- feat: dfs supports undirected graph data;
- feat: Optimized data preprocessing coding - when the feature values are all numerical, use the original values (plus normalization), and do not use one-hot coding
- fix: i-louvain without cluster problem;
- perf: k-means algorithm: set K to minimum
- fix: k-means algorithm, perf: louvain -- support specified parameters such as propertyKey,involvedKeys and uninvolvedKeys
- perf: k-means algorithm -- Optimize parameters and return
- feat: add k-means algorithm for nodes clustering
- fix: GADDI matched failed problem;
- feat: add one-hot data preprocessing;
- feat: add consine-similarity algorithm and nodes-consine-similarity algorithm;
- feat: add i-louvain based on louvain according to academic;
- feat: k-core algorithm;
- fix: GADDI with proper begin p node;
- feat: louvain with property similarity measure
- fix: GADDI with better accuracy;
- chore: separate sync and async functions into different entries;
- fix: CPU usage increases due to 0.1.3-beta ~ 0.1.3 with publicPath configuration;
- fix: CPU usage increases due to 0.1.6 ~ 0.17 with browser output;
- feat: export fix: export detectAllCycles, detectAllDirectedCycle, detectAllUndirectedCycle;
- fix: louvain with increased clusterId and node with correct new clusterId;
- fix: worker async problem;
- chore: unify allPath and allPaths;
- fix: failed to find result problem in dijkstra;
- fix: shortestPath with wrong result;
- fix: findShortestPath undefined is not interatable;
- fix: cannot read degree of undefined problem of GADDI;
- feat: worker for algorithms;
- feat: gaddi for graph pattern matching;
- feat: dijkstra supports finding multiple shortest paths;