Welcome to the FreeCodeCamp Python Curriculum contributing guidelines. Here you will find information on:
- Reporting bugs
- Suggesting a new feature
- Suggesting a new challenge
- Fixing/Updating an existing challenge
- Fork this repo
- Clone to your machine
into repository directory- run
npm install
- ren
npm run start
to start application - Code!
Have you discovered a bug within the application?
- Open a new issue titled: '[Bug] Title/Description of bug'
- Include which machine, browser & version bug was discovered on
- Include steps to reproduce the bug
Have an idea for a feature to make the app better?
- Open a new issue titled: '[New Feature] Feature title'
- Include a brief description what it is and how it will benefit application
- Propose some sort of pseudocode for how to potentially implement this feature
Want to add to the curriculum?
- Open a new issue titled: '[New Challenge] Challenge title'
- Include why this would benefit the curriculum
- Include resources needed to write the challenge
Find a mistake in an existing challenge?
- Open a new issue titled: '[Fix Challenge] Challenge title'
- Indicate whats wrong with the challenge
- Propose what needs to be done to fix it if applicable
We couldn't do this without you ❤️