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Implements Classification using Naive Bayes and Multi-Class SVM (One-VS-All & One-VS-One) techniques
This folder contains code(+data), figures, and report in respective folders for the Assignment Specification in HW3_Student.pdf
The folder contains part2.m, partNaiveBayes.dat (DATA), SVM.dat (DATA), part3.m as part of the source code for respective parts of the assignment
CTG.csv, are the actual data files
Although the code will work even if the data files (.dat) are not present, it is still included here for convenience
decisiontree.png is the diagram for the decision tree as part of theory
aisraney_hw3_report.pdf is the final solution report
The version of matlab used here is r2016b (Drexel software)
Instructions for Drexel's Tux cluster
into the directory
type in matlab -r "run part2.m"
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