jupyter | ||||||||||||||||||||||
- AL 190928: For pupil tracking i/o. Uses (poorly documented) code from TIS on DMK 72BUC02.
setCameraDefaults sets our defaults:
- DMK 72BUC02 7610448
- 7800 (640x480)
- 15.0 fps
To use a different camera or settings, open the device selection dialog.
Note that the camera parameters for a different model may be different, so setting them may throw errors.
import os, sys
import tisgrabber as ic
import ICtools
# init camera object
cam = ic.TIS_CAM()
# or do this: open device selection GUI
# cam.ShowDeviceSelectionDialog()
Figure out the params in IC Capture first, then enter them here.
params = {
'brightness': 0, # default 0
'contrast': 0, # default 0
'gain': 7, # int or 'auto', case sensitive
'exposure': 1/15, # same as framerate
'exposureAutoRef': 128, # default 128
'exposureAutoMax': 1/15, # no 'auto' here
'highlightReduction': False, # bool
'sharpness': 0, # default 0
'gamma': 100, # default 100
'denoise': 0, # default 0
'autoCenter': False, # bool, keep false if setting manually
'xOffset': 1168, # adjust to IC Capture
'yOffset': 0, # adjust to IC Capture
'trigger': False, # bool, we don't have one
'strobe': False, # bool, default True
'strobePolarity': False, # bool, default False
'toneMapping': False # bool
ICtools.setCameraParams(cam, params)
- Using Labjack to send TTL pulses now (no strobe)
# the preceding r is needed for windows
animal = 'i2224-post-behav'
outdir = r'C:\Users\histedlabuser\Videos\pupilTracking\191001-i2224'
stack = ICtools.acquireStack(cam, nFrames=1800, downscaleTuple=(1,2,2),
animal=animal, outdir=outdir)
If you want to look at the feed without acquiring. Returns 1 on success.
# window stops responding if you click on it?
cam.StartLive(1) # 1 makes a window pop up, showing you the image