This project is a Social Media platform, It's made for live private/group chat & Video/Audio Call, project allow to share stories. used for live chat , WebRTC / PeerJs (for peer 2 peer) used for live Video/Audio Calls.
- Pwa
- Google Login & Sign up
- Friends Logic (If you message each other)
- Live Chat Private/Group
- Live Call Video/Audio
- User Online/Offline/Typing Status
- Unreaded Messages Count
- File Share (Audio, Video, Image )
- Create/Edit/Delete Group
- Admin can add members to the group if they are friends
- Share Stories
- Stories Video Controls - AutoPlay/SeekBar/When Click On Video if paused it will play or not it will pause
- Search for Users (name search for friends, global id/number search)
- Search for Group (only for joined groups)
- Account Edit Option
- Messages Copy/Delete/Delete Entire Chat Options
- Light & Dark mode
- Responsive Design
Make sure you have installed all of the following prerequisites on your development machine:
- Node Js & Npm Download and Install
- MongoDB Download and Install
- Git Download and Install #websocket #webrtc #peerjs
#vite #reactjs #scss #redux-toolkit
#nodejs #expressjs #mongodb #jsonwebtoken authentication
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file in server directory
= 5000
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env.local file in client directory
#Google login api client id
= http://localhost:5000
#back end url for work api
Clone the project
git clone
##To Start BackEnd
Go to the server directory
cd Social-Media/server
Install dependencies
npm install
npm start
##To Start FrontEnd
Go to the client directory
cd Social-Media/client
Install dependencies
npm install
npm run dev