mvn install -P{profile} -DprojectId=${project} -Dfile={path}
# Options
Pick a profile in the pom.xml.
Apigee API Hub location, config directory, option are picked from the profile.
none - No action (default)
create - Create when not found. Pre-existing config is NOT updated even if it is different.
update - Update when found; create when not found
delete - Delete when found
export - export all entities to a file
sync - Delete and recreate.
path to the directory containing the configuration
path to the directory where the entities will be exported to
set this flag to true to forcefully delete all dependent entities (applicable for apis and apiversions)
access token. Service Account file takes precedence
- Follow the steps to provision Apigee API hub
- Create a Service Account with the Apigee API hub permissions, download the service account key file
- Check out the samples that includes the structure of the API, specs, deployment and other config objects needed to push an API to the API Hub
Please ensure all prerequisites have been followed prior to continuing.
This project demonstrates use of apigee-apihub-maven-plugin to push API to a Apigee API hub.
To use, edit samples/pom.xml and update values as specified.
<apigee.apihub.projectId>${projectId}</apigee.apihub.projectId> <!-- GCP Project ID where Apigee API hub is provisioned -->
<apigee.apihub.location>${location}</apigee.apihub.location> <!-- Apigee API hub location. Default is global -->
<apigee.apihub.config.dir>./</apigee.apihub.config.dir> <!-- Directory where specs are accessible. Using ./specs for sample -->
<apigee.apihub.config.options>${options}</apigee.apihub.config.options> <!-- Options like none, create, update, delete, sync. Default is none-->
<apigee.apihub.serviceaccount.file>${file}</apigee.apihub.serviceaccount.file> <!-- Service Account File. Use this or "apigee.apihub.bearer". Service Account takes precedence -->
<apigee.apihub.bearer>${bearer}</apigee.apihub.bearer> <!-- Bearer Token. Use this or "apigee.apihub.serviceaccount.file" -->
<apigee.apihub.force.delete>false</apigee.apihub.force.delete> <!-- Force delete entities. Default is false -->
<apigee.apihub.config.exportDir>./export</apigee.apihub.config.exportDir> <!-- Export Directory -->
To run, jump to the sample project cd /samples
and run
mvn install -P{profile} -DprojectId={projectId} -Dlocation={location} -Dapigee.apihub.config.options={option} -Dfile={path}
is the Maven profile in the pom.xmlprojectId
is the GCP Project ID where Apigee Hub is provisionedlocation
is the GCP Region where Apigee Hub is provisionedoptions
to either "create", "update", "delete" or "sync" the API into the API Hubpath
is the path to your Service Account Key file
or to run it directly using your access token, run
mvn install -P{profile} -DprojectId={projectId} -Dlocation={location} -Dapigee.apihub.config.options={option} -Dbearer=$(gcloud auth print-access-token)