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The distribution of Kerby.

1. How to play with kerby kdc server

1. Generate libraries for distribution:

mvn package -Pdist

2. Run kdcinit:

cd kerby-dist/kdc-dist
sh bin/ [server-conf-dir] [keytab-dir]

The admin principal will be exported into keytab-dir/admin.keytab, it will be used by kadmin tool for the authentication.

3. Start kerby-kdc-server:

cd kerby-dist/kdc-dist
sh bin/ [server-conf-dir] [work-dir]

4. Run kadmin to add or delete principals:

cd kerby-dist/kdc-dist
sh bin/ [server-conf-dir] -k [keytab]

The keytab file is created by the kdcinit. In kadmin, you can type "?" for help.

5. Run kinit:

cd kerby-dist/tool-dist
sh bin/ -conf [client-conf-dir] [principal-name]

6. Run klist:

cd kerby-dist/tool-dist
sh bin/ -c [credentials-cache]

If you don't specify [server-conf-dir] in step 2, 3 or 4, it will be set as /etc/kerby. In [server-conf-dir], there should be kdc.conf, backend.conf. And if you don't specify [client-conf-dir] in step 5, it will be set as /etc/, there should be krb5.conf.

An example of kdc.conf:

    kdc_host = localhost
    kdc_tcp_port = 8015
    kdc_udp_port = 8015
    kdc_realm = EXAMPLE.COM

An example of json backend backend.conf:

kdc_identity_backend = org.apache.kerby.kerberos.kdc.identitybackend.JsonIdentityBackend
backend.json.dir = /tmp/kerby/jsonbackend

An example of zookeeper backend backend.conf:

kdc_identity_backend = org.apache.kerby.kerberos.kdc.identitybackend.ZookeeperIdentityBackend
data_dir = /tmp/kerby/zookeeper/data
data_log_dir = /tmp/kerby/zookeeper/datalog

An example of krb5.conf:

    kdc_tcp_port = 8015
    kdc_udp_port = 8015

2. Anonymous PKINIT configuration

1. Generate a client private key:

openssl genrsa -out cakey.pem 2048

2. Generate the CA certificate:

openssl req -key cakey.pem -new -x509 -out cacert.pem -days 3650

3. Generate the KDC key:

openssl genrsa -out kdckey.pem 2048

4. Generate a certificate request:

openssl req -new -out kdc.req -key kdckey.pem

5. Generate the kdc certificate:

First, you will need a file named pkinit_extensions containing the following:






openssl x509 -req -in kdc.req -CAkey cakey.pem -CA cacert.pem -out kdc.pem -extfile pkinit_extensions -extensions kdc_cert -CAcreateserial -days 3650

6 . On the KDC, you must set the pkinit_identity variable to provide the KDC certificate.

Configure the following relation in the[kdcdefaults] section of the KDC’s kdc.conf file

pkinit_identity = FILE:/var/lib/krb5kdc/kdc.pem,/var/lib/krb5kdc/kdckey.pem

7. On client hosts, you must set the pkinit_anchors variable in order to trust the issuing authority for the KDC certificate. Configure the following relation in krb5.conf file.

pkinit_anchors = FILE:/etc/krb5/cacert.pem

8. Create the principalWELLKNOWN/ANONYMOUS using the command:

sh bin/ [server-conf-dir] -k [keytab]
addprinc -randkey WELLKNOWN/ANONYMOUS

9. To obtain anonymous credentials on a client, run:

sh bin/ -conf [client-conf-dir] -n

The resulting tickets will have the client name WELLKNOWN/ANONYMOUS@WELLKNOWN:ANONYMOUS.


[1] [2]

3. Run remote kadmin steps

1. Generate libraries for distribution:

mvn package -Pdist

2. Run kdcinit:

cd kerby-dist/kdc-dist
sh bin/ [kdc-server-conf-dir] [keytab]

The admin principal will be exported into [keytab], it will be used by kadmin tool for the authentication.

3. Start kerby-kdc-server:

cd kerby-dist/kdc-dist
sh bin/ [kdc-server-conf-dir] [work-dir]

4. Run kadmin server

cd kerby-dist/kdc-dist
sh bin/ [admin-server-conf-dir]

An example of adminClient.conf:

    default_realm = EXAMPLE.COM
    admin_port = 65417
    keytab_file = admin.keytab
    protocol = adminprotocol
    server_name = localhost

The keytab_file is the keytab file path created by the kdcinit.

5. Run remote kadmin client to add or delete principals:

cd kerby-dist/kdc-dist
sh bin/ [admin-client-conf-dir]

An example of adminServer.conf:

    default_realm = EXAMPLE.COM
    admin_realm = EXAMPLE.COM
    admin_port = 65417
    keytab_file = protocol.keytab
    protocol = adminprotocol
    server_name = localhost

The keytab_file is the keytab file path created by the kdcinit. The kdc-server-conf-dir, admin-client-conf-dir, admin-server-conf-dir are the same dir.