diff --git a/metron-deployment/packaging/docker/rpm-docker/SPECS/metron.spec b/metron-deployment/packaging/docker/rpm-docker/SPECS/metron.spec
index e4b99ca4dc..ea9f8b086c 100644
--- a/metron-deployment/packaging/docker/rpm-docker/SPECS/metron.spec
+++ b/metron-deployment/packaging/docker/rpm-docker/SPECS/metron.spec
@@ -311,6 +311,7 @@ This package installs the Metron Solr Common files
%dir %{metron_home}/config
diff --git a/metron-platform/metron-solr/metron-solr-common/README.md b/metron-platform/metron-solr/metron-solr-common/README.md
index 88f74375db..2cc4f0e47f 100644
--- a/metron-platform/metron-solr/metron-solr-common/README.md
+++ b/metron-platform/metron-solr/metron-solr-common/README.md
@@ -164,3 +164,142 @@ The `create_collection.sh` script depends on schemas installed in `$METRON_HOME/
Additional schemas should be installed in that location if using the `create_collection.sh` script. Any collection can be deleted with the `delete_collection.sh` script.
These scripts use the [Solr Collection API](http://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/7_4/collections-api.html).
+## Time routed alias support
+An alias is a pointer that points to a Collection. Sending a document to an alias sends it to the collection the alias points too.
+The collection an alias points to can be changed with a single, low-cost operation. Time Routed Aliases (TRAs) is a SolrCloud feature
+that manages an alias and a time sequential series of collections.
+A TRA automatically creates new collections and (optionally) deletes old ones as it routes documents to the correct collection
+based on the timestamp of the event. This approach allows for indefinite indexing of data without degradation of performance otherwise
+experienced due to the continuous growth of a single index.
+A TRA is defined with a minimum time and a defined interval period and SOLR provides a collection for each interval for a
+contiguous set of datetime intervals from the start date to the maximum received document date. Collections are created to host documents based on examining the document's event-time. If a document does not currently
+have a collection created for it, then starting at the minimum date SOLR will create a collection for each interval that does not have one
+ up until the interval period needed to store the current document.
+See SOLR documentation [\(1\)](https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/7_4/time-routed-aliases.html)
+[\(2\)](https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/7_4/collections-api.html#createalias) for more information.
+### Setting up Time routed alias support
+Using SOLR's tme-based routing requires using SOLR's native datetime types. At the moment, Metron uses the LongTrie field type
+to store dates, which is not a SOLR native datetime type. At a later stage the Metron code-base will be changed to use SOLR native datetime types
+(as the LongTrie type is deprecated), but for now a workaround procedure has been created to allow for the use of time-based routing, while at the
+ same time allowing for Metron to continue to use the LongTrie type. This procedure only works for new collections, and is as follows:
+1. Add the following field type definition near the end of the schema.xml document (the entry must be inside the schema tags)
+ ```
+ ```
+1. Add the following field definition near the start of the schema.xml document (the entry must be inside the schema tags)
+ ```
+ ```
+1. Create the configset for the collection: Assuming that the relevant collections schema.xml and solrconfig.xml are located in
+`$METRON_HOME/config/schema/$COLLECTION_NAME` folder, use the following command:
+ ```
+ $METRON_HOME/bin/create_configset $COLLECTION_NAME
+ ```
+1. Create the time-based routing alias for the collection:
+Assuming the following values:
+ * SOLR_HOST: Host SOLR is installed on
+ * ALIAS_NAME: Name of the new alias
+ * ROUTER_START: Beginning time-period datetime in ISO-8601 standard - milliseconds potion of the date must be 0, some examples are
+'2018-01-14T21:00:00:00', 'NOW/SECOND', 'NOW/DAY'
+ * ROUTER_FIELD: The name of the field in the incoming document that contains the datetime to route on - field must be of SOLR type DateTrie or DatePoint.
+ For METRON this is standardised as field `datetime`.
+ * ROUTER_INTERVAL: SOLR Date math format. The interval of time that each collection holds. eg "+1DAY", "+6HOUR", "+1WEEK" (`+` must be URL encoded to `%2B` )
+ * ROUTER_MAXFUTUREMS: Optional field containing the number of milliseconds into the future that it is considered valid to have an event time for.
+ Documents with an event time exceeding this time period in the future are considered invalid and an error is returned. Used as a sanity check to prevent
+ the creation of unnecessary collections due to corrupted datetime values in events. Defaults is to ignore anything more then 10 minutes into the future.
+ * ROUTER_AUTODELETEAGE: Optional field in SOLR Date math format. If this field is present, any time a collection is created,
+ the oldest collections are assessed for deletion. Collections are deleted if the datetime interval they represent is older then
+ NOW - AUTODELETE_INTERVAL. eg -2WEEK, -3MONTH, -1YEAR. (`-` is a valid URL character that does not need to URL encoded.)
+ * CONFIGSET: Name of the collection configset that was created in the previous step - this is used a template for new collections.
+ * CREATE-COLLECTION.*: These allow for Create collection options (e.g. numShards or numReplicas) to be specified directly in the
+ create alias command.
+ Then the following command will create a time-routed alias:
+ ```
+ curl "http://$SOLR_HOST:8983/solr/admin/collections?action=CREATEALIAS\
+ &name=$ALIAS_NAME\
+ &router.start=$ROUTER_START\
+ &router.field=$ROUTER_FIELD\
+ &router.name=time\
+ &router.interval=$ROUTER_INTERVAL\
+ &router.maxFutureMs=$ROUTER_MAXFUTUREMS\
+ &create-collection.collection.configName=$CONFIGSET\
+ &create-collection.numShards=2"
+ ```
+1. Add a Metron Parser Stellar field transformation to the parser config that adds a correctly formatted datetime string to the event as it is being parsed:
+ 1. Set environment variables for later reference
+ ```
+ source /etc/default/metron
+ export HDP_HOME="/usr/hdp/current"
+ export PARSER_NAME=
+ ```
+ 1. Pull the most recent sensor parser config from zookeeper
+ ```
+ ${METRON_HOME}/bin/zk_load_configs.sh -o ${METRON_HOME}/config/zookeeper -m PULL -c PARSER -n $PARSER_NAME -z $ZOOKEEPER
+ ```
+ 1. Open the file to the relevant sensor parser at `$METRON_HOME/config/zookeeper/parsers/$PARSER_NAME.json`
+ 1. Add to the sensor parser config json field the following transformation:
+ ```
+ "fieldTransformations" : [{
+ input
+ "transformation" : "STELLAR"
+ ,"output" : [ "datetime" ]
+ ,"config" : {
+ "datetime" : "DATE_FORMAT("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSX",timestamp)"
+ }
+ }]
+ ```
+ 1. Push the configuration back to zookeeper
+ ```
+ ${METRON_HOME}/bin/zk_load_configs.sh -i ${METRON_HOME}/config/zookeeper -m PUSH -c PARSER -n $PARSER_NAME -z $ZOOKEEPER
+ ```
+ 1. Run kafka console to monitor correct operation of the field transformation
+ ```
+ ${HDP_HOME}/kafka-broker/bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server $BROKERLIST --topic $PARSER_NAME
+ ```
+1. Config Metron SOLR indexing to push documents to the newly created Collection Alias.
+ 1. Pull the most recent index config from zookeeper
+ ```
+ ${METRON_HOME}/bin/zk_load_configs.sh -o ${METRON_HOME}/config/zookeeper -m PULL -c INDEXING -n $PARSER_NAME -z $ZOOKEEPER
+ ```
+ 1. Edit the file ${METRON_HOME}/config/zookeeper/indexing/$PARSER_NAME.json
+ 1. Update the solr/index field to the `ALIAS_NAME` value you configured for the SOLR time-based routing alias.
+ 1. Push the configuration back to zookeeper
+ ```
+ ${METRON_HOME}/bin/zk_load_configs.sh -i ${METRON_HOME}/config/zookeeper -m PUSH -c INDEXING -n $PARSER_NAME -z $ZOOKEEPER
+ ```
diff --git a/metron-platform/metron-solr/metron-solr-common/src/main/config/schema/bro/schema.xml b/metron-platform/metron-solr/metron-solr-common/src/main/config/schema/bro/schema.xml
index 6be76a0e43..81de9576a1 100644
--- a/metron-platform/metron-solr/metron-solr-common/src/main/config/schema/bro/schema.xml
+++ b/metron-platform/metron-solr/metron-solr-common/src/main/config/schema/bro/schema.xml
@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@
@@ -697,5 +699,6 @@
diff --git a/metron-platform/metron-solr/metron-solr-common/src/main/config/schema/error/schema.xml b/metron-platform/metron-solr/metron-solr-common/src/main/config/schema/error/schema.xml
index 4aa80efc96..743753b201 100644
--- a/metron-platform/metron-solr/metron-solr-common/src/main/config/schema/error/schema.xml
+++ b/metron-platform/metron-solr/metron-solr-common/src/main/config/schema/error/schema.xml
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
diff --git a/metron-platform/metron-solr/metron-solr-common/src/main/config/schema/metaalert/schema.xml b/metron-platform/metron-solr/metron-solr-common/src/main/config/schema/metaalert/schema.xml
index 6555bf61d7..154a3d7c3d 100644
--- a/metron-platform/metron-solr/metron-solr-common/src/main/config/schema/metaalert/schema.xml
+++ b/metron-platform/metron-solr/metron-solr-common/src/main/config/schema/metaalert/schema.xml
@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@
@@ -58,5 +60,6 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/metron-platform/metron-solr/metron-solr-common/src/main/config/schema/snort/schema.xml b/metron-platform/metron-solr/metron-solr-common/src/main/config/schema/snort/schema.xml
index 3c57574a0b..dd66bd9eb8 100644
--- a/metron-platform/metron-solr/metron-solr-common/src/main/config/schema/snort/schema.xml
+++ b/metron-platform/metron-solr/metron-solr-common/src/main/config/schema/snort/schema.xml
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@
@@ -90,5 +92,6 @@
diff --git a/metron-platform/metron-solr/metron-solr-common/src/main/config/schema/yaf/schema.xml b/metron-platform/metron-solr/metron-solr-common/src/main/config/schema/yaf/schema.xml
index 37e5f12d7b..9665e135fb 100644
--- a/metron-platform/metron-solr/metron-solr-common/src/main/config/schema/yaf/schema.xml
+++ b/metron-platform/metron-solr/metron-solr-common/src/main/config/schema/yaf/schema.xml
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@
@@ -96,5 +98,6 @@
diff --git a/metron-platform/metron-solr/metron-solr-common/src/main/scripts/create_configset.sh b/metron-platform/metron-solr/metron-solr-common/src/main/scripts/create_configset.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..59f8602908
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metron-platform/metron-solr/metron-solr-common/src/main/scripts/create_configset.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+if [ ${SECURITY_ENABLED,,} == 'true' ]; then
+ NEGOTIATE=' --negotiate -u : '
+# Get the first Solr node from the list of live nodes in Zookeeper
+SOLR_NODE=`$ZOOKEEPER_HOME/bin/zkCli.sh -server $ZOOKEEPER ls /live_nodes | tail -n 1 | sed 's/\[\([^,]*\).*\]/\1/' | sed 's/_solr//'`
+# test for errors in SOLR URL
+if [[ ${SOLR_NODE} =~ .*:null ]]; then
+ echo "Error occurred while attempting to read SOLR Cloud configuration data from Zookeeper.";
+ if ! [[ ${ZOOKEEPER} =~ .*/solr ]]; then
+ echo "Warning! Environment variable ZOOKEEPER=$ZOOKEEPER does not contain a chrooted zookeeper ensemble address - are you sure you do not mean ZOOKEEPER=$ZOOKEEPER/solr?";
+ fi
+ exit 1;
+# test for presence of datetime field in schema collection
+DATETIME_SCHEMA=" fieldTypes = dao.getColumnMetadata(Collections.singletonList("bro"));
// Don't test all fields, just test a sample of different fields
- Assert.assertEquals(263, fieldTypes.size());
+ Assert.assertEquals(264, fieldTypes.size());
// Fields present in both with same type
Assert.assertEquals(FieldType.TEXT, fieldTypes.get("guid"));
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ public void returns_column_metadata_for_specified_indices() throws Exception {
// getColumnMetadata with only snort
Map fieldTypes = dao.getColumnMetadata(Collections.singletonList("snort"));
- Assert.assertEquals(33, fieldTypes.size());
+ Assert.assertEquals(34, fieldTypes.size());
// Fields present in both with same type
Assert.assertEquals(FieldType.TEXT, fieldTypes.get("guid"));