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Wrong legend when importing launch_mapdl #2700
Hi @germa89, any idea of what could be causing a conflict in the pymapdl import? I know there is a PyVista custom theme set-up but I do not see why it would result in this... |
I think that issue is related to this PR: #2295 But I need to keep investigating and I cannot this week, so I'm transferring this issue to PyMAPDL just to not lose track of it. If it is a PyDPF issue, I will transfer it back with my findings as a comment. |
Hi @germa89. Is there any progress on this issue? |
I'm a bit busy with other stuff. Since this is not a big issue, I am delaying working on this. You are welcome to convince me otherwise though! |
Actually.... I quickly tested... that bug is not shown when using PyMAPDL as it is in |
@germa89 Thanks for looking into the issue. I upgraded to the |
@janvonrickenbach ... I would say soon... in the next week or so :) |
@germa89 any update on the release schedule? |
Between today and tomorrow @greschd |
I'm happy to let you know that PyMAPDL v0.68.0 has been released! https://github.com/ansys/pymapdl/releases/tag/v0.68.0
Before submitting the issue
Description of the bug
The plot legend is messed up if there is a launch_mapdl import after the dpf imports. Download the attached serialized field ("field.log") and run the snippet below. This results in the following output:
If the imports in are switched (first the launch_mapdl import), the plot looks as expected:
Note: Uses current dev version of server.
Steps To Reproduce
See Description
Which Operating System causes the issue?
Which DPF/Ansys version are you using?
Ansys 2024 R1
Which Python version causes the issue?
Installed packages
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