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npm i nuxt-lazy-load

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👉 Description

You don't need to bother with extra attributes on elements (like data-src, only if you want to lazy load background-image), just add the module in nuxt.config.js and that's it 😊

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🚀 Usage

// nuxt.config.js
modules: [
// or
modules: [
  ['nuxt-lazy-load', {
    // Your options

📝 Updates

background image

lazy-background attribute

<div lazy-background="~/assets/images/background-image.jpg">


If you don't want to use lazy load on every image/video/audio/iframe, set directiveOnly to true and use directive like this (with data-src/data-srcset/data-poster)

<img data-src="image.png" alt="" title="" v-lazy-load>

You don't need to add directive (v-lazy-load) on source elements

<video data-poster="~/assets/images/poster.jpg" v-lazy-load>
  <source data-src="video.mp4" type="video/mp4"> --> without directive

Manual lazy-load ($lazyLoad)

$lazyLoad is injected, so you can use it everywhere, you just need to call it on parent element or pass an element you want to lazy load. (example below)


If you want to load image/video/audio/iframe only on hover or some other event you can use data-manual-lazy

  with markup like this (mouseenter is on parent element)
  you don't need to pass any element to function
<div class="imageWrapper" @mouseenter="lazyLoadImage">
  <img src="image.png" alt="" title="" data-manual-lazy>
  <img src="second-image.png" alt="" title="" data-manual-lazy>

  but if you have something like this, then you'll need to
  call another function and to pass elements to it
<div class="imageWrapper">
  <button @mouseenter="lazyLoadImage">Hover me to see the image</button>
  <img src="image.png" alt="" title="" data-manual-lazy>
methods: {
    let media ='[data-manual-lazy]');
    [].forEach(m => this.$lazyLoad(m))


If you don't want to lazy load single element, just add data-not-lazy attribute

<audio controls="controls" data-not-lazy>
  <source type="audio/mpeg" src="audio.mp3">

dynamic content

If your content (html) is changing dynamically and you use v-html you can do it like this:

// instead of using v-html="yourHTML" use v-lazy-load="yourHTML"
<div v-lazy-load="yourHTML"></div>

🔧 Options

modules: [
  ['nuxt-lazy-load', {
    // These are the default values
    images: true,
    videos: true,
    audios: true,
    iframes: true,
    native: false,
    polyfill: true,
    directiveOnly: false,
    // Default image must be in the static folder
    defaultImage: '/images/default-image.jpg',

    // To remove class set value to false
    loadingClass: 'isLoading',
    loadedClass: 'isLoaded',
    appendClass: 'lazyLoad',
    observerConfig: {
      // See IntersectionObserver documentation