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2658 lines (2255 loc) · 132 KB

BigML PHP Bindings

In this repository you'll find an open source PHP client that gives you a simple binding to interact with BigML.

This module is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.


PHP 5.3.2 or higher are currently supported by these bindings.

You need mbstring. installed And Https Module Support for Curl.

Importing the module

To import the module:

include 'bigml.php';

Autoload Class in PHP 5:

function __autoload($class_name) {
    if (!class_exists($class_name, false)){
        include $class_name . '.php';


All the requests to must be authenticated using your username and API key. and are always transmitted over HTTPS.

This module will look for your username and API key in the environment variables BIGML_USERNAME and BIGML_API_KEY respectively. You can add the following lines to your .bashrc or .bash_profile to set those variables automatically when you log in:

export BIGML_USERNAME=myusername
export BIGML_API_KEY=a11e579e7e53fb9abd646a6ff8aa99d4afe83ac2

With that environment set up, connecting to BigML is a breeze:

$api = new BigML();

You can initialize directly when instantiating the BigML class as follows:

$api = new BigML("myusername", "my_api_key");

Also, you can initialize the library to work in the Sandbox environment by passing the parameter dev_mode:

$api = new BigML("myusername", "my_api_key", true);

Setting the storage argument in the api instantiation:

$api = new BigML("myusername", "my_api_key", true, 'storage/data');

all the generated, updated or retrieved resources will be automatically saved to the chosen directory.

For Virtual Private Cloud setups, you can change the remote server domain:

$api = new BigML("myusername", "my_api_key", true, 'storage/data',;

Quick Start

Imagine that you want to use this csv file containing the Iris flower dataset to predict the species of a flower whose sepal length is 5 and whose sepal width is 2.5. A preview of the dataset is shown below. It has 4 numeric fields: sepal length, sepal width, petal length, petal width and a categorical field: species. By default, BigML considers the last field in the dataset as the objective field (i.e., the field that you want to generate predictions for).

sepal length,sepal width,petal length,petal width,species

You can easily generate a prediction following these steps:

$api = new BigML("myusername", "my_api_key");

$source = $api->create_source('./tests/data/iris.csv');
$dataset = $api->create_dataset($source);
$model = $api->create_model($dataset);
$prediction = $api->create_prediction($model, array('sepal length'=> 5, 'sepal width'=> 2.5));


$objective_field_name = $prediction->object->fields->{$prediction->object->objective_fields[0]}->name;

"petal width"

$value = $prediction->object->prediction->{$prediction->object->objective_fields[0]};



petal width for {"sepal length":5,"sepal width":2.5} is 0.30455

or get data direct:

also generate an evaluation for the model by using:

$test_source = $api->create_source('./tests/data/iris.csv');
$test_dataset = $api->create_dataset($test_source);
$evaluation = $api->create_evaluation($model, $test_dataset);


If you want to get some basic statistics for each field you can retrieve the fields from the dataset as follows to get a dictionary keyed by field id:

$dataset = $api->get_dataset($dataset);

The field filtering options are also available using a query string expression, for instance:

$dataset = $api->get_dataset($dataset, "limit=20")

limits the number of fields that will be included in dataset to 20.


One of the greatest things about BigML is that the models that it generates for you are fully white-boxed. To get the explicit tree-like predictive model for the example above:

$model = $api->get_model($model_id);


stdClass Object
[children] => Array
        [0] => stdClass Object
                [children] => Array
                        [0] => stdClass Object...

Again, filtering options are also available using a query string expression, for instance:

$model = $api->get_model($model_id, "limit=5");

limits the number of fields that will be included in model to 5.


The predictive performance of a model can be measured using many different measures. In BigML these measures can be obtained by creating evaluations. To create an evaluation you need the id of the model you are evaluating and the id of the dataset that contains the data to be tested with. The result is shown as:

$evaluation = $api->get_evaluation($evaluation_id);


For unsupervised learning problems, the cluster is used to classify in a limited number of groups your training data. The cluster structure is defined by the centers of each group of data, named centroids, and the data enclosed in the group. As for in the model’s case, the cluster is a white-box resource and can be retrieved as a JSON:

$cluster = $api->get_cluster($cluster_id)

Anomaly detector

For anomaly detection problems, BigML anomaly detector uses iforest as an unsupervised kind of model that detects anomalous data in a dataset. The information it returns encloses a top_anomalies block that contains a list of the most anomalous points. For each, we capture a score from 0 to 1. The closer to 1, the more anomalous. We also capture the row which gives values for each field in the order defined by input_fields. Similarly we give a list of importances which match the row values. These importances tell us which values contributed most to the anomaly score. Thus, the structure of an anomaly detector is similar to:

{   'category': 0,
'code': 200,
'columns': 14,
'constraints': False,
'created': '2014-09-08T18:51:11.893000',
'credits': 0.11653518676757812,
'credits_per_prediction': 0.0,
'dataset': 'dataset/540dfa9d9841fa5c88000765',
'dataset_field_types': {   'categorical': 21,
                           'datetime': 0,
                           'numeric': 21,
                           'preferred': 14,
                           'text': 0,
                           'total': 42},
'dataset_status': True,
'dataset_type': 0,
'description': '',
'excluded_fields': [],
'fields_meta': {   'count': 14,
                   'limit': 1000,
                   'offset': 0,
                   'query_total': 14,
                   'total': 14},
'forest_size': 128,
'input_fields': [   '000004',
'locale': 'en_US',
'max_columns': 42,
'max_rows': 200,
'model': {   'fields': {   '000004': {   'column_number': 4,
                                         'datatype': 'int16',
                                         'name': 'src_bytes',
                                         'optype': 'numeric',
                                         'order': 0,
                                         'preferred': True,
                                         'summary': {   'bins': [   [   143,
                                                                    [   370,
                                                        'maximum': 370,
                                                        'mean': 248.235,
                                                        'median': 234.57157,
                                                        'minimum': 141,
                                                        'missing_count': 0,
                                                        'population': 200,
                                                        'splits': [   159.92462,
                                                        'standard_deviation': 49.39869,
                                                        'sum': 49647,
                                                        'sum_squares': 12809729,
                                                        'variance': 2440.23093}},
                           '000005': {   'column_number': 5,
                                         'datatype': 'int32',
                                         'name': 'dst_bytes',
                                         'optype': 'numeric',
                                         'order': 1,
                                         'preferred': True,
                                                        'sum': 1030851,
                                                        'sum_squares': 22764504759,
                                                        'variance': 87694652.45224}},
                           '000009': {   'column_number': 9,
                                         'datatype': 'string',
                                         'name': 'hot',
                                         'optype': 'categorical',
                                         'order': 2,
                                         'preferred': True,
                                         'summary': {   'categories': [   [   '0',
                                                                          [   '1',
                                                        'missing_count': 0},
                                         'term_analysis': {   'enabled': True}},
                           '000016': {   'column_number': 22,
                                         'datatype': 'int8',
                                         'name': 'count',
                                         'optype': 'numeric',
                                         'order': 3,
                                         'preferred': True,
                                                        'population': 200,
                                                        'standard_deviation': 5.42421,
                                                        'sum': 1351,
                                                        'sum_squares': 14981,
                                                        'variance': 29.42209}},
                           '000017': { ... }}},
             'kind': 'iforest',
             'mean_depth': 12.314174107142858,
             'top_anomalies': [   {   'importance': [   0.06768,
                                      'row': [   183.0,
                                      'score': 0.68782},
                                  {   'importance': [   0.05645,
                                      'row': [   212.0,
                                      'score': 0.6239},
             'trees': [   {   'root': {   'children': [   {   'children': [   {   'children': [   {   'children': [   {   'children':[   {   'population': 1,
                                                                                                                          'predicates': [   {   'field': '00001f',
                                                                                                                                                'op': '>',
                                                                                                                                                'value': 35.54357}]},

                                                                                                                      {   'population': 1,
                                                                                                                          'predicates': [   {   'field': '00001f',
                                                                                                                                                'op': '<=',
                                                                                                                                                'value': 35.54357}]}],
                                                                                                      'population': 2,
                                                                                                      'predicates': [   {   'field': '000005',
                                                                                                                            'op': '<=',
                                                                                                                            'value': 1385.5166}]}],
                                                                                  'population': 3,
                                                                                  'predicates': [   {   'field': '000020',
                                                                                                        'op': '<=',
                                                                                                        'value': 65.14308},
                                                                                                    {   'field': '000019',
                                                                                                        'op': '=',
                                                                                                        'value': 0}]}],
                                                              'population': 105,
                                                              'predicates': [   {   'field': '000017',
                                                                                    'op': '<=',
                                                                                    'value': 13.21754},
                                                                                {   'field': '000009',
                                                                                    'op': 'in',
                                                                                    'value': [   '0']}]}],
                                          'population': 126,
                                          'predicates': [   True,
                                                            {   'field': '000018',
                                                                'op': '=',
                                                                'value': 0}]},
                              'training_mean_depth': 11.071428571428571}]},
'name': "tiny_kdd's dataset anomaly detector",
'number_of_batchscores': 0,
'number_of_public_predictions': 0,
'number_of_scores': 0,
'out_of_bag': False,
'price': 0.0,
'private': True,
'project': None,
'range': [1, 200],
'replacement': False,
'resource': 'anomaly/540dfa9f9841fa5c8800076a',
'rows': 200,
'sample_rate': 1.0,
'sample_size': 126,
'seed': 'BigML',
'shared': False,
'size': 30549,
'source': 'source/540dfa979841fa5c7f000363',
'source_status': True,
'status': {   'code': 5,
              'elapsed': 32397,
              'message': 'The anomaly detector has been created',
              'progress': 1.0},
'subscription': False,
'tags': [],
'updated': '2014-09-08T23:54:28.647000',
'white_box': False}


To provide quick access to your row data you can create a sample. Samples are in-memory objects that can be queried for subsets of data by limiting their size, the fields or the rows returned. The structure of a sample would be:

Samples are not permanent objects. Once they are created, they will be available as long as GETs are requested within periods smaller than a pre-established TTL (Time to Live). The expiration timer of a sample is reset every time a new GET is received.

If requested, a sample can also perform linear regression and compute Pearson's and Spearman's correlations for either one numeric field against all other numeric fields or between two specific numeric fields.


A correlation resource contains a series of computations that reflect the degree of dependence between the field set as objective for your predictions and the rest of fields in your dataset. The dependence degree is obtained by comparing the distributions in every objective and non-objective field pair, as independent fields should have probabilistic independent distributions. Depending on the types of the fields to compare, the metrics used to compute the correlation degree will be:

An example of the correlation resource JSON structure is:

{   u'category': 0,
    u'clones': 0,
    u'code': 200,
    u'columns': 5,
    u'correlations': {   u'correlations': [   {   u'name': u'one_way_anova',
                                                  u'result': {   u'000000': {   u'eta_square': 0.61871,
                                                                                u'f_ratio': 119.2645,
                                                                                u'p_value': 0,
                                                                                u'significant': [   True,
                                                                 u'000001': {   u'eta_square': 0.40078,
                                                                                u'f_ratio': 49.16004,
                                                                                u'p_value': 0,
                                                                                u'significant': [   True,
                                                                 u'000002': {   u'eta_square': 0.94137,
                                                                                u'f_ratio': 1180.16118,
                                                                                u'p_value': 0,
                                                                                u'significant': [   True,
                                                                 u'000003': {   u'eta_square': 0.92888,
                                                                                u'f_ratio': 960.00715,
                                                                                u'p_value': 0,
                                                                                u'significant': [   True,
                         u'fields': {   u'000000': {   u'column_number': 0,
                                                       u'datatype': u'double',
                                                       u'idx': 0,
                                                       u'name': u'sepal length',
                                                       u'optype': u'numeric',
                                                       u'order': 0,
                                                       u'preferred': True,
                                                       u'summary': {   u'bins': [   [   4.3,
                                                                                    [   4.425,
                                                                                    [   7.9,
                                                                       u'kurtosis': -0.57357,
                                                                       u'maximum': 7.9,
                                                                       u'mean': 5.84333,
                                                                       u'median': 5.8,
                                                                       u'minimum': 4.3,
                                                                       u'missing_count': 0,
                                                                       u'population': 150,
                                                                       u'skewness': 0.31175,
                                                                       u'splits': [   4.51526,
                                                                       u'standard_deviation': 0.82807,
                                                                       u'sum': 876.5,
                                                                       u'sum_squares': 5223.85,
                                                                       u'variance': 0.68569}},
                                        u'000001': {   u'column_number': 1,
                                                       u'datatype': u'double',
                                                       u'idx': 1,
                                                       u'name': u'sepal width',
                                                       u'optype': u'numeric',
                                                       u'order': 1,
                                                       u'preferred': True,
                                                       u'summary': {   u'counts': [   [   2,
                                                                                      [   2.2,
                                        u'000004': {   u'column_number': 4,
                                                       u'datatype': u'string',
                                                       u'idx': 4,
                                                       u'name': u'species',
                                                       u'optype': u'categorical',
                                                       u'order': 4,
                                                       u'preferred': True,
                                                       u'summary': {   u'categories': [   [   u'Iris-setosa',
                                                                                          [   u'Iris-versicolor',
                                                                                          [   u'Iris-virginica',
                                                                       u'missing_count': 0},
                                                       u'term_analysis': {   u'enabled': True}}},
                         u'significance_levels': [0.01, 0.05, 0.1]},
    u'created': u'2015-07-28T18:07:37.010000',
    u'credits': 0.017581939697265625,
    u'dataset': u'dataset/55b7a6749841fa2500000d41',
    u'dataset_status': True,
    u'dataset_type': 0,
    u'description': u'',
    u'excluded_fields': [],
    u'fields_meta': {   u'count': 5,
                        u'limit': 1000,
                        u'offset': 0,
                        u'query_total': 5,
                        u'total': 5},
    u'input_fields': [u'000000', u'000001', u'000002', u'000003'],
    u'locale': u'en_US',
    u'max_columns': 5,
    u'max_rows': 150,
    u'name': u"iris' dataset correlation",
    u'objective_field_details': {   u'column_number': 4,
                                    u'datatype': u'string',
                                    u'name': u'species',
                                    u'optype': u'categorical',
                                    u'order': 4},
    u'out_of_bag': False,
    u'price': 0.0,
    u'private': True,
    u'project': None,
    u'range': [1, 150],
    u'replacement': False,
    u'resource': u'correlation/55b7c4e99841fa24f20009bf',
    u'rows': 150,
    u'sample_rate': 1.0,
    u'shared': False,
    u'size': 4609,
    u'source': u'source/55b7a6729841fa24f100036a',
    u'source_status': True,
    u'status': {   u'code': 5,
                   u'elapsed': 274,
                   u'message': u'The correlation has been created',
                   u'progress': 1.0},
    u'subscription': True,
    u'tags': [],
    u'updated': u'2015-07-28T18:07:49.057000',
    u'white_box': False}

Note that the output in the snippet above has been abbreviated. As you see, the correlations attribute contains the information about each field correlation to the objective field.

Statistical Tests

A statisticaltest resource contains a series of tests that compare the distribution of data in each numeric field of a dataset to certain canonical distributions, such as the normal distribution or Benford's law distribution. Statistical test are useful in tasks such as fraud, normality, or outlier detection.

  • Fraud Detection Tests:

Benford: This statistical test performs a comparison of the distribution of first significant digits (FSDs) of each value of the field to the Benford's law distribution. Benford's law applies to numerical distributions spanning several orders of magnitude, such as the values found on financial balance sheets. It states that the frequency distribution of leading, or first significant digits (FSD) in such distributions is not uniform. On the contrary, lower digits like 1 and 2 occur disproportionately often as leading significant digits. The test compares the distribution in the field to Bendford's distribution using a Chi-square goodness-of-fit test, and Cho-Gaines d test. If a field has a dissimilar distribution, it may contain anomalous or fraudulent values.

  • Normality tests:

These tests can be used to confirm the assumption that the data in each field of a dataset is distributed according to a normal distribution. The results are relevant because many statistical and machine learning techniques rely on this assumption. Anderson-Darling: The Anderson-Darling test computes a test statistic based on the difference between the observed cumulative distribution function (CDF) to that of a normal distribution. A significant result indicates that the assumption of normality is rejected. Jarque-Bera: The Jarque-Bera test computes a test statistic based on the third and fourth central moments (skewness and kurtosis) of the data. Again, a significant result indicates that the normality assumption is rejected. Z-score: For a given sample size, the maximum deviation from the mean that would expected in a sampling of a normal distribution can be computed based on the 68-95-99.7 rule. This test simply reports this expected deviation and the actual deviation observed in the data, as a sort of sanity check.

  • Outlier tests:

Grubbs: When the values of a field are normally distributed, a few values may still deviate from the mean distribution. The outlier tests reports whether at least one value in each numeric field differs significantly from the mean using Grubb's test for outliers. If an outlier is found, then its value will be returned.

The JSON structure for statisticaltest resources is similar to this one:

{  u'category': 0,
   u'clones': 0,
   u'code': 200,
   u'columns': 5,
   u'created': u'2015-07-28T18:16:40.582000',
   u'credits': 0.017581939697265625,
   u'dataset': u'dataset/55b7a6749841fa2500000d41',
   u'dataset_status': True,
   u'dataset_type': 0,
   u'description': u'',
   u'excluded_fields': [],
   u'fields_meta': {   u'count': 5,
                       u'limit': 1000,
                       u'offset': 0,
                       u'query_total': 5,
                       u'total': 5},
   u'input_fields': [u'000000', u'000001', u'000002', u'000003'],
   u'locale': u'en_US',
   u'max_columns': 5,
   u'max_rows': 150,
   u'name': u"iris' dataset test",
   u'out_of_bag': False,
   u'price': 0.0,
   u'private': True,
   u'project': None,
   u'range': [1, 150],
   u'replacement': False,
   u'resource': u'statisticaltest/55b7c7089841fa25000010ad',
   u'rows': 150,
   u'sample_rate': 1.0,
   u'shared': False,
   u'size': 4609,
   u'source': u'source/55b7a6729841fa24f100036a',
   u'source_status': True,
   u'status': {   u'code': 5,
                  u'elapsed': 302,
                  u'message': u'The test has been created',
                  u'progress': 1.0},
   u'subscription': True,
   u'tags': [],
   u'statistical_tests': {   u'ad_sample_size': 1024,
                 u'fields': {   u'000000': {   u'column_number': 0,
                                               u'datatype': u'double',
                                               u'idx': 0,
                                               u'name': u'sepal length',
                                               u'optype': u'numeric',
                                               u'order': 0,
                                               u'preferred': True,
                                               u'summary': {   u'bins': [   [   4.3,
                                                                            [   4.425,
                                                                            [   7.9,
                                                               u'kurtosis': -0.57357,
                                                               u'maximum': 7.9,
                                                               u'mean': 5.84333,
                                                               u'median': 5.8,
                                                               u'minimum': 4.3,
                                                               u'missing_count': 0,
                                                               u'population': 150,
                                                               u'skewness': 0.31175,
                                                               u'splits': [   4.51526,
                                                               u'standard_deviation': 0.82807,
                                                               u'sum': 876.5,
                                                               u'sum_squares': 5223.85,
                                                               u'variance': 0.68569}},
                                u'000004': {   u'column_number': 4,
                                               u'datatype': u'string',
                                               u'idx': 4,
                                               u'name': u'species',
                                               u'optype': u'categorical',
                                               u'order': 4,
                                               u'preferred': True,
                                               u'summary': {   u'categories': [   [   u'Iris-setosa',
                                                                                  [   u'Iris-versicolor',
                                                                                  [   u'Iris-virginica',
                                                               u'missing_count': 0},
                                               u'term_analysis': {   u'enabled': True}}},
                 u'fraud': [   {   u'name': u'benford',
                                   u'result': {   u'000000': {   u'chi_square': {   u'chi_square_value': 506.39302,
                                                                                    u'p_value': 0,
                                                                                    u'significant': [   True,
                                                                 u'cho_gaines': {   u'd_statistic': 7.124311073683573,
                                                                                    u'significant': [   True,
                                                                 u'distribution': [   0,
                                                                 u'negatives': 0,
                                                                 u'zeros': 0},
                                                  u'000001': {   u'chi_square': {   u'chi_square_value': 396.76556,
                                                                                    u'p_value': 0,
                                                                                    u'significant': [   True,
                                                                 u'cho_gaines': {   u'd_statistic': 7.503503138331123,
                                                                                    u'significant': [   True,
                                                                 u'distribution': [   0,
                                                                 u'negatives': 0,
                                                                 u'zeros': 0},
                                                  u'000002': {   u'chi_square': {   u'chi_square_value': 154.20728,
                                                                                    u'p_value': 0,
                                                                                    u'significant': [   True,
                                                                 u'cho_gaines': {   u'd_statistic': 3.9229974017266054,
                                                                                    u'significant': [   True,
                                                                 u'distribution': [   50,
                                                                 u'negatives': 0,
                                                                 u'zeros': 0},
                                                  u'000003': {   u'chi_square': {   u'chi_square_value': 111.4438,
                                                                                    u'p_value': 0,
                                                                                    u'significant': [   True,
                                                                 u'cho_gaines': {   u'd_statistic': 4.103257341299901,
                                                                                    u'significant': [   True,
                                                                 u'distribution': [   76,
                                                                 u'negatives': 0,
                                                                 u'zeros': 0}}}],
                 u'normality': [   {   u'name': u'anderson_darling',
                                       u'result': {   u'000000': {   u'p_value': 0.02252,
                                                                     u'significant': [   False,
                                                      u'000001': {   u'p_value': 0.02023,
                                                                     u'significant': [   False,
                                                      u'000002': {   u'p_value': 0,
                                                                     u'significant': [   True,
                                                      u'000003': {   u'p_value': 0,
                                                                     u'significant': [   True,
                                   {   u'name': u'jarque_bera',
                                       u'result': {   u'000000': {   u'p_value': 0.10615,
                                                                     u'significant': [   False,
                                                      u'000001': {   u'p_value': 0.25957,
                                                                     u'significant': [   False,
                                                      u'000002': {   u'p_value': 0.0009,
                                                                     u'significant': [   True,
                                                      u'000003': {   u'p_value': 0.00332,
                                                                     u'significant': [   True,
                                   {   u'name': u'z_score',
                                       u'result': {   u'000000': {   u'expected_max_z': 2.71305,
                                                                     u'max_z': 2.48369},
                                                      u'000001': {   u'expected_max_z': 2.71305,
                                                                     u'max_z': 3.08044},
                                                      u'000002': {   u'expected_max_z': 2.71305,
                                                                     u'max_z': 1.77987},
                                                      u'000003': {   u'expected_max_z': 2.71305,
                                                                     u'max_z': 1.70638}}}],
                 u'outliers': [   {   u'name': u'grubbs',
                                      u'result': {   u'000000': {   u'p_value': 1,
                                                                    u'significant': [   False,
                                                     u'000001': {   u'p_value': 0.26555,
                                                                    u'significant': [   False,
                                                     u'000002': {   u'p_value': 1,
                                                                    u'significant': [   False,
                                                     u'000003': {   u'p_value': 1,
                                                                    u'significant': [   False,
                 u'significance_levels': [0.01, 0.05, 0.1]},
   u'updated': u'2015-07-28T18:17:11.829000',
   u'white_box': False}

Note that the output in the snippet above has been abbreviated. As you see, the statistical_tests attribute contains the fraud`, ``normality and outliers sections where the information for each field's distribution is stored.

Logistic Regressions

A logistic regression is a supervised machine learning method for solving classification problems. Each of the classes in the field you want to predict, the objective field, is assigned a probability depending on the values of the input fields. The probability is computed as the value of a logistic function, whose argument is a linear combination of the predictors' values. You can create a logistic regression selecting which fields from your dataset you want to use as input fields (or predictors) and which categorical field you want to predict, the objective field. Then the created logistic regression is defined by the set of coefficients in the linear combination of the values. Categorical and text fields need some prior work to be modelled using this method. They are expanded as a set of new fields, one per category or term (respectively) where the number of occurrences of the category or term is store. Thus, the linear combination is made on the frequency of the categories or terms.

The JSON structure for a logistic regression is:

{   u'balance_objective': False,
    u'category': 0,
    u'code': 200,
    u'columns': 5,
    u'created': u'2015-10-09T16:11:08.444000',
    u'credits': 0.017581939697265625,
    u'credits_per_prediction': 0.0,
    u'dataset': u'dataset/561304f537203f4c930001ca',
    u'dataset_field_types': {   u'categorical': 1,
                                u'datetime': 0,
                                u'effective_fields': 5,
                                u'numeric': 4,
                                u'preferred': 5,
                                u'text': 0,
                                u'total': 5},
    u'dataset_status': True,
    u'description': u'',
    u'excluded_fields': [],
    u'fields_meta': {   u'count': 5,
                        u'limit': 1000,
                        u'offset': 0,
                        u'query_total': 5,
                        u'total': 5},
    u'input_fields': [u'000000', u'000001', u'000002', u'000003'],
    u'locale': u'en_US',
    u'logistic_regression': {   u'bias': 1,
                                u'c': 1,
                                u'coefficients': [   [   u'Iris-virginica',
                                                         [   -1.7074433493289376,
                                                     [   u'Iris-setosa',
                                                         [   0.41021712519841674,
                                                     [   u'Iris-versicolor',
                                                         [   0.42702327817072505,
                                u'eps': 1e-05,
                                u'fields': {   u'000000': {   u'column_number': 0,
                                                              u'datatype': u'double',
                                                              u'name': u'sepal length',
                                                              u'optype': u'numeric',
                                                              u'order': 0,
                                                              u'preferred': True,
                                                              u'summary': {   u'bins': [   [   4.3,
                                                                                           [   4.425,
                                                                                           [   4.6,
                                                                                           [   7.9,
                                                                              u'kurtosis': -0.57357,
                                                                              u'maximum': 7.9,
                                                                              u'mean': 5.84333,
                                                                              u'median': 5.8,
                                                                              u'minimum': 4.3,
                                                                              u'missing_count': 0,
                                                                              u'population': 150,
                                                                              u'skewness': 0.31175,
                                                                              u'splits': [   4.51526,
                                                                              u'standard_deviation': 0.82807,
                                                                              u'sum': 876.5,
                                                                              u'sum_squares': 5223.85,
                                                                              u'variance': 0.68569}},
                                               u'000001': {   u'column_number': 1,
                                                              u'datatype': u'double',
                                                              u'name': u'sepal width',
                                                              u'optype': u'numeric',
                                                              u'order': 1,
                                                              u'preferred': True,
                                                              u'summary': {   u'counts': [   [   2,
                                                                                             [   2.2,
                                                                                             [   4.2,
                                                                                             [   4.4,
                                                                              u'kurtosis': 0.18098,
                                                                              u'maximum': 4.4,
                                                                              u'mean': 3.05733,
                                                                              u'median': 3,
                                                                              u'minimum': 2,
                                                                              u'missing_count': 0,
                                                                              u'population': 150,
                                                                              u'skewness': -0.27213,
                                                                              u'splits': [   1.25138,
                                                                              u'standard_deviation': 1.7653,
                                                                              u'sum': 563.7,
                                                                              u'sum_squares': 2582.71,
                                                                              u'variance': 3.11628}},
                                               u'000003': {   u'column_number': 3,
                                                              u'datatype': u'double',
                                                              u'name': u'petal width',
                                                              u'optype': u'numeric',
                                                              u'order': 3,
                                                              u'preferred': True,
                                                              u'summary': {   u'counts': [   [   0.1,
                                                                                             [   0.2,
                                                                                             [   2.4,
                                                                                             [   2.5,
                                                                              u'kurtosis': -1.33607,
                                                                              u'maximum': 2.5,
                                                                              u'mean': 1.19933,
                                                                              u'median': 1.3,
                                                                              u'minimum': 0.1,
                                                                              u'missing_count': 0,
                                                                              u'population': 150,
                                                                              u'skewness': -0.10193,
                                                                              u'standard_deviation': 0.76224,
                                                                              u'sum': 179.9,
                                                                              u'sum_squares': 302.33,
                                                                              u'variance': 0.58101}},
                                               u'000004': {   u'column_number': 4,
                                                              u'datatype': u'string',
                                                              u'name': u'species',
                                                              u'optype': u'categorical',
                                                              u'order': 4,
                                                              u'preferred': True,
                                                              u'summary': {   u'categories': [   [   u'Iris-setosa',
                                                                                                 [   u'Iris-versicolor',
                                                                                                 [   u'Iris-virginica',
                                                                              u'missing_count': 0},
                                                              u'term_analysis': {   u'enabled': True}}},
                                u'normalize': False,
                                u'regularization': u'l2'},
    u'max_columns': 5,
    u'max_rows': 150,
    u'name': u"iris' dataset's logistic regression",
    u'number_of_batchpredictions': 0,
    u'number_of_evaluations': 0,
    u'number_of_predictions': 1,
    u'objective_field': u'000004',
    u'objective_field_name': u'species',
    u'objective_field_type': u'categorical',
    u'objective_fields': [u'000004'],
    u'out_of_bag': False,
    u'private': True,
    u'project': u'project/561304c137203f4c9300016c',
    u'range': [1, 150],
    u'replacement': False,
    u'resource': u'logisticregression/5617e71c37203f506a000001',
    u'rows': 150,
    u'sample_rate': 1.0,
    u'shared': False,
    u'size': 4609,
    u'source': u'source/561304f437203f4c930001c3',
    u'source_status': True,
    u'status': {   u'code': 5,
                   u'elapsed': 86,
                   u'message': u'The logistic regression has been created',
                   u'progress': 1.0},
    u'subscription': False,
    u'tags': [u'species'],
    u'updated': u'2015-10-09T16:14:02.336000',
    u'white_box': False}

Note that the output in the snippet above has been abbreviated. As you see, the logistic_regression attribute stores the coefficients used in the logistic function as well as the configuration parameters described in the developers section .


Association Discovery is a popular method to find out relations among values in high-dimensional datasets.

A common case where association discovery is often used is market basket analysis. This analysis seeks for customer shopping patterns across large transactional datasets. For instance, do customers who buy hamburgers and ketchup also consume bread?

Businesses use those insights to make decisions on promotions and product placements. Association Discovery can also be used for other purposes such as early incident detection, web usage analysis, or software intrusion detection.

In BigML, the Association resource object can be built from any dataset, and its results are a list of association rules between the items in the dataset. In the example case, the corresponding association rule would have hamburguers and ketchup as the items at the left hand side of the association rule and bread would be the item at the right hand side. Both sides in this association rule are related, in the sense that observing the items in the left hand side implies observing the items in the right hand side. There are some metrics to ponder the quality of these association rules:

  • Support: the proportion of instances which contain an itemset.

For an association rule, it means the number of instances in the dataset which contain the rule's antecedent and rule's consequent together over the total number of instances (N) in the dataset.

It gives a measure of the importance of the rule. Association rules have to satisfy a minimum support constraint (i.e., min_support).

  • Coverage: the support of the antedecent of an association rule.

It measures how often a rule can be applied.

  • Confidence or (strength): The probability of seeing the rule's consequent

under the condition that the instances also contain the rule's antecedent. Confidence is computed using the support of the association rule over the coverage. That is, the percentage of instances which contain the consequent and antecedent together over the number of instances which only contain the antecedent.

Confidence is directed and gives different values for the association rules Antecedent → Consequent and Consequent → Antecedent. Association rules also need to satisfy a minimum confidence constraint (i.e., min_confidence).

  • Leverage: the difference of the support of the association

rule (i.e., the antecedent and consequent appearing together) and what would be expected if antecedent and consequent where statistically independent. This is a value between -1 and 1. A positive value suggests a positive relationship and a negative value suggests a negative relationship. 0 indicates independence.

Lift: how many times more often antecedent and consequent occur together than expected if they where statistically independent. A value of 1 suggests that there is no relationship between the antecedent and the consequent. Higher values suggest stronger positive relationships. Lower values suggest stronger negative relationships (the presence of the antecedent reduces the likelihood of the consequent)

As to the items used in association rules, each type of field is parsed to extract items for the rules as follows:

  • Categorical: each different value (class) will be considered a separate item.
  • Text: each unique term will be considered a separate item.
  • Items: each different item in the items summary will be considered.
  • Numeric: Values will be converted into categorical by making a

segmentation of the values. For example, a numeric field with values ranging from 0 to 600 split into 3 segments: segment 1 → [0, 200), segment 2 → [200, 400), segment 3 → [400, 600]. You can refine the behavior of the transformation using discretization and field_discretizations.

The JSON structure for an association resource is:

                   "name":"Segment 1",
                   "name":"Segment 3",
                   "name":"Segment 4",
                   "name":"Segment 1",
           "max_k": 100,
       "excluded_fields":[ ],
       "name":"iris' dataset's association",
           "message":"The association has been created",
       "tags":[ ],

Note that the output in the snippet above has been abbreviated. As you see, the associations attribute stores items, rules and metrics extracted from the datasets as well as the configuration parameters described in the developers section .

Whizzml Resources

Whizzml is a Domain Specific Language that allows the definition and execution of ML-centric workflows. Its objective is allowing BigML users to define their own composite tasks, using as building blocks the basic resources provided by BigML itself. Using Whizzml they can be glued together using a higher order, functional, Turing-complete language. The Whizzml code can be stored and executed in BigML using three kinds of resources: Scripts, Libraries and Executions.

Whizzml Scripts can be executed in BigML's servers, that is, in a controlled, fully-scalable environment which takes care of their parallelization and fail-safe operation. Each execution uses an Execution resource to store the arguments and results of the process. Whizzml Libraries store generic code to be shared of reused in other Whizzml Scripts.


In BigML a Script resource stores Whizzml source code, and the results of its compilation. Once a Whizzml script is created, it's automatically compiled; if compilation succeeds, the script can be run, that is, used as the input for a Whizzml execution resource.

An example of a script that would create a source in BigML using the contents of a remote file is:

include 'bigml/bigml.php';
$api =  new BigML();

# creating a script directly from the source code.

$api->create_script(array('source_code' => '(+ 1 1)'));

The script can also use a library resource (please, see the Libraries section below for more details) by including its id in the imports attribute. Other attributes can be checked at the API Developers documentation for Scripts .


To execute in BigML a compiled Whizzml script you need to create an execution resource. It's also possible to execute a pipeline of many compiled scripts in one request.

Each execution is run under its associated user credentials and its particular environment constaints. As scripts can be shared, you can execute the same script several times under different usernames by creating different executions.

As an example of execution resource, let's create one for the script in the previous section:

$execution = $api->create_execution('script/573c9e2db85eee23cd000489')

An execution receives inputs, the ones defined in the script chosen to be executed, and generates a result. It can also generate outputs. As you can see, the execution resource contains information about the result of the execution, the resources that have been generated while executing and users can define some variables in the code to be exported as outputs. Please refer to the Developers documentation for Executions for details on how to define execution outputs. the developers section .


The library resource in BigML stores a special kind of compiled Whizzml source code that only defines functions and constants. The library is intended as an import for executable scripts. Thus, a compiled library cannot be executed, just used as an import in other libraries and scripts (which then have access to all identifiers defined in the library).

As an example, we build a library to store the definition of two functions: mu and g. The first one adds one to the value set as argument and the second one adds two variables and increments the result by one.

$library = $api->create_library("(define (mu x) (+ x 1)) (define (g z y) (mu (+ y z)))");

Libraries can be imported in scripts. The imports attribute of a script can contain a list of library IDs whose defined functions and constants will be ready to be used throughout the script. Please, refer to the API Developers documentation for Libraries for more details.


Please, bear in mind that resource creation is almost always asynchronous (predictions are the only exception). Therefore, when you create a new source, a new dataset or a new model, even if you receive an immediate response from the BigML servers, the full creation of the resource can take from a few seconds to a few days, depending on the size of the resource and BigML’s load. A resource is not fully created until its status is bigml.api.FINISHED. See the documentation on status codes for the listing of potential states and their semantics:


You can query the status of any resource with the status method:



A special kind of resource is project. Projects are repositories for resources, intended to fulfill organizational purposes. Each project can contain any other kind of resource, but the project that a certain resource belongs to is determined by the one used in the source they are generated from. Thus, when a source is created and assigned a certain project_id, the rest of resources generated from this source will remain in this project.

The REST calls to manage the project resemble the ones used to manage the rest of resources. When you create a project:

$api = new BigML();
$project = $api->create_project(array('name' => 'my first project'));

the resulting resource is similar to the rest of resources, although shorter:

{'code': 201,
 'resource': u'project/54a1bd0958a27e3c4c0002f0',
 'location': '',
 'object': {u'category': 0,
            u'updated': u'2014-12-29T20:43:53.060045',
            u'resource': u'project/54a1bd0958a27e3c4c0002f0',
            u'name': u'my first project',
            u'created': u'2014-12-29T20:43:53.060013',
            u'tags': [],
            u'private': True,
            u'dev': None,
            u'description': u''},
 'error': None}

and you can use its project id to get, update or delete it:

$project = $api->get_project('project/54a1bd0958a27e3c4c0002f0');
                     array('description' => 'This is my first project'));


Important: Deleting a non-empty project will also delete all resources assigned to it, so please be extra-careful when using the $api->delete_project call.

Creating sources

To create a source from a local data file, you can use the create_source method. The only required parameter is the path to the data file (or file-like object). You can use a second optional parameter to specify any of the options for source creation described in the BigML API documentation.

Here’s a sample invocation:

$source = $api->create_source('./tests/data/iris.csv', array('name'=> 'my source'));

or you may want to create a source from a file in a remote location:

$source = $api->create_source('s3://bigml-public/csv/iris.csv');

Creating datasets

Once you have created a source, you can create a dataset. The only required argument to create a dataset is a source id. You can add all the additional arguments accepted by BigML and documented in the Datasets section of the Developer’s documentation.

For example, to create a dataset named “my dataset” with the first 1024 bytes of a source, you can submit the following request:

$dataset = $api->create_dataset($source, array("name"=> "mydata", "size"=> 1024));

You can also extract samples from an existing dataset and generate a new one with them using the api.create_dataset method:

$dataset = $api->create_dataset($origin_dataset, array("sample_rate"=> 0.8));

It is also possible to generate a dataset from a list of datasets (multidataset):

$dataset1 = $api->create_dataset($source1);
$dataset2 = $api->create_dataset($source2);
$multidataset = $api->create_dataset(array($dataset1, $dataset2));

Clusters can also be used to generate datasets containing the instances grouped around each centroid. You will need the cluster id and the centroid id to reference the dataset to be created. For instance:

$cluster = $api->create_cluster($dataset);
$cluster_dataset_1 = $api->create_dataset($cluster,array('centroid'=>'000000'));

would generate a new dataset containing the subset of instances in the cluster associated to the centroid id 000000.

Creating models

Once you have created a dataset you can create a model from it. If you don’t select one, the model will use the last field of the dataset as objective field. The only required argument to create a model is a dataset id. You can also include in the request all the additional arguments accepted by BigML and documented in the Models section of the Developer’s documentation.

For example, to create a model only including the first two fields and the first 10 instances in the dataset, you can use the following invocation:

$model = $api->create_model($dataset, array("name"=>"my model", "input_fields"=> array("000000", "000001"), "range"=> array(1, 10)));

the model is scheduled for creation.

Creating clusters

If your dataset has no fields showing the objective information to predict for the training data, you can still build a cluster that will group similar data around some automatically chosen points (centroids). Again, the only required argument to create a cluster is the dataset id. You can also include in the request all the additional arguments accepted by BigML and documented in the Clusters section of the Developer’s documentation.

Let’s create a cluster from a given dataset:

$cluster = $api->create_cluster($dataset, array("name"=> "my cluster", "k"=> 5}));

that will create a cluster with 5 centroids.

Creating anomaly detectors

If your problem is finding the anomalous data in your dataset, you can build an anomaly detector, that will use iforest to single out the anomalous records. Again, the only required argument to create an anomaly detector is the dataset id. You can also include in the request all the additional arguments accepted by BigML and documented in the Anomaly detectors section of the Developer’s documentation.

Let’s create an anomaly detector from a given dataset:

$anomaly = $api->create_anomaly($dataset, array("name"=>"my anomaly"})

Creating associations

To find relations between the field values you can create an association discovery resource. The only required argument to create an association is a dataset id. You can also include in the request all the additional arguments accepted by BigML and documented in the Association section of the Developer's documentation.

For example, to create an association only including the first two fields and the first 10 instances in the dataset, you can use the following invocation:

$model = $api->create_association($dataset,
                                   array("name" => "my association",
                                         "input_fields" => array("000000", "000001"),
                                         "range" => array(1,10)));

Associations can also be created from lists of datasets. Just use the list of ids as the first argument in the api call:

$model = $api->create_association(array(dataset1, dataset2),
                                  array("name" => "my association",
                                        "input_fields" => array("000000", "000001"),
                                        "range" => array(1,10)));

Creating predictions

You can now use the model resource identifier together with some input parameters to ask for predictions, using the create_prediction method. You can also give the prediction a name:

$prediction = $api->create_prediction($model,
                                      array("sepal length"=> 5,
                                            "sepal width" => 2.5),
                                      array("name"=>"my prediction"));


petal width for {"sepal length":5,"sepal width":2.5} is 0.30455

Creating centroids

To obtain the centroid associated to new input data, you can now use the create_centroid method. Give the method a cluster identifier and the input data to obtain the centroid. You can also give the centroid predicition a name:

$centroid = $api->create_centroid($cluster,
                                  array("pregnancies"=> 0,
                                        "plasma glucose"=> 118,
                                        "blood pressure"=> 84,
                                        "triceps skin thickness"=> 47,
                                        "insulin"=> 230,
                                        "bmi"=> 45.8,
                                        "diabetes pedigree"=> 0.551,
                                        "age"=> 31,
                                        "diabetes"=> "true"),
                                  array("name"=> "my centroid"));

Creating anomaly scores

To obtain the anomaly score associated to new input data, you can now use the create_anomaly_score method. Give the method an anomaly detector identifier and the input data to obtain the score:

$anomaly_score = $api->create_anomaly_score($anomaly,
                                            array("src_bytes"=> 350),
                                            array("name"=> "my score"));

Creating association sets

Using the association resource, you can obtain the consequent items associated by its rules to your input data. These association sets can be obtained calling the create_association_set method. The first argument is the association ID or object and the next one is the input data:

$association_set = $api->create_association_set($association,
                                                 array('genres'=> "Action\$Adventure"),
                                                 array('name' => "my association set"));

Creating evaluations

Once you have created a model, you can measure its perfomance by running a dataset of test data through it and comparing its predictions to the objective field real values. Thus, the required arguments to create an evaluation are model id and a dataset id. You can also include in the request all the additional arguments accepted by BigML and documented in the Evaluations section of the Developer’s documentation.

For instance, to evaluate a previously created model using at most 10000 rows from an existing dataset you can use the following call:

$evaluation = $api->create_evaluation($model,
                                      array("name"=>"my model", "max_rows"=>10000));

Evaluations can also check the ensembles’ performance. To evaluate an ensemble you can do exactly what we just did for the model case, using the ensemble object instead of the model as first argument:

$evaluation = $api->create_evaluation($ensemble, $dataset);

Creating ensembles

To improve the performance of your predictions, you can create an ensemble of models and combine their individual predictions. The only required argument to create an ensemble is the dataset id:

$ensemble = $api->create_ensemble($datasetid);

but you can also specify the number of models to be built and the parallelism level for the task:

$args = array('number_of_models'=> 20, 'tlp'=> 3);
$ensemble = $api->create_ensemble($datasetid, $args);

Creating logistic regressions

For classification problems, you can choose also logistic regressions to model your data. Logistic regressions compute a probability associated to each class in the objective field. The probability is obtained using a logistic function, whose argument is a linear combination of the field values.

As the rest of models, logistic regressions can be created from a dataset by calling the corresponding create method:

logistic_regression = $api->create_logistic_regression(
    array("name" => "my logistic regression",
     "objective_field" => "my_objective_field"))

In this example, we created a logistic regression named my logistic regression and set the objective field to be my_objective_field. Other arguments, like bias, missing_numerics and c can also be specified as attributes in arguments dictionary at creation time. Particularly for categorical fields, there are four different available field_codings` options (dummy, contrast, other or the one-hot default coding). For a more detailed description of the field_codings attribute and its syntax, please see the Developers API Documentation.

Creating batch predictions

We have shown how to create predictions individually, but when the amount of predictions to make increases, this procedure is far from optimal. In this case, the more efficient way of predicting remotely is to create a dataset containing the input data you want your model to predict from and to give its id and the one of the model to the create_batch_prediction api call:

$batch_prediction = $api->$create_batch_prediction($model,
                                                   array("name"=>"my batch prediction",
                                                         "all_fields"=> true,
                                                         "header": true,
                                                         "confidence": true));

In this example, setting all_fields to true causes the input data to be included in the prediction output, header controls whether a headers line is included in the file or not and confidence set to true causes the confidence of the prediction to be appended. If none of these arguments is given, the resulting file will contain the name of the objective field as a header row followed by the predictions.

As for the rest of resources, the create method will return an incomplete object, that can be updated by issuing the corresponding $api->get_batch_prediction call until it reaches a FINISHED status. Then you can download the created predictions file using:


Creating batch centroids

As described in the previous section, it is also possible to make centroids’ predictions in batch. First you create a dataset containing the input data you want your cluster to relate to a centroid. The create_batch_centroid call will need the id of the dataset and the cluster to assign a centroid to each input data:

$batch_centroid = $api->create_batch_centroid($cluster,
                                              array("name"=>"my batch centroid",
                                                    "all_fields"=> true,
                                                    "header"=> true));

Creating batch anomaly scores

Input data can also be assigned an anomaly score in batch. You train an anomaly detector with your training data and then build a dataset from your input data. The create_batch_anomaly_score call will need the id of the dataset and of the anomaly detector to assign an anomaly score to each input data instance:

$batch_anomaly_score = $api->create_batch_anomaly_score($anomaly,
                                                        array("name" => "my batch anomaly score"
                                                              "all_fields" => true,
                                                              "header" => true))

Listing Resources

You can list resources with the appropriate api method:


you will receive a dictionary with the following keys:

  • code: If the request is successful you will get a bigml.api.HTTP_OK (200) status code. Otherwise, it will be one of the standard HTTP error codes. See BigML documentation on status codes for more info.
  • meta: A dictionary including the following keys that can help you paginate listings:
  • previous: Path to get the previous page or None if there is no previous page.
  • next: Path to get the next page or None if there is no next page.
  • offset: How far off from the first entry in the resources is the first one listed in the resources key.
  • limit: Maximum number of resources that you will get listed in the resources key.
  • total_count: The total number of resources in BigML.
  • objects: A list of resources as returned by BigML.
  • error: If an error occurs and the resource cannot be created, it will contain an additional code and a description of the error. In this case, meta, and resources will be None.

Filtering Resources

You can filter resources in listings using the syntax and fields labeled as filterable in the BigML documentation. for each resource.

A few examples:

  • Ids of the first 5 sources created before April 1st, 2012:

  • Name of the first 10 datasets bigger than 1MB:

  • Name of models with more than 5 fields (columns):

  • Ids of predictions whose model has not been deleted:


Ordering Resources

You can order resources in listings using the syntax and fields labeled as sortable in the BigML documentation. for each resource.

A few examples:

  • Name of sources ordered by size:

  • Number of instances in datasets created before April 1st, 2012 ordered by size:

  • Model ids ordered by number of predictions (in descending order):

  • Name of predictions ordered by name:


Updating Resources

When you update a resource, it is returned in a dictionary exactly like the one you get when you create a new one. However the status code will be bigml.api.HTTP_ACCEPTED if the resource can be updated without problems or one of the HTTP standard error codes otherwise:

$api->update_source($source, array("name"=> "new name"));
$api->update_dataset($dataset, array("name"=> "new name"));
$api->update_model($model, array("name"=> "new name"));
$api->update_prediction($prediction, array("name"=> "new name"));
$api->update_evaluation($evaluation, array("name"=> "new name"));
$api->update_ensemble($ensemble, array("name"=> "new name"));
$api->update_batch_prediction($batch_prediction, array("name"=> "new name"));
$api->update_cluster($cluster, array("name"=> "new name"));
$api->update_centroid($centroid, array("name"=> "new name"));
$api->update_batch_centroid($batch_centroid, array("name"=> "new name"));
$api->update_anomaly($anomaly, array("name"=> "new name"));
$api->update_anomaly_score($anomaly_score, array("name": "new name"));
$api->update_batch_anomaly_score($batch_anomaly_score, array("name": "new name"));

Updates can change resource general properties, such as the name or description attributes of a dataset, or specific properties. As an example, let’s say that your source has a certain field whose contents are numeric integers. BigML will assign a numeric type to the field, but you might want it to be used as a categorical field. You could change its type to categorical by calling:

$api->update_source($source, array("fields"=> array("000001"=> array("optype"=> "categorical"))));

where 000001 is the field id that corresponds to the updated field. You will find detailed information about the updatable attributes of each resource in BigML developer’s documentation.

Deleting Resources

Resources can be deleted individually using the corresponding method for each type of resource:


Each of the calls above will return a dictionary with the following keys:

code If the request is successful, the code will be a bigml.api.HTTP_NO_CONTENT (204) status code. Otherwise, it wil be one of the standard HTTP error codes. See the documentation on status codes for more info. error If the request does not succeed, it will contain a dictionary with an error code and a message. It will be None otherwise.

Local Models

You can instantiate a local version of a remote model:

include 'model.php';

This will retrieve the remote model information, using an implicitly built BigML() connection object (see the Authentication section for more details on how to set your credentials) and return a Model object that you can use to make local predictions. If you want to use a specfic connection object for the remote retrieval, you can set it as second parameter:

$api = new BigML("username", "api_key", false, 'storage');

$model = api->get_model('model/538XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX2');
$local_model = new Model(model);


$local_model = new Model("model/538XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX2");
$local_model = new Model("model/538XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX2", $api);

Any of these methods will return a Model object that you can use to make local predictions.

For set default storage:

$local_model = new Model("model/538XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX2", null, 'storagedirectory');

Local Predictions

Once you have a local model you can use to generate predictions locally:

$prediction = $local_model->predict(array("petal length"=> 3, "petal width"=> 1));

Note: Before method predict now is _predict:

function predict($input_data, $options=array())


  • by_name: Boolean, true if input_data is keyed by names

  • print_path: Boolean, if true the rules that lead to the prediction are printed

  • out: output handler

  • with_confidence: Boolean, if true, all the information in the node

    (prediction, confidence, distribution and count) is returned in a list format

  • missing_strategy: LAST_PREDICTION|PROPORTIONAL missing strategy for

    missing fields

  • add_confidence: Boolean, if true adds confidence to the dict output

  • add_path: Boolean, if true adds path to the dict output

  • add_distribution: Boolean, if true adds distribution info to the

    dict output

  • add_count: Boolean, if true adds the number of instances in the

    node to the dict output

  • add_median: Boolean, if true adds the median of the values in

    the distribution

  • add_next: Boolean, if true adds the field that determines next

    split in the tree

  • add_min: Boolean, if true adds the minimum value in the prediction's

    distribution (for regressions only)

  • add_max: Boolean, if true adds the maximum value in the prediction's

    distribution (for regressions only)

  • add_unused_fields: Boolean, if true adds the information about the

    fields in the input_data that are not being used in the model as predictors.

  • multiple: For categorical fields, it will return the categories

    in the distribution of the predicted node as a list of arrays:

    array(array('prediction' => 'Iris-setosa',

    'confidence'=> 0.9154 'probability'=> 0.97 'count'=> 97),

    array('prediction'=> 'Iris-virginica',

    'confidence'=> 0.0103 'probability'=> 0.03, 'count'=> 3))

    The value of this argument can either be an integer (maximum number of categories to be returned), or the literal 'all', that will cause the entire distribution in the node to be returned.

Local predictions have three clear advantages:

  • Removing the dependency from BigML to make new predictions.
  • No cost (i.e., you do not spend BigML credits).
  • Extremely low latency to generate predictions for huge volumes of data.

Local Clusters

You can also instantiate a local version of a remote cluster:

include 'cluster.php';

$cluster = $api->get_cluster("cluster/539xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx18");
$local_cluster = new Cluster($cluster);


$local_cluster = new Cluster("cluster/539xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx18");

This will retrieve the remote cluster information, using an implicitly built BigML() connection object (see the Authentication section for more details on how to set your credentials) and return a Cluster object that you can use to make local centroid predictions. If you want to use a specfic connection object for the remote retrieval, you can set it as second parameter:

$local_cluster = new Cluster("cluster/539xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx18", $api);

For set default storage if you have storage unset in api->

$local_cluster = new Cluster("cluster/539xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx18", null, storagedirectory);

Local Centroids

Using the local cluster object, you can predict the centroid associated to an input data set:

$local_cluster->centroid(array("pregnancies"=> 0,
                               "plasma glucose"=> 118,
                               "blood pressure"=> 84,
                               "triceps skin thickness"=> 47,
                               "insulin"=> 230,
                               "bmi"=> 45.8,
                               "diabetes pedigree"=> 0.551,
                               "age"=> 31,
                               "diabetes"=> "true"));

array('distance'=> 0.454110207355, 'centroid_name'=> 'Cluster 4', 'centroid_id'=> '000004');

You must keep in mind, though, that to obtain a centroid prediction, input data must have values for all the numeric fields. No missing values for the numeric fields are allowed. As in the local model predictions, producing local centroids can be done independently of BigML servers, so no cost or connection latencies are involved.

Local Anomaly Detector

You can also instantiate a local version of a remote anomaly.:

$local_anomaly = new Anomaly('anomaly/502fcbff15526876610002435');

This will retrieve the remote anomaly detector information, using an implicitly built BigML() connection object (see the Authentication section for more details on how to set your credentials) and return an Anomaly object that you can use to make local anomaly scores. If you want to use a specfic connection object for the remote retrieval, you can set it as second parameter:

$api = new BigML("username", "password");
$local_anomaly = new Anomaly('anomaly/502fcbff15526876610002435',

or even use the remote anomaly information retrieved previously to build the local anomaly detector object:

$api = new BigML()
$anomaly = $api->get_anomaly('anomaly/502fcbff15526876610002435',

Note that in this example we used a limit=-1 query string for the anomaly retrieval. This ensures that all fields are retrieved by the get method in the same call (unlike in the standard calls where the number of fields returned is limited).

Local Anomaly Scores

Using the local anomaly detector object, you can predict the anomaly score associated to an input data set:

$local_anomaly->anomaly_score(array("src_bytes"=> 350))

As in the local model predictions, producing local anomaly scores can be done independently of BigML servers, so no cost or connection latencies are involved.

Multi Models

Multi Models use a numbers of BigML remote models to build a local version that can be used to generate predictions locally. Predictions are generated combining the outputs of each model:

include 'multimodel.php';

$multimodel = new MultiModel(array("model/5111xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx12",model/538Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx32"));


$multimodel = new MultiModel(array("model/5111xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx12",model/538Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx32"), $api);

or set default storage if you have storage unset in api->

$multimodel = new MultiModel(array("model/5111xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx12",model/538Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx32"), null, $storage);

$prediction = $multimodel->predict(array("petal length"=> 3, "petal width"=> 1));

The combination method used by default is plurality for categorical predictions and mean value for numerical ones. You can also use:

confidence weighted:

$prediction = $multimodel->predict(array("petal length"=> 3, "petal width"=> 1), array('method' => 1));

that will weight each vote using the confidence/error given by the model to each prediction, or even probability weighted:

$prediction = $multimodel->predict(array("petal length"=> 3, "petal width"=> 1), array('method' => 2));

that weights each vote by using the probability associated to the training distribution at the prediction node.

There’s also a threshold method that uses an additional set of options: threshold and category. The category is predicted if and only if the number of predictions for that category is at least the threshold value. Otherwise, the prediction is plurality for the rest of predicted values.

An example of threshold combination method would be:

$prediction = $multimodel->predict(array("petal length"=> 3, "petal width"=> 1), array('method' => 3,
                                                                                       'options => array('threshold' => 3,
                                                                                                      'category' => 'Iris-virginica')));

When making predictions on a test set with a large number of models, batch_predict can be useful to log each model’s predictions in a separated file. It expects a list of input data values and the directory path to save the prediction files in:

$multimodel->batch_predict(array("petal length"=> 3, "petal width"=> 1, "petal length"=> 1, "petal width"=> 5.1), "data/predictions");

The predictions generated for each model will be stored in an output file in data/predictions using the syntax model_[id of the model]__predictions.csv. For instance, when using model/50c0de043b563519830001c2 to predict, the output file name will be model_50c0de043b563519830001c2__predictions.csv. An additional feature is that using reuse=True as argument will force the function to skip the creation of the file if it already exists. This can be helpful when using repeatedly a bunch of models on the same test set:

$multimodel->batch_predict(array("petal length"=> 3, "petal width"=> 1, "petal length"=> 1, "petal width"=> 5.1), "data/predictions", array('reuse' => true));

Prediction files can be subsequently retrieved and converted into a votes list using batch_votes:


which will return a list of MultiVote objects. Each MultiVote contains a list of predictions.

These votes can be further combined to issue a final prediction for each input data element using the method combine:

foreach($multimodel->batch_votes("data/predictions") as $multivote) {
   $prediction = $multivote->combine();

Again, the default method of combination is plurality for categorical predictions and mean value for numerical ones. You can also use confidence weighted:

$prediction = $multivote->combine(1);

or probability weighted:

$prediction = $multivote->combine(2);

You can also get a confidence measure for the combined prediction:

$prediction = $multivote->combine(0, true);

For classification, the confidence associated to the combined prediction is derived by first selecting the model’s predictions that voted for the resulting prediction and computing the weighted average of their individual confidence. Nevertheless, when probability weighted is used, the confidence is obtained by using each model’s distribution at the prediction node to build a probability distribution and combining them. The confidence is then computed as the wilson score interval of the combined distribution (using as total number of instances the sum of all the model’s distributions original instances at the prediction node)

In regression, all the models predictions’ confidences contribute to the weighted average confidence.


Remote ensembles can also be used locally through the Ensemble class. The simplest way to access an existing ensemble and using it to predict locally is:

include 'ensemble.php';

$ensemble = new Ensemble("ensemble/53dxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxafa");

$ensemble->predict(array("petal length"=>3, "petal width"=> 1));

This call will download all the ensemble related info and store it in a ./storage directory ready to be used to predict. As in MultipleModel, several prediction combination methods are available, and you can choose another storage directory or even avoid storing at all, for instance:

$api = new BigML("username", "password", false, "storagedirectory");

ensemble = $api->create_ensemble('dataset/5143a51a37203f2cf7000972');

$ensemble = new Ensemble($ensemble, $api);

$ensemble->predict(array("petal length"=>3, "petal width"=> 1), array('method' => 1));

creates a new ensemble and stores its information in ./storagedirectory folder. Then this information is used to predict locally using the confidence weighted method.

Similarly, local ensembles can also be created by giving a list of models to be combined to issue the final prediction:

$ensemble = new Ensemble(array('model/50c0de043b563519830001c2','model/50c0de043b5635198300031b'));

$ensemble->predict(array("petal length": 3, "petal width": 1));

Rule Generation

You can also use a local model to generate a IF-THEN rule set that can be very helpful to understand how the model works internally:


IF petal_length > 2.45 AND
   IF petal_width > 1.65 AND
      IF petal_length > 5.05 THEN
         species = Iris-virginica
      IF petal_length <= 5.05 AND
         IF sepal_width > 2.9 AND
            IF sepal_length > 5.95 AND
               IF petal_length > 4.95 THEN
                  species = Iris-versicolor
               IF petal_length <= 4.95 THEN
                  species = Iris-virginica
            IF sepal_length <= 5.95 THEN
               species = Iris-versicolor
         IF sepal_width <= 2.9 THEN
            species = Iris-virginica
   IF petal_width <= 1.65 AND
      IF petal_length > 4.95 AND
         IF sepal_length > 6.05 THEN
            species = Iris-virginica
         IF sepal_length <= 6.05 AND
            IF sepal_width > 2.45 THEN
              species = Iris-versicolor
            IF sepal_width <= 2.45 THEN
              species = Iris-virginica
      IF petal_length <= 4.95 THEN
         species = Iris-versicolor
IF petal_length <= 2.45 THEN
   species = Iris-setosa


To run the test you need phpunit that you can download from here

Make sure that you have set up your authentication variables in your environment.

To run all tests:

cd tests
phpunit.phar --configuration configtests.xml

To Run a specific test:

phpunit.phar test_01_prediction.php