- Declared compatibility with 2025.1.
- Added a project scan progress indicator.
- Allowed "intellij" word into plugin id.
- Fixed: "Deprecated class ProjectFileIndex.SERVICE is referenced in ApiHelpers.Companion.getModelForFile$lambda$0(...)".
- Fixed: "Deprecated class ServiceManager is referenced in SettingsStorage.Companion.getInstance(Project)".
- Fixed: "Deprecated constructor URL.(String) is invoked in VFSListener.doMoveSourceFolderBefore(...)" and "Deprecated constructor URL.(String) is invoked in VFSListener.doMoveSourceFolderAfter(...)".
- Fixed: "Deprecated constructor java.net.URL.(java.lang.String spec) is invoked in com.github.intellij.plugins.mt4ij.listeners.VFSListener.doMoveSourceFolderAfter(Project, String, VirtualFile, boolean) : void".
- Fixed: "Deprecated method MavenProjectsManager.addManagerListener(...) is invoked in ProjectStartupActivity.registerMavenListener(...)".
- Fixed: "Deprecated method ServiceManager.getService(Project, Class) is invoked in SettingsStorage.Companion.getInstance(Project)".
- Fixed: "Internal method Module.getModuleTypeName() is invoked in ApiHelpers.Companion.getModelForFile(...). This method is marked with @ApiStatus.Internal annotation or @IntellijInternalApi annotation and indicates that the method is not supposed to be used in client code.".
- Minor code cleanup.
- Settings form: fixed thread context invoke.
- Settings form: not showing fixed.
- Settings form: updated Build Tools label.
- Updated
- Declared compatibility with 2024.3.
- Declared compatibility with 2024.2.
- Fixed compatibility with 2024.1.
- Migrated com.github.intellij.plugins.mt4ij.activities.ProjectStartupActivity to ProjectActivity.
- Declared compatibility with 2024.1.
- Declared compatibility with #IC-233.*.
- Fix for "com.intellij.diagnostic.PluginException: No display name is specified for configurable com.github.intellij.plugins.mt4ij.config.SettingsConfigurable in xml file;".
- Declared compatibility with #IC-232.*.
- CHANGELOG not showing 1.2.0 changes fixup.
- Fixed: "Must not use
property onTest
together withjavaLauncher
- Gradle plugins upgrade.
- Fixed: "java.lang.Throwable: Read access is allowed from inside read-action (or EDT) only (see com.intellij.openapi.application.Application.runReadAction())".
- Declared compatibility with #IC-231.*.
- Declared compatibility with #IC-223.*.
- Declared compatibility with #IC-222.*.
- Declared compatibility with #IC-221.5080.210 (2022.1).
- Declared compatibility with #IC-221.5080.210 (2022.1).
- Implemented listener for Maven project import event.
- Improved dependency from Java IDE and Maven plugin.
- Improved usage instructions.
- Improved/Fixed VFS listener.
- Typo fix.
- Typo fix.
- Implemented listener for Maven project import event.
- Improved dependency from Java IDE and Maven plugin.
- Improved usage instructions.
- Improved/Fixed VFS listener.
- Added project scanning as menu item into project view popup menù.
- Enabled QODANA build for develop branch too.
- Fixed QODANA hints.
- Managed (again) get active project timeout.
- Fixed CHANGELOG for missing Unreleased which causes build failure on GitHub.
- Added project scanning on settings apply.
- Added project scanning as menu item into Tools menù.
- Made settings panel searchable.
- Reduced get active project timeout.
- Added the post load project scanning for missing source/test folders.
- Fixed get active project timeout exception.
- Missing
on configuration panel label.
- Fixed unsafe project source folders updates.
- Moved settings file mt4ij.xml to .idea project folder (Thank you to Vojtěch Krása and Petr Makhnev).
- Added org.jetbrains.idea.maven dependency declaration.
- Customized plugin icon.
- Fixed folder name detection from contains to endsWith.
- Initial plugin revision (it contains some small architectural bugs).