THDM (Temperature, Humidity and Dust density Monitoring) is for air quality monitoring through the internet. Temperature, humidity and dust density are currently supported.
- Getting sensor data (temperature, humidity and dust density) for air quality measurement
- Periodic reporting sensor data via to server (THD Server)
- Storing reported sensor data to database (mongodb)
- Visualizing instantaneous and past sensor data via internet (monitoring web page)
- Standalone operation (no need Raspberry pi or any kind of servers)
- Status lookup via 3 color LED
- Wifi network configurations
- Main Page
- Graph page
- Table page
A list of hardware components for THDM Sensors:
WeMos D1 WiFi uno based ESP8266 shield for arduino compatible
The information of the board can be found in
I bought the part in this link. -
Temperature and humidity sensor module (KY-015)
This module seems nothing but the temperature and humidity sensor (DHT-11) and a resistor. You may need a 5K resistor if you use the sensor directly.
The information of the sensor is in -
Sharp dust sensor (GP2Y1010AU0F)
The datasheet of the sensor is in
You may need a 150-ohm resistor and 220uF capacitor to use the sensor, or you can use a dust sensor adapter ( -
3 color LED (KY-009)
For more information, you can refer (In my case, the pins for red and green was changed from the printing.)
Connections of hardware components:
WeMos D1
A0 - Input from dust sensor part (PIN5 of GP2Y1010AU0F)
D3 - Output to dust sensor part (PIN3 of GP2Y1010AU0F)
D4 - Output/input with temperature and humidity sensor module (PIN S of KY-015)
D5 - Output to 3 color LED (RED pin)
D6 - Output to 3 color LED (GREEN pin)
D7 - Output to 3 color LED (BLUE pin)
3.3V - Vcc to all the components (dust sensor part and temperature and humidity sensor module)
GND - Ground to all the components
Software components (including libraries):
DHT sensor library
Socket-IO (
Used for initial information transfer (this is an optional procedure).
WiFiManager (
Used WiFiManager library for easy and flexible on-board Wifi configurations.
Google chart (
Google chart APIs to plot instantaneous and past sensor data with line and gauge charts. I've used the example code in ESP8266 Webserver using Google Chart Objects article to use Google char API by using Arduino board (Wemos D1) alone (without any database and Node.js servers).
- Uploaded a snapshot (v0.0.2) of THD Sensor and Server codes in the examples directory. (2016-05-21)
- Uploaded a snapshot (v0.0.5) of THD Sensor in the examples directory. (2016-07-15)