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MpiOption doesnt work in run_dyna when working directory is something other than the current directory #659

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kanthadya opened this issue Jan 9, 2025 · 0 comments
bug Something isn't working


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🐞 Description of the bug

CalledProcessError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[40], line 3
1 from import run_dyna, MpiOption
----> 3 run_dyna(r"D:\PYDYNA_AFT\WORKSHOP\input.k",mpi_option=MpiOption.MPP_MS_MPI, working_directory="./kwd_out", container_env=0)

File ~.ansys_python_venvs\pydyna_workshop_25_v1\lib\site-packages\ansys\dyna\core\run\, in run_dyna(input, **kwargs)
158 runner = get_runner(**kwargs)
159 runner.set_input(input_file, wdir)
--> 161 result =
162 if container != None and kwargs.get("stream", True) is False:
163 return result

File ~.ansys_python_venvs\pydyna_workshop_25_v1\lib\site-packages\ansys\dyna\core\run\, in
96 """Run LS-DYNA."""
97 self._write_runscript()
---> 98 subprocess.check_call(
99 f"cmd /c {self._scriptname}",
100 shell=False,
101 universal_newlines=True,
102 cwd=self.working_directory,
103 stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
104 stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
105 stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
106 )

File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\, in check_call(*popenargs, **kwargs)
367 if cmd is None:
368 cmd = popenargs[0]
--> 369 raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
370 return 0

CalledProcessError: Command 'cmd /c lsruncommand.bat' returned non-zero exit status 4294967292.

📝 Steps to reproduce

run_dyna(r"D:\PYDYNA_AFT\WORKSHOP\input.k",mpi_option=MpiOption.MPP_MS_MPI, working_directory="./kwd_out", container_env=0)

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📦 Installed packages

ansys-api-dyna                        0.4.1
ansys-api-platform-instancemanagement 1.1.0
ansys-dpf-core                        0.13.3
ansys-dpf-server-2025-1-pre0          2025.1rc0      d:\simai\ansys_dpf_server_win_v2025.1.pre0
ansys-dyna-core                       0.6.1
ansys-platform-instancemanagement     1.1.2
ansys-tools-path                      0.7.1
anyio                                 4.8.0
appdirs                               1.4.4
argon2-cffi                           23.1.0
argon2-cffi-bindings                  21.2.0
arrow                                 1.3.0
asttokens                             3.0.0
async-lru                             2.0.4
attrs                                 24.3.0
babel                                 2.16.0
beautifulsoup4                        4.12.3
bleach                                6.2.0
cachetools                            5.5.0
certifi                               2024.12.14
cffi                                  1.17.1
charset-normalizer                    3.4.1
click                                 8.1.8
colorama                              0.4.6
comm                                  0.2.2
contourpy                             1.3.1
cycler                                0.12.1
debugpy                               1.8.11
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google-auth                           2.37.0
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googleapis-common-protos              1.66.0
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h11                                   0.14.0
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httpcore                              1.0.7
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idna                                  3.10
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Pygments                              2.19.1
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@kanthadya kanthadya added the bug Something isn't working label Jan 9, 2025
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bug Something isn't working
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