What is the response data type of an AJAX request?
- text
- The type specified by the request
- You can specify what type of response you want!
What is the default request type in an AJAX request?
- Yep, it's GET!
+What is the response data type of an AJAX request?
+- [ ] XML
+- [ ] JSON
+- [ ] YAML
+- [ ] text
+- [ ] The type specified by the request
+The type specified by the request
+You can specify what type of response you want!
+What is the default request type in an AJAX request?
+- [ ] GET
+- [ ] POST
+- [ ] PATCH
+- [ ] PUT
+- [ ] DELETE
+Yep, it's GET!
const fetchSuccess = kittens => {
@@ -33,26 +37,30 @@ const fetchKittens = () => fetch("/kittens");
After making the above AJAX request, when will `fetchSuccess` be called?
- Whenever the request receives a response
- After the request is made, but before a response is received
- When the request receives a response with a 300-level status code
- When the request receives a response with a 200-level status code
- Never
- `fetchSuccess` will be invoked when the AJAX call has resolved (returned a response with a 200-level status code).
True or False: An AJAX request is an HTTP request.
- False
- True
- Yep! An AJAX request dispatches an HTTP request.
+After making the above AJAX request, when will `fetchSuccess` be called?
+- [ ] Whenever the request receives a response
+- [ ] After the request is made, but before a response is received
+- [ ] When the request receives a response with a 300-level status code
+- [ ] When the request receives a response with a 200-level status code
+- [ ] Never
+When the request receives a response with a 200-level status code
+`fetchSuccess` will be invoked when the AJAX call has resolved (returned a response with a 200-level status code).
+True or False: An AJAX request is an HTTP request.
+- [ ] False
+- [ ] True
+Yep! An AJAX request dispatches an HTTP request.
1. promise.then(firstFulfilled).then(secondFulfilled).catch(rejected)
@@ -62,16 +70,18 @@ fetchKittens().then(fetchSuccess);
3. promise.then(firstFulfilled, rejected).catch(error)
In what cases will `rejected` run?
- `rejected` will run in 2 and 3 if `promise` fails but not in 1.
- `rejected` will run in 1 and 2 if `secondFulfilled` fails.
- All three will run `rejected` if either `promise` or `firstFulfilled` fail.
- All three will run `rejected` if `promise` fails.
- In all three of the above scenarios the rejected callback will run if the promise fails! In Case 1, `catch` will run the callback given to it if any of the promise objects are rejected. In Case 2, after `promise` is complete, `firstFulfilled` will get invoked if the `promise` returned a status of resolved. `rejected` will get invoked if the `promise` returned a status of `rejected`. Case 3 is the same explanation as Case 2! In Cases 2 and 3, `rejected` will run ONLY if `promise` fails. Once `promise` succeeds, `firstFulfilled` (passed as the "Success Callback", i.e., the first argument to the `.then`) will run and `rejected` (passed as the "Rejected Callback", i.e., the second argument to the `.then`) will not. There has to be an error callback (second argument) in the next `.then` to catch `firstFulfilled` failing or a `.catch` anywhere later in the chain. So in Case 2 if `firstFulfilled` fails nothing will catch it, but in Case 3, `error` would catch it.
+In what cases will `rejected` run?
+- [ ] `rejected` will run in 2 and 3 if `promise` fails but not in 1.
+- [ ] `rejected` will run in 1 and 2 if `secondFulfilled` fails.
+- [ ] All three will run `rejected` if either `promise` or `firstFulfilled` fail.
+- [ ] All three will run `rejected` if `promise` fails.
+All three will run `rejected` if `promise` fails.
+In all three of the above scenarios the rejected callback will run if the promise fails! In Case 1, `catch` will run the callback given to it if any of the promise objects are rejected. In Case 2, after `promise` is complete, `firstFulfilled` will get invoked if the `promise` returned a status of resolved. `rejected` will get invoked if the `promise` returned a status of `rejected`. Case 3 is the same explanation as Case 2! In Cases 2 and 3, `rejected` will run ONLY if `promise` fails. Once `promise` succeeds, `firstFulfilled` (passed as the "Success Callback", i.e., the first argument to the `.then`) will run and `rejected` (passed as the "Rejected Callback", i.e., the second argument to the `.then`) will not. There has to be an error callback (second argument) in the next `.then` to catch `firstFulfilled` failing or a `.catch` anywhere later in the chain. So in Case 2 if `firstFulfilled` fails nothing will catch it, but in Case 3, `error` would catch it.
function getAnswers(questions) {
@@ -85,16 +95,18 @@ function getAnswers(questions) {
Consider the above function that takes in an array of questions and returns an array of corresponding answers. If `rl.question` is an asynchronous function that waits for user input, what is the problem with the code above?
- `rl.question` needs to be inside a `.then`.
- Nothing: it will run without error.
- `answer` will always be a Promise instead of the actual answer.
- It will produce a `Syntax Error` because `await` is an `Unexpected reserved word`.
- It will produce a `Syntax Error` because `getAnswers` is not designated as an `async` function. `await` can only be used inside `async` functions (and in a few top-level situations).
+Consider the above function that takes in an array of questions and returns an array of corresponding answers. If `rl.question` is an asynchronous function that waits for user input, what is the problem with the code above?
+- [ ] `rl.question` needs to be inside a `.then`.
+- [ ] Nothing: it will run without error.
+- [ ] `answer` will always be a Promise instead of the actual answer.
+- [ ] It will produce a `Syntax Error` because `await` is an `Unexpected reserved word`.
+It will produce a `Syntax Error` because `await` is an `Unexpected reserved word`.
+It will produce a `Syntax Error` because `getAnswers` is not designated as an `async` function. `await` can only be used inside `async` functions (and in a few top-level situations).
async function asyncPrint() {
@@ -110,13 +122,15 @@ function printThings() {
If you run the code above, in what order will the `console.log`s appear?
- First! Second! Third!
- First! Third! Second!
- Second! First! Third!
- It will produce an error because `asyncPrint` is not designated as an `async` function when it is invoked inside `printThings`.
- `await` only pauses the internal execution of the function in which it is invoked, so the use of `await` in `asyncPrint` will NOT effectively turn `printThings` into a synchronous function. When `asyncPrint` hits the `await`, it will pause its internal execution and cede control back to `printThings` while its Promise resolves. Once the Promise resolves, then `asyncPrint` will resume executing any subsequent code, although there's nothing left to execute after the `await` in `asyncPrint`. In other words, the `await` isn't really doing anything useful here.
+If you run the code above, in what order will the `console.log`s appear?
+- [ ] First! Second! Third!
+- [ ] First! Third! Second!
+- [ ] Second! First! Third!
+- [ ] It will produce an error because `asyncPrint` is not designated as an `async` function when it is invoked inside `printThings`.
+First! Third! Second!
+`await` only pauses the internal execution of the function in which it is invoked, so the use of `await` in `asyncPrint` will NOT effectively turn `printThings` into a synchronous function. When `asyncPrint` hits the `await`, it will pause its internal execution and cede control back to `printThings` while its Promise resolves. Once the Promise resolves, then `asyncPrint` will resume executing any subsequent code, although there's nothing left to execute after the `await` in `asyncPrint`. In other words, the `await` isn't really doing anything useful here.
diff --git a/javascript/quizzes/event_loop.md b/javascript/quizzes/event_loop.md
index d428500..8603c98 100644
--- a/javascript/quizzes/event_loop.md
+++ b/javascript/quizzes/event_loop.md
@@ -13,16 +13,18 @@ const catAging = cat.ageOneYear;
Consider the above code. Assuming we run the code in the browser, what is the value of `this` when we call `catAging`?
- `window`
- `cat`
- `undefined`
- `catAging` will throw an error - you cannot save a function as a constant.
- We are creating a POJO on the window assigned to the variable named `cat`. Our POJO has an attribute called `ageOneYear`. Because the context of `this` inside of the POJO will be the window, the conext of `this` will also be the window inside of the `ageOneYear` function.
+Consider the above code. Assuming we run the code in the browser, what is the value of `this` when we call `catAging`?
+- [ ] `window`
+- [ ] `cat`
+- [ ] `undefined`
+- [ ] `catAging` will throw an error - you cannot save a function as a constant.
+We are creating a POJO on the window assigned to the variable named `cat`. Our POJO has an attribute called `ageOneYear`. Because the context of `this` inside of the POJO will be the window, the conext of `this` will also be the window inside of the `ageOneYear` function.
@@ -35,30 +37,32 @@ reader.question("What is your name?", function (answer) {
console.log("Last program line");
Consider the above code. `reader.question` is an asynchronous function. In what order are the above statements logged?
- "What is your name?", `Hello ${ answer }!`, "Last program line"
- `Hello ${ answer }!`, "Last program line", "What is your name?"
- "Last program line", "What is your name?", `Hello ${ answer }!`
- "What is your name?", "Last program line", `Hello ${ answer }!`
- Because `reader.question` will not invoke the callback given to it (which console logs `Hello ${answer}!`) until the user enters an answer. Because `reader.question` is asynchronous, JS doesn't wait around for that answer before continuing to execute the rest of the code. Therefore, `"Last program line"` will be printed before the answer the user types in will be logged.
+Consider the above code. `reader.question` is an asynchronous function. In what order are the above statements logged?
+- [ ] "What is your name?", `Hello ${ answer }!`, "Last program line"
+- [ ] `Hello ${ answer }!`, "Last program line", "What is your name?"
+- [ ] "Last program line", "What is your name?", `Hello ${ answer }!`
+- [ ] "What is your name?", "Last program line", `Hello ${ answer }!`
+"What is your name?", "Last program line", `Hello ${ answer }!`
+Because `reader.question` will not invoke the callback given to it (which console logs `Hello ${answer}!`) until the user enters an answer. Because `reader.question` is asynchronous, JS doesn't wait around for that answer before continuing to execute the rest of the code. Therefore, `"Last program line"` will be printed before the answer the user types in will be logged.
Which of the following is NOT executed asynchronously?
- `reader.question`
- `Array.prototype.forEach`
- `window.setInterval`
- `window.setTimeout`
- `forEach` will go ahead and start iterating and JS will not move on to other code until the `forEach` is complete.
+Which of the following is NOT executed asynchronously?
+- [ ] `reader.question`
+- [ ] `Array.prototype.forEach`
+- [ ] `window.setInterval`
+- [ ] `window.setTimeout`
+`forEach` will go ahead and start iterating and JS will not move on to other code until the `forEach` is complete.
@@ -73,16 +77,18 @@ const Dog = require('./dog.js');
const dog = new Dog();
Why will the above code throw an error?
- `dog.js` fails to export the `Dog` constructor function.
- `animals.js` should import an instance of `Dog` rather than the `Dog` constructor function.
- `animals.js` should save `Dog` to a variable.
- The above code will work as expected.
- If we don't export the `Dog` function, JS will not know what to assign to `Dog` inside of our `animals.js` file.
+Why will the above code throw an error?
+- [ ] `dog.js` fails to export the `Dog` constructor function.
+- [ ] `animals.js` should import an instance of `Dog` rather than the `Dog` constructor function.
+- [ ] `animals.js` should save `Dog` to a variable.
+- [ ] The above code will work as expected.
+dog.js` fails to export the `Dog` constructor function.
+If we don't export the `Dog` function, JS will not know what to assign to `Dog` inside of our `animals.js` file.
@@ -100,17 +106,18 @@ require("./dog");
const dog = new Dog();
Why will the above code throw an error?
- `dog.js` should export the object `{ Dog: Dog }`.
- `dog.js` should export an instance of Dog rather than the Dog constructor function.
- `animals.js` should save `require("./dog")` as the constant `Dog`.
- The above code will work as expected.
- Simply requiring the `dog.js` file will not make the `Dog` constructor function available to us. We need to assign the code that we are importing to a constant `Dog` to be able to invoke the constructor function.
+Why will the above code throw an error?
+- [ ] `dog.js` should export the object `{ Dog: Dog }`.
+- [ ] `dog.js` should export an instance of Dog rather than the Dog constructor function.
+- [ ] `animals.js` should save `require("./dog")` as the constant `Dog`.
+- [ ] The above code will work as expected.
+`animals.js` should save `require("./dog")` as the constant `Dog`.
+Simply requiring the `dog.js` file will not make the `Dog` constructor function available to us. We need to assign the code that we are importing to a constant `Dog` to be able to invoke the constructor function.
@@ -133,13 +140,15 @@ const Dumbo = {
Consider the above code. What is logged to the console?
- "phHRRRRRRR my name is Ryan Hall"
- "phHRRRRRRR my name is Dumbo"
- "Hi, I'm Dumbo, how can I help you?"
- "Hi, I'm Ryan Hall, how can I help you?"
- `call` is being invoked on the `Dumbo` `greet` method. `greet` gets invoked, but with the new context of `RyanHall`. Therefore `"phHRRRRRRR my name is Ryan Hall"` will get logged to the console because we are invoking `Dumbo`'s `greet` method but `RyanHall` is the new context of `this`.
\ No newline at end of file
+Consider the above code. What is logged to the console?
+- [ ] "phHRRRRRRR my name is Ryan Hall"
+- [ ] "phHRRRRRRR my name is Dumbo"
+- [ ] "Hi, I'm Dumbo, how can I help you?"
+- [ ] "Hi, I'm Ryan Hall, how can I help you?"
+"phHRRRRRRR my name is Ryan Hall"
+`call` is being invoked on the `Dumbo` `greet` method. `greet` gets invoked, but with the new context of `RyanHall`. Therefore `"phHRRRRRRR my name is Ryan Hall"` will get logged to the console because we are invoking `Dumbo`'s `greet` method but `RyanHall` is the new context of `this`.
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index fc6b4c5..b1c4dc1 100644
--- a/javascript/quizzes/jquery.md
+++ b/javascript/quizzes/jquery.md
@@ -1,16 +1,20 @@
# jQuery Quiz
What is the difference between `document.getElementById("cat")` and `$('#cat')`?
- `document.getElementById("cat")` returns an HTML element and `$('#cat')` returns a jQuery object
- `$('#cat')` executes more quickly than `document.getElementById("cat")`
- No difference
- You need to have JQuery loaded in order to run `$('#cat')`, and you don't for `document.getElementById("cat")`
- `document.getElementById` is Vanilla Javascript and will return an HTML Element. `$()` is jquery and will return a jquery object. To use `$()` you have to load jQuery.
+What is the difference between `document.getElementById("cat")` and `$('#cat')`?
+- [ ] `document.getElementById("cat")` returns an HTML element and `$('#cat')` returns a jQuery object
+- [ ] `$('#cat')` executes more quickly than `document.getElementById("cat")`
+- [ ] No difference
+- [ ] You need to have JQuery loaded in order to run `$('#cat')`, and you don't for `document.getElementById("cat")`
+- `document.getElementById("cat")` returns an HTML element and `$('#cat')` returns a jQuery object
+- You need to have JQuery loaded in order to run `$('#cat')`, and you don't for `document.getElementById("cat")`
+`document.getElementById` is Vanilla Javascript and will return an HTML Element. `$()` is jquery and will return a jquery object. To use `$()` you have to load jQuery.
@@ -20,17 +24,19 @@ $('ul.test').on('click', 'li', () => {
The above code is part of a script loaded by an html page. Assume that the html page and the rest of the script are syntactically correct and bug-free. What do these lines of code do?
- they alert "!!!" when an `li` inside of a `ul` with class `test` is clicked
- they fail silently
- they alert "!!!" when an `li` is clicked
- they alert "!!!" when an `li` inside of a `ul` is clicked
- they alert "!!!" when a `ul` is clicked
- We are setting up and event listener on a `ul` with a class `test`. It is listening for the "click" event on a child `li` element. When the click happens, the callback will be invoked which will alert "!!!"
+The above code is part of a script loaded by an html page. Assume that the html page and the rest of the script are syntactically correct and bug-free. What do these lines of code do?
+- [ ] they alert "!!!" when an `li` inside of a `ul` with class `test` is clicked
+- [ ] they fail silently
+- [ ] they alert "!!!" when an `li` is clicked
+- [ ] they alert "!!!" when an `li` inside of a `ul` is clicked
+- [ ] they alert "!!!" when a `ul` is clicked
+they alert "!!!" when an `li` inside of a `ul` with class `test` is clicked
+We are setting up and event listener on a `ul` with a class `test`. It is listening for the "click" event on a child `li` element. When the click happens, the callback will be invoked which will alert "!!!"
@@ -40,40 +46,46 @@ $( () => {
The above code is in a .js file that is loaded by a website. When will the alert happen?
- When the file is fully loaded
- When the document has loaded, including its dependencies
- As soon as it is interpreted or compiled
- When a user clicks anywhere on the page
- We do not specify an element on the page, therefore the callback will be invoked as soon as the document and its dependencies have loaded. This is shorthand for the `$(document).ready(cb)` which will only execute `cb` once the page DOM is "ready" to receive JS code to execute.
If you wanted to select all of the `ul`s of class `abc`, how would you do so using jQuery?
- `$('ul').class('abc')`
- `document.getElementById(abc)`
- `$('ul.abc')`
- `$('ul>abc')`
- The `.` inside of a string given to the `$()` as an argument signifies that we are looking for an element based on the class name given. So `$('.hello')` would mean we are looking for elements with a class name of `hello`. `$('li.hello')` would mean we are looking for `li` elements that has a class name of `hello`.
Fill in the blanks: ______ is the way to access a data attribute that has been set with ______.
- `$li.data("number");`, `$li.data("number", number);`
- `$li.data("number", idx);`, `$li.data("number");`
- `$li.data("test");`, `$li.data("testing", idx);`
- `$li.attr("number", idx);`, `$li.data("number", idx);`
- `$li.data("number", idx);`, `$li.data("number", idx);`
- `$li.data("number");` will allow us to see what the `"number"` attribute is set to and `$li.data("number", number);` will set the `"number"` attribute to some `number`.
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+The above code is in a .js file that is loaded by a website. When will the alert happen?
+- [ ] When the file is fully loaded
+- [ ] When the document has loaded, including its dependencies
+- [ ] As soon as it is interpreted or compiled
+- [ ] When a user clicks anywhere on the page
+When the document has loaded, including its dependencies
+We do not specify an element on the page, therefore the callback will be invoked as soon as the document and its dependencies have loaded. This is shorthand for the `$(document).ready(cb)` which will only execute `cb` once the page DOM is "ready" to receive JS code to execute.
+If you wanted to select all of the `ul`s of class `abc`, how would you do so using jQuery?
+- [ ] `$('ul').class('abc')`
+- [ ] `document.getElementById(abc)`
+- [ ] `$('ul.abc')`
+- [ ] `$('ul>abc')`
+The `.` inside of a string given to the `$()` as an argument signifies that we are looking for an element based on the class name given. So `$('.hello')` would mean we are looking for elements with a class name of `hello`. `$('li.hello')` would mean we are looking for `li` elements that has a class name of `hello`.
+Fill in the blanks: ______ is the way to access a data attribute that has been set with ______.
+- [ ] `$li.data("number");`, `$li.data("number", number);`
+- [ ] `$li.data("number", idx);`, `$li.data("number");`
+- [ ] `$li.data("test");`, `$li.data("testing", idx);`
+- [ ] `$li.attr("number", idx);`, `$li.data("number", idx);`
+- [ ] `$li.data("number", idx);`, `$li.data("number", idx);`
+`$li.data("number");`, `$li.data("number", number);`
+`$li.data("number");` will allow us to see what the `"number"` attribute is set to and `$li.data("number", number);` will set the `"number"` attribute to some `number`.
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index 406abcf..d9574e1 100644
--- a/javascript/quizzes/js_dom_api.md
+++ b/javascript/quizzes/js_dom_api.md
@@ -23,17 +23,19 @@
When mousing over the `Leopold` `li` element, what are the `currentTarget` and `target`, respectively?
- `ul.joycean-corgis` and `
- `
` and `ul.joycean-corgis`
- `ul.joycean-corgis` and `ul.joycean-corgis`
- `
` and `
- There's only a `delegateTarget` and a `currentTarget`
- `target` will be the element that triggered the event - in this case, the `
` element that was moused over. `currentTarget` is the element that the event listener is assigned to, which is the `ul.joycean-corgis`
+When mousing over the `Leopold` `li` element, what are the `currentTarget` and `target`, respectively?
+- [ ] `ul.joycean-corgis` and `
+- [ ] `
` and `ul.joycean-corgis`
+- [ ] `ul.joycean-corgis` and `ul.joycean-corgis`
+- [ ] `
` and `
+- [ ] There's only a `delegateTarget` and a `currentTarget`
+`ul.joycean-corgis` and `
+`target` will be the element that triggered the event - in this case, the `
` element that was moused over. `currentTarget` is the element that the event listener is assigned to, which is the `ul.joycean-corgis`
@@ -59,17 +61,19 @@
The code is the same as in question 1. When mousing over `Leopold` `li` element, what element(s) generate(s) the event?
- `ul.joycean-corgis` and `
- `
- `ul.joycean-corgis`
- the `aside`
- No element generates the event.
- The `
` is the element that was moused over and is therefore the element that generates the event.
+The code is the same as in question 1. When mousing over `Leopold` `li` element, what element(s) generate(s) the event?
+- [ ] `ul.joycean-corgis` and `
+- [ ] `
+- [ ] `ul.joycean-corgis`
+- [ ] the `aside`
+- [ ] No element generates the event.
+The `
` is the element that was moused over and is therefore the element that generates the event.
@@ -92,17 +96,19 @@
This code has a different `script`. What would be the `currentTarget`, `target`, and `delegateTarget`, respectively, when mousing over `Leopold` `li` element?
- `
`, `
`, `
- `ul.joycean-corgis`, `
`, `ul.joycean-corgis`
- `
`, `
`, `ul.joycean-corgis`
- `ul.joycean-corgis`, NONE, `ul.joycean-corgis`
- `ul.joycean-corgis`, `ul.joycean-corgis`, `ul.joycean-corgis`
- We are mousing over `
` therefore that is the `target`. The event listener is assigned to the `'li'` elements that are children to `ul.joycean-corgis`, therefor the `currentTarget` is the `'li'` that was moused over (`
`). The `delegateTarget` will be the element that the event listener was originally attached, `'ul.joycean-corgis'`.
+This code has a different `script`. What would be the `currentTarget`, `target`, and `delegateTarget`, respectively, when mousing over `Leopold` `li` element?
+- [ ] `
`, `ul.joycean-corgis`
+We are mousing over `
` therefore that is the `target`. The event listener is assigned to the `'li'` elements that are children to `ul.joycean-corgis`, therefor the `currentTarget` is the `'li'` that was moused over (`
`). The `delegateTarget` will be the element that the event listener was originally attached, `'ul.joycean-corgis'`.
@@ -137,28 +143,32 @@
In what order would the alerts appear if you were to click on the text "Labyrinth"?
- 'Nom Nom', 'Uh Oh', 'Escape!'
- 'Escape!', 'Uh Oh', 'Nom Nom'
- 'Escape!', 'Uh Oh'
- 'Uh Oh', 'Escape!'
- No events are triggered
- The event will start at the element that we clicked on and then bubble up.
What's the data type of the return value of `window.history`?
- String
- Array
- Hash
- NaN
- Object
- Everything in JS is an object! `window.history` is an object with different properties like `length`.
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+In what order would the alerts appear if you were to click on the text "Labyrinth"?
+- [ ] 'Nom Nom', 'Uh Oh', 'Escape!'
+- [ ] 'Escape!', 'Uh Oh', 'Nom Nom'
+- [ ] 'Escape!', 'Uh Oh'
+- [ ] 'Uh Oh', 'Escape!'
+- [ ] No events are triggered
+'Uh Oh', 'Escape!'
+The event will start at the element that we clicked on and then bubble up.
+What's the data type of the return value of `window.history`?
+- [ ] String
+- [ ] Array
+- [ ] Hash
+- [ ] NaN
+- [ ] Object
+Everything in JS is an object! `window.history` is an object with different properties like `length`.
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diff --git a/javascript/quizzes/js_fundamentals.md b/javascript/quizzes/js_fundamentals.md
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--- a/javascript/quizzes/js_fundamentals.md
+++ b/javascript/quizzes/js_fundamentals.md
@@ -1,17 +1,19 @@
## Javascript Fundamentals Quiz
`1 * 34 + '0' - 100`
What does the above code evaluate to in Node?
- `"240"`
- `-66`
- `240`
- `NaN`
- The code will throw an error; you cannot add or subtract a string with an integer.
- `1 * 34` evaluates to 34. `34 + '0'` coerces the number `34` into the string `'34'` and then adds the two strings together giving you `'340'`. Subtracting `100` off of the string `'340'` coerces the string `'340'` into a number and then subtracts 100 giving us `240`.
+What does the above code evaluate to in Node?
+- [ ] `"240"`
+- [ ] `-66`
+- [ ] `240`
+- [ ] `NaN`
+- [ ] The code will throw an error; you cannot add or subtract a string with an integer.
+`1 * 34` evaluates to 34. `34 + '0'` coerces the number `34` into the string `'34'` and then adds the two strings together giving you `'340'`. Subtracting `100` off of the string `'340'` coerces the string `'340'` into a number and then subtracts 100 giving us `240`.
@@ -21,17 +23,19 @@ function isStringZero (item) {
We want the above function to return true only if the item is equal to the string `"0"`.
- Why will the code not work?
- The code will throw an error because `item` is not declared as a `var`
- Because the `==` operation is used instead of `===`, `isStringZero` will return true for the integer 0.
- The code will throw an error because javascript does not have a `==` operator.
- The function will work as expected.
- Double equals (`==`) does not check for type matching. JS will attempt to coerce the two things into a common type before comparing them. Tripe equals (`===`) will verify that the two things being compared have the same type without doing any coercing.
+We want the above function to return true only if the item is equal to the string `"0"`.
+ Why will the code not work?
+- [ ] The code will throw an error because `item` is not declared as a `var`
+- [ ] Because the `==` operation is used instead of `===`, `isStringZero` will return true for the integer 0.
+- [ ] The code will throw an error because javascript does not have a `==` operator.
+- [ ] The function will work as expected.
+Because the `==` operation is used instead of `===`, `isStringZero` will return true for the integer 0.
+Double equals (`==`) does not check for type matching. JS will attempt to coerce the two things into a common type before comparing them. Tripe equals (`===`) will verify that the two things being compared have the same type without doing any coercing.
@@ -51,16 +55,18 @@ function printNSkip3(n) {
We want a function that prints each number from 0 to `n`, except those which are divisible by 3. Why will the above function not work as planned?
- The function will not actually skip numbers divisible by 3 since the `break` will only break out of the `if` statement.
- The `break` statement will break out of the entire while loop and should be replaced with `continue`, so that it instead carries on to the next iteration.
- There is a syntax error in the `if` statement - javascript `if` statements must include an `else` clause.
- The function will work as expected.
- `break` kicks us out of the loop completely instead of simply skipping an iteration!
+We want a function that prints each number from 0 to `n`, except those which are divisible by 3. Why will the above function not work as planned?
+- [ ] The function will not actually skip numbers divisible by 3 since the `break` will only break out of the `if` statement.
+- [ ] The `break` statement will break out of the entire while loop and should be replaced with `continue`, so that it instead carries on to the next iteration.
+- [ ] There is a syntax error in the `if` statement - javascript `if` statements must include an `else` clause.
+- [ ] The function will work as expected.
+The `break` statement will break out of the entire while loop and should be replaced with `continue`, so that it instead carries on to the next iteration.
+`break` kicks us out of the loop completely instead of simply skipping an iteration!
@@ -78,16 +84,18 @@ function testFn () {
What is logged when we run `testFn`?
- "ramen", "ramen"
- "ramen", "pizza"
- "pizza", "pizza"
- The code will throw an error because `favoriteFood` was defined using `const` and cannot be overwritten in the scope of the function.
- When the first `console.log` runs, JS will look inside of the current scope for a variable called `favoriteFood`. One exists in that scope itself so the `"ramen"` gets printed out. When the second `console.log` runs, JS does the same thing and finds a `favoriteFood` variable that is set to `"pizza"`.
+What is logged when we run `testFn`?
+- [ ] "ramen", "ramen"
+- [ ] "ramen", "pizza"
+- [ ] "pizza", "pizza"
+- [ ] The code will throw an error because `favoriteFood` was defined using `const` and cannot be overwritten in the scope of the function.
+"ramen", "pizza"
+When the first `console.log` runs, JS will look inside of the current scope for a variable called `favoriteFood`. One exists in that scope itself so the `"ramen"` gets printed out. When the second `console.log` runs, JS does the same thing and finds a `favoriteFood` variable that is set to `"pizza"`.
@@ -114,17 +122,21 @@ function testFn () {
[1,2,3,4,5].forEach((el) => console.log(el));
Which of the following are valid ways to iterate over and print out each element in an array?
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- `forEach` takes a callback as an argument. The callback needs to take an argument for the element in the array well be looking at. There are no blocks in JS!
+Which of the following are valid ways to iterate over and print out each element in an array?
+- [ ] A
+- [ ] B
+- [ ] C
+- [ ] D
+- [ ] E
+- B
+- D
+- E
+`forEach` takes a callback as an argument. The callback needs to take an argument for the element in the array well be looking at. There are no blocks in JS!
@@ -145,12 +157,16 @@ function dogTrick(dogName, trickVerb) {
Consider the above code. The anonymous function that prints out the dog trick is a:
- closure
- function that captures `dogName` and `trickVerb`
- callback
- The anonymous function passed into the invokation of `times` closes over and captures the `dogName` and `trickVerb` arguments so that JS knows what they are inside of a new context. The function is also a callback because it is being passed in as an argument. The `times` function will handle invoking the function that we are passing in.
+Consider the above code. The anonymous function that prints out the dog trick is a:
+- [ ] closure
+- [ ] function that captures `dogName` and `trickVerb`
+- [ ] callback
+- closure
+- function that captures `dogName` and `trickVerb`
+- callback
+The anonymous function passed into the invokation of `times` closes over and captures the `dogName` and `trickVerb` arguments so that JS knows what they are inside of a new context. The function is also a callback because it is being passed in as an argument. The `times` function will handle invoking the function that we are passing in.
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index 2b1daaa..8ed8588 100644
--- a/javascript/quizzes/object_oriented_js.md
+++ b/javascript/quizzes/object_oriented_js.md
@@ -11,15 +11,17 @@
colors("red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "blue", "purple");
What will the above code output?
- "red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "blue", "purple"
- "yellow", "green", "blue", "purple"
- "red", "orange"
- `...moreColors` will grab the "rest" of the arguments given to the function invokation. In this case, `color1` will be "red", `color2` will be "orange", and `moreColors` will be an array of `["yellow", "green", "blue", "purple"]`
+What will the above code output?
+- [ ] "red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "blue", "purple"
+- [ ] "yellow", "green", "blue", "purple"
+- [ ] "red", "orange"
+"yellow", "green", "blue", "purple"
+`...moreColors` will grab the "rest" of the arguments given to the function invokation. In this case, `color1` will be "red", `color2` will be "orange", and `moreColors` will be an array of `["yellow", "green", "blue", "purple"]`
@@ -33,17 +35,19 @@
const bunnyNames = ["Peter", "Bancroft", "Hopper"];
Consider the above code. What is a correct way to pass `bunnyNames` to the `bunnies` function?
- `bunnies(...bunnyNames);`
- `bunnyNames.bunnies();`
- `bunnies().bind(bunnyNames);`
- `bunnies(*bunnyNames);`
- `bunnies(bunnyNames.join(", "));`
- Since `bunnies` takes three separate arguments and `bunnyNames` is an array, we need to get all of the items in the array to be passed indivually into `bunnies`. For this, we can use the Spread Operator to "spread" out the array.
+Consider the above code. What is a correct way to pass `bunnyNames` to the `bunnies` function?
+- [ ] `bunnies(...bunnyNames);`
+- [ ] `bunnyNames.bunnies();`
+- [ ] `bunnies().bind(bunnyNames);`
+- [ ] `bunnies(*bunnyNames);`
+- [ ] `bunnies(bunnyNames.join(", "));`
+Since `bunnies` takes three separate arguments and `bunnyNames` is an array, we need to get all of the items in the array to be passed indivually into `bunnies`. For this, we can use the Spread Operator to "spread" out the array.
@@ -56,17 +60,19 @@
Which of the above lines of code will complete the `inherits` function?
- `this.__proto__ = Surrogate.prototype;`
- `Parent.prototype = new Surrogate();`
- `this.prototype = new Surrogate();`
- `parent.__proto__ = this.prototype;`
- Nothing, the function works as-is
- We need to set the prototype of `this` based on the inheritance we have created with Surrogate. We assign `this.prototype` to a an instance of Surrogate so that *A)* we don't have create an instance of the Parent in case that constructor is an expensive one or there are specific arguments required that we would have to worry about and *B)* so that we are able to write fuctions on our own class and not have them also added to the Parent class (which would happen if we were to just set `self.prototype = Parent.prototype`).
+Which of the above lines of code will complete the `inherits` function?
+- [ ] `this.__proto__ = Surrogate.prototype;`
+- [ ] `Parent.prototype = new Surrogate();`
+- [ ] `this.prototype = new Surrogate();`
+- [ ] `parent.__proto__ = this.prototype;`
+- [ ] Nothing, the function works as-is
+`this.prototype = new Surrogate();`
+We need to set the prototype of `this` based on the inheritance we have created with Surrogate. We assign `this.prototype` to a an instance of Surrogate so that *A)* we don't have create an instance of the Parent in case that constructor is an expensive one or there are specific arguments required that we would have to worry about and *B)* so that we are able to write fuctions on our own class and not have them also added to the Parent class (which would happen if we were to just set `self.prototype = Parent.prototype`).
@@ -82,33 +88,37 @@
ctx.fillRect(10, 10, 100, 100);
What is the correct way set the rectangle's fill color to yellow?
- `ctx.color = "yellow";`
- `ctx.color = yellow;`
- `ctx.fillStyle = "yellow";`
- `ctx.fillStyle = yellow;`
- `ctx.fillColor = "yellow";`
- `ctx.fillColor = yellow;`
- `fillStyle` is the attribute we need to set and it accepts strings for the colors.
+What is the correct way set the rectangle's fill color to yellow?
+- [ ] `ctx.color = "yellow";`
+- [ ] `ctx.color = yellow;`
+- [ ] `ctx.fillStyle = "yellow";`
+- [ ] `ctx.fillStyle = yellow;`
+- [ ] `ctx.fillColor = "yellow";`
+- [ ] `ctx.fillColor = yellow;`
+`ctx.fillStyle = "yellow";`
+`fillStyle` is the attribute we need to set and it accepts strings for the colors.
What is webpack?
- a module bundler
- a transpiler
- Chrome devtools extension
- a lightweight JavaScript server
- an asynchronous function
- Yep! It's a bundler to allow us to use different files for our code but get it all bundled up into one file that the browser is able to handle.
+What is webpack?
+- [ ] a module bundler
+- [ ] a transpiler
+- [ ] Chrome devtools extension
+- [ ] a lightweight JavaScript server
+- [ ] an asynchronous function
+a module bundler
+Yep! It's a bundler to allow us to use different files for our code but get it all bundled up into one file that the browser is able to handle.
@@ -137,16 +147,18 @@ Dog.prototype.bark = function() {
When defining a method that can be called on any instance of the `Dog` class, which of these two options is preferable and why?
- `I` is preferable because it encapsulates all Dog methods within the Dog object.
- `II` is preferable because it does not create a new version of the `bark` function for each dog instance that is created.
- `I` is preferable because it can be called directly on a dog (e.g. `fido.bark()`), whereas `II` must be called on the dog's prototype (e.g. `dog.prototype.bark()`).
- They are both equally good.
- `I` would create a whole new version of the `bark` method every time we create a new instance of a Dog.
+When defining a method that can be called on any instance of the `Dog` class, which of these two options is preferable and why?
+- [ ] `I` is preferable because it encapsulates all Dog methods within the Dog object.
+- [ ] `II` is preferable because it does not create a new version of the `bark` function for each dog instance that is created.
+- [ ] `I` is preferable because it can be called directly on a dog (e.g. `fido.bark()`), whereas `II` must be called on the dog's prototype (e.g. `dog.prototype.bark()`).
+- [ ] They are both equally good.
+`II` is preferable because it does not create a new version of the `bark` function for each dog instance that is created.
+`I` would create a whole new version of the `bark` method every time we create a new instance of a Dog.
@@ -154,13 +166,15 @@ Dog.prototype.bark = function() {
let ernest = new Dog("ernest", "corgi mix");
Consider the above. What does `ernest.__proto__` point to?
- `dog.proto`
- `Dog.proto`
- `Dog.__proto__`
- `Dog.prototype`
- `__proto__` is a property that points to the object used in the lookup chain. In this case, it will be the `Dog.prototype` object.
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+Consider the above. What does `ernest.__proto__` point to?
+- [ ] `dog.proto`
+- [ ] `Dog.proto`
+- [ ] `Dog.__proto__`
+- [ ] `Dog.prototype`
+`__proto__` is a property that points to the object used in the lookup chain. In this case, it will be the `Dog.prototype` object.
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+# AJAX Quiz
What is the response data type of an AJAX request?
+ text
+ The type specified by the request
+ You can specify what type of response you want!
What is the default request type in an AJAX request?
After making the above AJAX request, when will `fetchSuccess` be called?
+ Whenever the request receives a response
+ After the request is made, but before a response is received
+ When the request receives a response with a 300-level status code
+ When the request receives a response with a 200-level status code
+ Never
+ `fetchSuccess` will be invoked when the AJAX call has resolved (returned a response with a 200-level status code).
True or False: An AJAX request is an HTTP request.
+ `rejected` will run in 2 and 3 if `promise` fails but not in 1.
+ `rejected` will run in 1 and 2 if `secondFulfilled` fails.
+ All three will run `rejected` if either `promise` or `firstFulfilled` fail.
+ All three will run `rejected` if `promise` fails.
+ In all three of the above scenarios the rejected callback will run if the promise fails! In Case 1, `catch` will run the callback given to it if any of the promise objects are rejected. In Case 2, after `promise` is complete, `firstFulfilled` will get invoked if the `promise` returned a status of resolved. `rejected` will get invoked if the `promise` returned a status of `rejected`. Case 3 is the same explanation as Case 2! In Cases 2 and 3, `rejected` will run ONLY if `promise` fails. Once `promise` succeeds, `firstFulfilled` (passed as the "Success Callback", i.e., the first argument to the `.then`) will run and `rejected` (passed as the "Rejected Callback", i.e., the second argument to the `.then`) will not. There has to be an error callback (second argument) in the next `.then` to catch `firstFulfilled` failing or a `.catch` anywhere later in the chain. So in Case 2 if `firstFulfilled` fails nothing will catch it, but in Case 3, `error` would catch it.
+function getAnswers(questions) {
+ count = 0
+ responses = []
+ while (count < questions.length) {
+ answer = await rl.question(questions[count++]);
+ responses.push(answer);
+ }
+ responses
Consider the above function that takes in an array of questions and returns an array of corresponding answers. If `rl.question` is an asynchronous function that waits for user input, what is the problem with the code above?
+ `rl.question` needs to be inside a `.then`.
+ Nothing: it will run without error.
+ `answer` will always be a Promise instead of the actual answer.
+ It will produce a `Syntax Error` because `await` is an `Unexpected reserved word`.
+ It will produce a `Syntax Error` because `getAnswers` is not designated as an `async` function. `await` can only be used inside `async` functions (and in a few top-level situations).
+async function asyncPrint() {
+ await setTimeout(() => console.log("Second!"), 0);
+function printThings() {
+ console.log("First!");
+ asyncPrint();
+ console.log("Third!");
If you run the code above, in what order will the `console.log`s appear?
+ First! Second! Third!
+ First! Third! Second!
+ Second! First! Third!
+ It will produce an error because `asyncPrint` is not designated as an `async` function when it is invoked inside `printThings`.
+ `await` only pauses the internal execution of the function in which it is invoked, so the use of `await` in `asyncPrint` will NOT effectively turn `printThings` into a synchronous function. When `asyncPrint` hits the `await`, it will pause its internal execution and cede control back to `printThings` while its Promise resolves. Once the Promise resolves, then `asyncPrint` will resume executing any subsequent code, although there's nothing left to execute after the `await` in `asyncPrint`. In other words, the `await` isn't really doing anything useful here.
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+++ b/javascript/quizzes_originals/event_loop.md
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+# Event Loop Quiz
+const cat = {
+ age: 5,
+ ageOneYear () {
+ this.age += 1;
+ }
+const catAging = cat.ageOneYear;
Consider the above code. Assuming we run the code in the browser, what is the value of `this` when we call `catAging`?
+ `window`
+ `cat`
+ `undefined`
+ `catAging` will throw an error - you cannot save a function as a constant.
+ We are creating a POJO on the window assigned to the variable named `cat`. Our POJO has an attribute called `ageOneYear`. Because the context of `this` inside of the POJO will be the window, the conext of `this` will also be the window inside of the `ageOneYear` function.
+reader.question("What is your name?", function (answer) {
+ console.log(`Hello ${ answer }!`);
+console.log("Last program line");
Consider the above code. `reader.question` is an asynchronous function. In what order are the above statements logged?
+ "What is your name?", `Hello ${ answer }!`, "Last program line"
+ `Hello ${ answer }!`, "Last program line", "What is your name?"
+ "Last program line", "What is your name?", `Hello ${ answer }!`
+ "What is your name?", "Last program line", `Hello ${ answer }!`
+ Because `reader.question` will not invoke the callback given to it (which console logs `Hello ${answer}!`) until the user enters an answer. Because `reader.question` is asynchronous, JS doesn't wait around for that answer before continuing to execute the rest of the code. Therefore, `"Last program line"` will be printed before the answer the user types in will be logged.
Which of the following is NOT executed asynchronously?
+ `reader.question`
+ `Array.prototype.forEach`
+ `window.setInterval`
+ `window.setTimeout`
+ `forEach` will go ahead and start iterating and JS will not move on to other code until the `forEach` is complete.
+// ./dog.js
+function Dog () {
+ // ...
+// ./animals.js
+const Dog = require('./dog.js');
+const dog = new Dog();
Why will the above code throw an error?
+ `dog.js` fails to export the `Dog` constructor function.
+ `animals.js` should import an instance of `Dog` rather than the `Dog` constructor function.
+ `animals.js` should save `Dog` to a variable.
+ The above code will work as expected.
+ If we don't export the `Dog` function, JS will not know what to assign to `Dog` inside of our `animals.js` file.
+// ./dog.js
+function Dog () {
+ // ...
+module.exports = Dog;
+// ./animals.js
+const dog = new Dog();
Why will the above code throw an error?
+ `dog.js` should export the object `{ Dog: Dog }`.
+ `dog.js` should export an instance of Dog rather than the Dog constructor function.
+ `animals.js` should save `require("./dog")` as the constant `Dog`.
+ The above code will work as expected.
+ Simply requiring the `dog.js` file will not make the `Dog` constructor function available to us. We need to assign the code that we are importing to a constant `Dog` to be able to invoke the constructor function.
+const RyanHall = {
+ name: "Ryan Hall",
+ greet () {
+ console.log(`Hi, I'm ${this.name}, how can I help you?`)
+ }
+const Dumbo = {
+ name: "Dumbo",
+ greet () {
+ console.log(`phHRRRRRRR my name is ${this.name}.`);
+ }
Consider the above code. What is logged to the console?
+ "phHRRRRRRR my name is Ryan Hall"
+ "phHRRRRRRR my name is Dumbo"
+ "Hi, I'm Dumbo, how can I help you?"
+ "Hi, I'm Ryan Hall, how can I help you?"
+ `call` is being invoked on the `Dumbo` `greet` method. `greet` gets invoked, but with the new context of `RyanHall`. Therefore `"phHRRRRRRR my name is Ryan Hall"` will get logged to the console because we are invoking `Dumbo`'s `greet` method but `RyanHall` is the new context of `this`.
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+++ b/javascript/quizzes_originals/jquery.md
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# jQuery Quiz
What is the difference between `document.getElementById("cat")` and `$('#cat')`?
+ `document.getElementById("cat")` returns an HTML element and `$('#cat')` returns a jQuery object
+ `$('#cat')` executes more quickly than `document.getElementById("cat")`
+ No difference
+ You need to have JQuery loaded in order to run `$('#cat')`, and you don't for `document.getElementById("cat")`
+ `document.getElementById` is Vanilla Javascript and will return an HTML Element. `$()` is jquery and will return a jquery object. To use `$()` you have to load jQuery.
+$('ul.test').on('click', 'li', () => {
+ alert('!!!');
The above code is part of a script loaded by an html page. Assume that the html page and the rest of the script are syntactically correct and bug-free. What do these lines of code do?
+ they alert "!!!" when an `li` inside of a `ul` with class `test` is clicked
+ they fail silently
+ they alert "!!!" when an `li` is clicked
+ they alert "!!!" when an `li` inside of a `ul` is clicked
+ they alert "!!!" when a `ul` is clicked
+ We are setting up and event listener on a `ul` with a class `test`. It is listening for the "click" event on a child `li` element. When the click happens, the callback will be invoked which will alert "!!!"
+$( () => {
+ alert('!!!')
The above code is in a .js file that is loaded by a website. When will the alert happen?
+ When the file is fully loaded
+ When the document has loaded, including its dependencies
+ As soon as it is interpreted or compiled
+ When a user clicks anywhere on the page
+ We do not specify an element on the page, therefore the callback will be invoked as soon as the document and its dependencies have loaded. This is shorthand for the `$(document).ready(cb)` which will only execute `cb` once the page DOM is "ready" to receive JS code to execute.
If you wanted to select all of the `ul`s of class `abc`, how would you do so using jQuery?
+ `$('ul').class('abc')`
+ `document.getElementById(abc)`
+ `$('ul.abc')`
+ `$('ul>abc')`
+ The `.` inside of a string given to the `$()` as an argument signifies that we are looking for an element based on the class name given. So `$('.hello')` would mean we are looking for elements with a class name of `hello`. `$('li.hello')` would mean we are looking for `li` elements that has a class name of `hello`.
Fill in the blanks: ______ is the way to access a data attribute that has been set with ______.
+ `$li.data("number");`, `$li.data("number", number);`
+ `$li.data("number", idx);`, `$li.data("number");`
+ `$li.data("test");`, `$li.data("testing", idx);`
+ `$li.attr("number", idx);`, `$li.data("number", idx);`
+ `$li.data("number", idx);`, `$li.data("number", idx);`
+ `$li.data("number");` will allow us to see what the `"number"` attribute is set to and `$li.data("number", number);` will set the `"number"` attribute to some `number`.
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index 0000000..406abcf
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@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+# Javascript DOM API Quiz
When mousing over the `Leopold` `li` element, what are the `currentTarget` and `target`, respectively?
+ `ul.joycean-corgis` and `
+ `
` and `ul.joycean-corgis`
+ `ul.joycean-corgis` and `ul.joycean-corgis`
+ `
` and `
+ There's only a `delegateTarget` and a `currentTarget`
+ `target` will be the element that triggered the event - in this case, the `
` element that was moused over. `currentTarget` is the element that the event listener is assigned to, which is the `ul.joycean-corgis`
The code is the same as in question 1. When mousing over `Leopold` `li` element, what element(s) generate(s) the event?
+ `ul.joycean-corgis` and `
+ `
+ `ul.joycean-corgis`
+ the `aside`
+ No element generates the event.
+ The `
` is the element that was moused over and is therefore the element that generates the event.
This code has a different `script`. What would be the `currentTarget`, `target`, and `delegateTarget`, respectively, when mousing over `Leopold` `li` element?
+ `
`, `
`, `
+ `ul.joycean-corgis`, `
`, `ul.joycean-corgis`
+ `
`, `
`, `ul.joycean-corgis`
+ `ul.joycean-corgis`, NONE, `ul.joycean-corgis`
+ `ul.joycean-corgis`, `ul.joycean-corgis`, `ul.joycean-corgis`
+ We are mousing over `
` therefore that is the `target`. The event listener is assigned to the `'li'` elements that are children to `ul.joycean-corgis`, therefor the `currentTarget` is the `'li'` that was moused over (`
`). The `delegateTarget` will be the element that the event listener was originally attached, `'ul.joycean-corgis'`.
+ Knossos
+ Labyrinth
+ Minotaur
+ Labyrinth
+ Knossos
In what order would the alerts appear if you were to click on the text "Labyrinth"?
+ 'Nom Nom', 'Uh Oh', 'Escape!'
+ 'Escape!', 'Uh Oh', 'Nom Nom'
+ 'Escape!', 'Uh Oh'
+ 'Uh Oh', 'Escape!'
+ No events are triggered
+ The event will start at the element that we clicked on and then bubble up.
What's the data type of the return value of `window.history`?
+ String
+ Array
+ Hash
+ NaN
+ Object
+ Everything in JS is an object! `window.history` is an object with different properties like `length`.
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+## Javascript Fundamentals Quiz
+`1 * 34 + '0' - 100`
What does the above code evaluate to in Node?
+ `"240"`
+ `-66`
+ `240`
+ `NaN`
+ The code will throw an error; you cannot add or subtract a string with an integer.
+ `1 * 34` evaluates to 34. `34 + '0'` coerces the number `34` into the string `'34'` and then adds the two strings together giving you `'340'`. Subtracting `100` off of the string `'340'` coerces the string `'340'` into a number and then subtracts 100 giving us `240`.
+function isStringZero (item) {
+ return item == "0";
We want the above function to return true only if the item is equal to the string `"0"`.
+ Why will the code not work?
+ The code will throw an error because `item` is not declared as a `var`
+ Because the `==` operation is used instead of `===`, `isStringZero` will return true for the integer 0.
+ The code will throw an error because javascript does not have a `==` operator.
+ The function will work as expected.
+ Double equals (`==`) does not check for type matching. JS will attempt to coerce the two things into a common type before comparing them. Tripe equals (`===`) will verify that the two things being compared have the same type without doing any coercing.
+function printNSkip3(n) {
+ let i = 0;
+ while(i < n) {
+ if(i % 3 === 0) {
+ i += 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ console.log(i);
+ i += 1;
+ }
We want a function that prints each number from 0 to `n`, except those which are divisible by 3. Why will the above function not work as planned?
+ The function will not actually skip numbers divisible by 3 since the `break` will only break out of the `if` statement.
+ The `break` statement will break out of the entire while loop and should be replaced with `continue`, so that it instead carries on to the next iteration.
+ There is a syntax error in the `if` statement - javascript `if` statements must include an `else` clause.
+ The function will work as expected.
+ `break` kicks us out of the loop completely instead of simply skipping an iteration!
+function testFn () {
+ const favoriteFood = "pizza";
+ if (true) {
+ let favoriteFood = "ramen";
+ console.log(favoriteFood);
+ }
+ console.log(favoriteFood);
What is logged when we run `testFn`?
+ "ramen", "ramen"
+ "ramen", "pizza"
+ "pizza", "pizza"
+ The code will throw an error because `favoriteFood` was defined using `const` and cannot be overwritten in the scope of the function.
+ When the first `console.log` runs, JS will look inside of the current scope for a variable called `favoriteFood`. One exists in that scope itself so the `"ramen"` gets printed out. When the second `console.log` runs, JS does the same thing and finds a `favoriteFood` variable that is set to `"pizza"`.
+ // A. With an anonymous callback that takes no arguments
+ [1,2,3,4,5].forEach(function() {
+ console.log(el);
+ });
+ // B. With an anonymous callback that takes an element as an argument
+ [1,2,3,4,5].forEach(function(el) {
+ console.log(el);
+ });
+ // C. Using a block
+ [1,2,3,4,5].forEach( |el| { console.log(el); } );
+ // D. Passing in a pre-defined function as a callback
+ function printEl (el) {
+ console.log(el);
+ };
+ [1,2,3,4,5].forEach(printEl);
+ // E. Passing in an arrow function that takes an argument
+ [1,2,3,4,5].forEach((el) => console.log(el));
Which of the following are valid ways to iterate over and print out each element in an array?
+ A
+ B
+ C
+ D
+ E
+ `forEach` takes a callback as an argument. The callback needs to take an argument for the element in the array well be looking at. There are no blocks in JS!
+function times(n, callback) {
+ let i = 0;
+ while (i < n) {
+ callback();
+ i++;
+ }
+function dogTrick(dogName, trickVerb) {
+ times(3, function () {
+ console.log(`${dogName} is ${trickVerb}!`);
+ });
Consider the above code. The anonymous function that prints out the dog trick is a:
+ closure
+ function that captures `dogName` and `trickVerb`
+ callback
+ The anonymous function passed into the invokation of `times` closes over and captures the `dogName` and `trickVerb` arguments so that JS knows what they are inside of a new context. The function is also a callback because it is being passed in as an argument. The `times` function will handle invoking the function that we are passing in.
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+# Object Oriented Javascript Quiz
+ function colors(color1, color2, ...moreColors) {
+ moreColors.forEach(color => {
+ console.log(color);
+ });
+ }
+ colors("red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "blue", "purple");
What will the above code output?
+ "red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "blue", "purple"
+ "yellow", "green", "blue", "purple"
+ "red", "orange"
+ `...moreColors` will grab the "rest" of the arguments given to the function invokation. In this case, `color1` will be "red", `color2` will be "orange", and `moreColors` will be an array of `["yellow", "green", "blue", "purple"]`
+ function bunnies(bunny1, bunny2, bunny3) {
+ console.log(`${bunny1} likes carrots`);
+ console.log(`${bunny2} likes hopping`);
+ console.log(`${bunny3} likes burrowing`);
+ }
+ const bunnyNames = ["Peter", "Bancroft", "Hopper"];
Consider the above code. What is a correct way to pass `bunnyNames` to the `bunnies` function?
+ `bunnies(...bunnyNames);`
+ `bunnyNames.bunnies();`
+ `bunnies().bind(bunnyNames);`
+ `bunnies(*bunnyNames);`
+ `bunnies(bunnyNames.join(", "));`
+ Since `bunnies` takes three separate arguments and `bunnyNames` is an array, we need to get all of the items in the array to be passed indivually into `bunnies`. For this, we can use the Spread Operator to "spread" out the array.
+ Function.prototype.inherits = function(Parent) {
+ function Surrogate() {}
+ Surrogate.prototype = Parent.prototype;
+ // what goes here???
+ this.prototype.constructor = this;
+ };
Which of the above lines of code will complete the `inherits` function?
+ `this.__proto__ = Surrogate.prototype;`
+ `Parent.prototype = new Surrogate();`
+ `this.prototype = new Surrogate();`
+ `parent.__proto__ = this.prototype;`
+ Nothing, the function works as-is
+ We need to set the prototype of `this` based on the inheritance we have created with Surrogate. We assign `this.prototype` to a an instance of Surrogate so that *A)* we don't have create an instance of the Parent in case that constructor is an expensive one or there are specific arguments required that we would have to worry about and *B)* so that we are able to write fuctions on our own class and not have them also added to the Parent class (which would happen if we were to just set `self.prototype = Parent.prototype`).
+ const canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
+ const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
+ // your code here
+ ctx.fillRect(10, 10, 100, 100);
What is the correct way set the rectangle's fill color to yellow?
+ `ctx.color = "yellow";`
+ `ctx.color = yellow;`
+ `ctx.fillStyle = "yellow";`
+ `ctx.fillStyle = yellow;`
+ `ctx.fillColor = "yellow";`
+ `ctx.fillColor = yellow;`
+ `fillStyle` is the attribute we need to set and it accepts strings for the colors.
What is webpack?
+ a module bundler
+ a transpiler
+ Chrome devtools extension
+ a lightweight JavaScript server
+ an asynchronous function
+ Yep! It's a bundler to allow us to use different files for our code but get it all bundled up into one file that the browser is able to handle.
+// I.
+function Dog (name, breed) {
+ this.name = name;
+ this.breed = breed;
+ this.bark = function() {
+ console.log(`${this.name} says woof!`);
+ };
+// II.
+function Dog (name, breed) {
+ this.name = name;
+ this.breed = breed;
+Dog.prototype.bark = function() {
+ console.log(`${this.name} says woof!`);
When defining a method that can be called on any instance of the `Dog` class, which of these two options is preferable and why?
+ `I` is preferable because it encapsulates all Dog methods within the Dog object.
+ `II` is preferable because it does not create a new version of the `bark` function for each dog instance that is created.
+ `I` is preferable because it can be called directly on a dog (e.g. `fido.bark()`), whereas `II` must be called on the dog's prototype (e.g. `dog.prototype.bark()`).
+ They are both equally good.
+ `I` would create a whole new version of the `bark` method every time we create a new instance of a Dog.
+let ernest = new Dog("ernest", "corgi mix");
Consider the above. What does `ernest.__proto__` point to?
+ `dog.proto`
+ `Dog.proto`
+ `Dog.__proto__`
+ `Dog.prototype`
+ `__proto__` is a property that points to the object used in the lookup chain. In this case, it will be the `Dog.prototype` object.
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