 'dart:io';
import 'package:angel_framework/angel_framework';

plugin(Angel app) async {
  print("Do stuff here");

main() async {
  Angel app = new Angel();
  await app.configure(plugin);
  await app.startServer();

Execution Order

Plugins are usually immediately invoked by app.configure(). However, you may run into certain plug-ins, such as WebSocket support, that depend on other facilities already being available, or all of your services already being mounted. You can set aside a plug-in to be run just before server startup (a call to app.startServer()) by adding it to app.justBeforeStart, instead of directly calling app.configure().

  new AngelWebSocket(),

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