Visa gets 10% MC gets 5% interest Discover gets 1% interest
Each Card Type can have multiple cards and there can be multiple Wallets for a Person.
NOTE: SIMPLE INTEREST for this test case (means 1 month of interest, if the interest rate is 10% and the amount is 100.00 – interest in this case would be 10.00)
- 1 person has 1 wallet and 3 cards (1 Visa, 1 MC 1 Discover) – Each Card has a balance of $100 – calculate the total interest (simple interest) for this person and per card.
- 1 person has 2 wallets Wallet 1 has a Visa and Discover , wallet 2 a MC - each card has $100 balance - calculate the total interest(simple interest) for this person and interest per wallet
- 2 people have 1 wallet each, person 1 has 1 wallet , with 2 cards MC and visa person 2 has 1 wallet – 1 visa and 1 MC - each card has $100 balance - calculate the total interest(simple interest) for each person and interest per wallet
First Challange: 16.0
Second Challange: 16.0
Third Challange: 30.0