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155 lines (74 loc) · 5.92 KB

File metadata and controls

155 lines (74 loc) · 5.92 KB

A ghc llvm backend plugin

This is a plugin that hooks into ghc's compiliation pipeline to produce bitcode as a result.

Running it

via nix

See data-bitcode-plugin-env.

via stack

Compile the plugin:

data-bitcode-plugin $ stack build

And compile a test module:

$ stack ghc -- Test.hs -fplugin Data.BitCode.Plugin -fllvm # -fllvm -keep-llvm-files are useful flags to compare it to the stock llvm backend.

This however requires that the ghc supports the extended plugin interface.

To see what the resulting llvm ir is, use the llvm-dis tool.

$ llvm-dis < File.bc | less

Supported plugin flags

  • -dump-ast: can be used to print the internal module representation for inspection.
  • -dump-module: will write a Data.Binary serialized version of the internal bitcode representation into a .bcbin file. (to be used with -keep-llvm-files), that can be used to analyze potential performance issues (from the bitcode represetioatn onwards) in isolation.

Plugin arguments can be specified as -fplugin-opt Data.BitCode.Plugin:-dump-ast for example.

Wishlist (TODOs)

  • The EDSL does not support function level VSTs, and hence we do not have names for variable. This makes reading the produced llvm ir (via llvm-dis) quite hard (e.g. you do not know immediately what which register value is.)
  • Fix the GHC plugin system, to parse files first before parsing commandline arguments. Otherwise {-# ... #-} is lost. e.g. this {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin Data.BitCode.Plugin #-} is not picked up correctly.
  • Properly use plugin arguments. (Would likely required the whole plugin to run through a reader.)
    • Allow things like -dump-typetable, -dump-valuetable, -dump-ast, -dump-statements
  • Turn the plugin into an ExceptT and use catchE to find lower level exceptions.
  • More pervasive use of Text.PrettyPrint
  • Fix ExternallyVisible. We expose everything right now.

GHC Compilation Pipeline:

in general keep the phases and platform data types. If
we wanted to introduce new phases or platforms, adding this
to GHC should be a minor issue.
 class PipelineDriver where
   (1x) nextPhase :: DynFlags -> Phase -> Phase
   (3x) startPhase :: String -> Phase
   (6x) phaseInputExt :: Phase -> String

-- might want to customize the objish_suffixes, ..., dynlib_suffixes as well.

Maybe it's better to have hook functions for these three functions?
hookedNextPhase :: (DynFlags -> Phase -> Phase) -> DynFlags -> Phase -> Phase
hookedNextPhase super dflags phase

  | runPhase (RealPhase CmmCpp)|
  +--------------------------+   next_phase = hscPostBackendPhase dflags HsSrcFile hsc_lang   +-----------------------------------+
  | runPhase (RealPhase Cmm) |   output_fn  = phaseOutputFilename next_phase                  | hscPostBackendPhase               |
  +-----------|--------------+                - phaseOutputFilename stop_phase                | _ HsBootFile   _    = StopLn      |
              |                                                     output_spec               | _ HsigFile     _    = StopLn      |
              v                                                     src_basename              | d _            HscC = HCc         |
   +-------------------------+                                      dflags                    | d _            HscAsm = Splitter if SplitObj            
   | hscCompileCmmFile       |                                      next_phase                |                         As False else       
   +----------|--------------+                                      maybe_loc                 | d _            HscLlvm = LlvmOpt  |
              |                                 - getOutputFilename                           | d _            HscNothing = StopLn|
              |                                   nextPhase == stopPhase                      | d _            HscInterpreted = StopLn
              v                                    && Persistent - persistent_fn              +-----------------------------------+
  +---------------------------+                    && SpecificFile - outputfile dflags
  | codeOutput                |                   As && Opt_KeepS - persistent_fn     
  |                           |                   HCc && Opt_KeepHc - persistent_fn  
  |                           |                   LlvmOpt && Opt_KeepLlvmFiles - persistent_fn 
  |                           |                   ^
  +---------------------------+                   +- nextPhase  
                                                  Otherwise - newTempName dflags suffix

                                                  suffix Hcc       -> hcsuf
                                                         MergeStug -> osuf
                                                         StopLn    -> osuf
                                                         _other    -> phaseInputExt _other