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File metadata and controls

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Apache NiFi - MiNiFi - C++ Examples

The following examples show simple flow configurations for several common use cases. Apache MiNiFi C++ supports flow configurations using yaml and json formats. Use the path of these json and yaml files as the flow configuration set in the nifi.flow.configuration.file property of conf/ file or replace the default conf/config.yml file to try them out.

For the json flow configuration format there are two supported schemas:

  • The default schema mimics the yaml configuration format using json syntax and json naming conventions. See the examples without the nifi.schema.json suffix.
  • The NiFi schema mimics NiFi's json flow configuration format, having some additional json properties added to the default schema from NiFi's json flow configuration format. See the examples with the nifi.schema.json suffix.

The json schema can be generated using the MiNiFi C++ binary with the --schema option. The generated schema can be used to validate the json flow configuration files.

Filesystem Operations

Getting File Data and Putting It in an Output Directory

Using the getfile_putfile_config.yml/getfile_putfile_config.json flow configuration MiNiFi gets all files of minimum 1MB size from the /tmp/getfile_dir directory and puts them in the /tmp/out_dir output directory.

The flow: GetFilePutFile

Tailing a Single File

Using the tailfile_config.yml/tailfile_config.json flow configuration MiNiFi tails a single file /tmp/test_file.log and creates flowfiles from every single line, then logs the flowfile attributes.

The flow: TailFileLogAttribute

Windows Specific Processors

Consuming Windows Event Logs

Using the cwel_config.yml/cwel_config.json flow configuration MiNiFi queries all Windows system events and puts them to the C:\temp\ directory in flattened JSON format.

The flow: ConsumeWindowsEventLogPutFile

Reading System Performance Data

Using the pdh_config.yml/pdh_config.json flow configuration MiNiFi reads CPU and Disk performance data through Windows' Performance Data Helper (PDH) component and puts the data to the C:\temp\ directory in a compact JSON format.

The flow: PerformanceDataMonitorPutFile

Linux Specific Processors

Consume Systemd-Journald System Journal Messages

Using the consumejournald_config.yml/consumejournald_config.json/consumejournald_config.nifi.schema.json flow configuration MiNiFi reads systemd-journald journal messages and logs them on info level.

The flow: ConsumeJournaldLogAttribute

HTTP Operations

HTTP POST Invocation

Using the http_post_config.yml/http_post_config.json/http_post_config.nifi.schema.json flow configuration MiNiFi transfers flowfile data received from the GetFile processor by invoking an HTTP endpoint with POST method.

The flow: GetFileInvokeHTTP

Site to Site Operations

Transfer Data to Remote Nifi Instance

Using the site_to_site_config.yml/site_to_site_config.json/site_to_site_config.nifi.schema.json flow configuration MiNiFi transfers data received from the GetFile processor to a remote NiFi instance located at http://nifi:8080/nifi.

Kafka Operations

Publish Message to Kafka Broker

Using the publishkafka_config.yml/publishkafka_config.json flow configuration MiNiFi publishes data received from the GetFile processor to a configured Kafka broker's test topic.

The flow: GetFilePublishKafka

Publish Message to Kafka Broker Through SSL

Using the publishkafka_ssl_config.yml/publishkafka_ssl_config.json flow configuration MiNiFi publishes data received from the GetFile processor to a configured Kafka broker's test topic through SSL connection.

The flow: GetFilePublishKafka

Consume Messages from Kafka

Using the consumekafka_config.yml/consumekafka_config.json flow configuration MiNiFi consumes messages from the configured Kafka broker's ConsumeKafkaTest topic from the earliest available message. The messages are forwarded to the PutFile processor and put in the /tmp/output directory.

The flow: ConsumeKafkaPutFile

Public Cloud Operations

Upload Blob to Azure Storage

Using the azure_storage_config.yml/azure_storage_config.json/azure_storage_config.nifi.schema.json flow configuration MiNiFi uploads data received from the GetFile processor to Azure's blob storage container test-container.

The flow: GetFilePutAzureBlobStorage

Put Object in AWS S3 Bucket

Using the puts3_config.yml/puts3_config.json flow configuration MiNiFi uploads data received from the GetFile processor to AWS S3 bucket test_bucket.

The flow: GetFilePutS3Object

List and Fetch Content from AWS S3 Bucket

Using the lists3_fetchs3_config.yml/lists3_fetchs3_config.json/lists3_fetchs3_config.nifi.schema.json flow configuration MiNiFi lists S3 bucket test_bucket and fetches its contents in flowfiles then logs the attributes. The flow uses AWSCredentialsService controller service to provide credentials for all S3 processors. It has Use Default Credentials property set which retrieves credentials from AWS default credentials provider chain (environment variables, configuration file, instance profile).

The flow: ListS3FetchS3ObjectLogAttribute

Merge, compress and upload files to Google Cloud Storage

Using the merge_compress_and_upload_to_gcs_config.yml/merge_compress_and_upload_to_gcs_config.json flow configuration MiNiFi tails a file, creates a flow file with an added google_cloud_storage attrbute from every new line, then merges every 10 lines, compresses the merged content in gzip format, finally uploads it to Google Cloud Storage. The flow uses GCSStorageService controller service to provide credentials for all GCS processors.

The flow: TailFileUpdateAttributeMergeContentCompressContentPutGCSObject

SQL Operations

Query Database Table

Using the querydbtable_config.yml/querydbtable_config.json/querydbtable_config.nifi.schema.json flow configuration MiNiFi queries the id and name columns of the users table with a where clause and the results are put in the /tmp/output directory. The database connection data is set in the ODBCService controller service.

The flow: QueryDatabaseTablePutFile


ExecuteScript supports Lua and Python

Reverse Content with Scripts

Using the process_data_with_scripts.yml/process_data_with_scripts.json flow configuration MiNiFi generates a flowfile then reverses its content with or reverse_flow_file_content.lua then writes the result to ./reversed_flow_files/

The flow: GenerateFlowFileExecuteScriptPutFile

Additional script examples can be found here.

Grafana Loki

Send logs to Grafana Loki

Using the grafana_loki_config.yml/grafana_loki_config.json flow configuration MiNiFi tails a log file and sends the log lines to the Grafana Loki server configured on the localhost on the port 3100, with the job=minifi and id=logs labels using Grafana Loki's REST API.

The flow: TailFilePushGrafanaLokiREST

MQTT Operations

Publish Message to MQTT Broker

Using the mqtt_config.yml/mqtt_config.json flow configuration MiNiFi publishes the data from the files located under the /tmp/input directory to the testtopic topic of the MQTT broker configured on localhost on the port 1883.

The flow: GetFilePublishMQTT

Network Operations

Send Data to Remote Host through TCP

Using the splittext_puttcp_config.yml/splittext_puttcp_config.json flow configuration MiNiFi splits the content of the files located under the /tmp/input directory into separate lines, while skipping the first 3 header lines, and sends them to the remote address on the port 8081 through TCP.

The flow: GetFileSplitTextPutTCP