Releases: apigee/apigee-edge-drupal
What's Changed
- Support apps with revoked credentials only by @mxr576 in #786
- PHPCS fix by @shishir-intelli in #795
- Set missing operation on AuthenticationForm by @FCsongradi in #792
- Add php-http/discovery in allow-plugins by @phdhiren in #799
- The core/jquery.once asset library is deprecated by @phdhiren in #797
- Support for PHP 7.4 by @phdhiren in #800
What's Changed
- Support for entity query access check by @shishir-intelli in #791
What's Changed
- Support for entity query access check by @shishir-intelli in #790
What's Changed
- Using the "Twig_Loader_Chain" class is deprecated by @phdhiren in #763
- Using "min" option without setting the "allowEmptyString" is deprecated by @divya-intelli in #765
- End of support for PHP 7.4 by @phdhiren in #768
- added Drupal 9.5 and removed Drupal 9.3 from test by @divya-intelli in #776
- Fix double click issue on app listing page by @shishir-intelli in #772
- Bump Drupal version to 9.4 by @divya-intelli in #778
- Add missing dependency and fix typehints by @mxr576 in #781
What's Changed
- Fix for deprecation:Relying on entity queries to check access by default by @divya-intelli in #728
- Add nightly build along with deprecation checks by @phdhiren in #726
- Fix of nightly build and deprecation check by @phdhiren in #729
- Signature of EventDispatcherInterface::dispatch() has changed by @phdhiren in #732
- Bump Drupal core version requirement to 9.3 by @divya-intelli in #736
- Fix for deprecation:Accessing the entityClass property directly is deprecated by @divya-intelli in #734
- Fix Drush si profile installation error due to missing Apigee configuration by @shishir-intelli in #738
- Added tests report to Codecov by @shishir-intelli in #742
- Fix to show teams more that 100 by @divya-intelli in #744
- Fix for dev dependencies error by @divya-intelli in #758
- Fix for drupal check prophesize method deprecation by @divya-intelli in #755
- Team member sync by @divya-intelli in #745
- Update by @raakesh-blokhra in #749
- Fix error while editing the teams app by @shishir-intelli in #752
What's Changed
- Fix error thrown when inviting team member by @shishir-intelli in #716
- Fix for deprecation:Declaring ::setUp without a void return typehint by @divya-intelli in #718
- Fix for deprecation notice:$modules property must be declared protected by @divya-intelli in #722
- Adding drupal check in GitHub actions by @phdhiren in #720
- Updated the text in Teams module that teams is not supported with ApigeeX by @divya-intelli in #725
- Support for drupal 9.4 by @phdhiren in #723
What's Changed
- PHP 8.1 Support by @divya-intelli in #714
- Remove circleci integration by @phdhiren in #711
- Updating dependencies by @divya-intelli in #713
#656 Fixed the error message on registration form issue #655.
#661 Fix apigee_edge_teams_cron() if run without teams issue #660.
#668 Replaced deprecated Formatter::formatResponse() with formatResponseForRequest method issue #667.
#673 Fixed deprecated methods drupalPostForm(), assertEqual(), user_password(), assertArrayEquals() and assertFileNotExists() which is removed from Drupal 10.0.0 issue #672.
#682 Fixed deprecated methods uasort() and usort() Returning bool from comparison function is deprecated, return an integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero issue #680.
#688 Fixed if apigee_edge_actions_debug module is enabled and rules are set , type error is thrown when event is triggered issue #687.
#696 Fixed deprecated notice for FieldableEdgeEntityBase::getIterator() issue #692.
#693 Fixed deprecated function: strpos(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($haystack) of type string is deprecated issue #695.
#697 Fixed deprecated function: json_decode(): Passing null to parameter issue #694.
#699 Fixed caching issue for teams module issue #690.
#701 Added disable email notification and auto approve functionality for registered users issue #691.
#703 Add missing JS library dependency for displaying a modal window.
#704 Contruct the app keys url on the backend.
#708 Update Cache-Control parameters to no-store.
- #652 Updated test case according to Drupal 9.3. issue #651
- #646 Updated dependency of rules to 8.x-3.0-alpha7 issue #647
- #653 Fixed deprecated declaration of setup without void. issue #649
- #654 Apigee Actions module is now compatible with Drupal 9. Issue #626
- #659 Added slevomat/coding-standard dependency on CircleCI test. Issue #658