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@appliedblockchain/tsql esm cjs


Transact-SQL template combinators.


Observable playground


pnpm add -E @appliedblockchain/tsql
import * as Tsql from '@appliedblockchain/tsql`


Tagged templates and functional combinators are used to sanitise and help with generating Microsoft SQL's T-SQL queries.

Basic combinators (eq, gt, in etc.) are provided together with more complex ones (merge1n, inline-table-*, upsert-objects etc).

Auto sanitation

Values used in templates go through auto sanitation:

  • sanitised values are left as is
  • undefined and null become sanitised null
  • finite numbers become sanitised decimal numbers
  • booleans are sanitised as 1 (true) or 0 (false)
  • strings are sanitised as unicode string N'foo'
  • dates are sanitised as iso datetime strings
  • buffers are sanitised as hex literals if Buffer is defined
  • other objects are sanitised as json stringified unicode strings, ie. {foo:1} becomes N'{"foo":1}'
  • non-finite numbers throw as they are not supported by mssql
  • all other values throw

undefined propagation

Binary operators (eq, ne, gt, gte, lt, lte, in, notIn), logical operators (and, or) and where clauses perform undefined propagation:

  • when right hand side of binary operator is undefined the whole term (returned result) is also undefined
  • and, or and where combinators omit undefined values

Above means that undefined values are composed to generate desired sql queries.

Typescript's type system can be leveraged:

// Allow querying for specific numeric value only. Please note only finite values are supported – `Infinity`, `-Infinity`, `NaN` will throw.
const query =
  ({ deletedAt }: { deletedAt: number }) =>
    tsql`select * from Foo where ${tsql.where(where)}`

// Allow ommiting param.
const query =
  ({ deletedAt }: { deletedAt?: number }) =>
    tsql`select * from Foo where ${tsql.where(where)}`

// Allow ommiting or explicitly using `undefined` value to omit value.
const query =
  ({ deletedAt }: { deletedAt?: undefined | number }) =>
    tsql`select * from Foo where ${tsql.where(where)}`

// Allow `null` (`deletedAt is null`) or number.
const query =
  ({ deletedAt }: { deletedAt: null | number }) =>
    tsql`select * from Foo where ${tsql.where(where)}`

// Allow ommiting, explicit `undefined` (omit), `null` (`... is null`) or number.
const query =
  ({ deletedAt }: { deletedAt?: undefined | null | number }) =>
    tsql`select * from Foo where ${tsql.where(where)}`

No exact object type in typescript

It is worth noting that, unlike flow, typescript unfortunatelly doesn't support exact object types.

What this means is that the following form should be avoided:

// BAD
const query =
  (where: { deletedAt: number }) =>
    tsql`select * from Foo where ${tsql.where(where)}`

Instead use destructuring to simulate exactness:

const query =
  ({ deletedAt }: { deletedAt: number }) =>
    tsql`select * from Foo where ${tsql.where({ deletedAt })}`

It won't flag invalid usage during type check but the function will behave as expected from the type definition.

where currying

When using where combinator, is-currying combinator is very handy which defers first argument application. where combinator is aware of those curried functions and will inject the first argument (left hand side of binary operator) using the key name:

tsql`select * from Foo where ${where({ foo: is(gt, 5) })}`
// select * from Foo where foo > 5

MongoDB like where queries

where combinator supports MongoDB like queries:

const where = { id: { $gt: 123 }, state: { $in: [ 'PENDING', 'RETRY' ] } }
tsql`select * from Foo ${tsql.where(where)}`

Supported operators:

  • unary
    • { $not: ... }
  • logical
    • { $or: [ ... ] }
    • { $and: [ ... ] }
    • { foo: ..., bar: ... } - implicitly and
  • binary
    • { foo: ... } – implicit equal
    • { $eq: ... }
    • { $gt: ... }
    • { $gte: ... }
    • { $in: ... }
    • { $like: ... }mssql like pattern matching
    • { $lt: ... }
    • { $lte: ... }
    • { $ne: ... }
    • { $ng: ... } – not greater
    • { $nl: ... } – not less
    • { $notIn: [ ... ] }
    • { $nin: [ ... ] } – alias for $notIn
    • { $distinct: ... } – emulated lhs is distinct from rhs
    • { $notDistinct: ... } – emulated lhs is not distinct from rhs
    • { $ndistinct: ... } – alias for $notDistinct

Json value identifiers

Identifiers of C->Q form are expanded to json_value(C, Q) form. Identifiers of C~>Q form are expanded to json_query(C, Q) form, where Q is optional.

tsql.update('Actions', { 'payloadJson->$.retries': { $gt: 3 } }, { status: 'CANCELLED' })


update Actions
set status = N'CANCELLED'
where (json_value(payloadJson, N'$.retries') > 3)

Tsql module

  • jsonValue: (column: string | SanitisedIdentifier, query: string) => SanitisedIdentifier

    Returns JSON_VALUE(C) built-in function call.

  • jsonQuery: (column: string | SanitisedIdentifier, query?: string) => SanitisedIdentifier

    Returns JSON_QUERY(C, Q?) built-in function call.

  • and: (...xs: unknown[]) => Sanitised

    Returns terms joined with AND operator.

    undefined terms are filtered out.

    An empty list of terms returns logical true (1=1).

  • assign: (lhs: string | SanitisedIdentifier, rhs: unknown) => Sanitised

    Returns assigment operator LHS = RHS.

    undefined RHS is propagated.

    null RHS is left as is LHS = null.

  • assignObject: (record: Record<string, unknown>) => Sanitised

    Returns assigment clause based on provided record, ie. for UPDATE SET.

    undefined entries are filtered out.

    Throws {Error} if provided record doesn't have any non-undefined entries.

  • auto: (value: unknown) => Sanitised

    Returns automatically sanitised value.

    Already sanitised values are returned as is.

    undefined and null return sanitised null.

    Finite numbers return sanitised, decimal numbers.

    Booleans return sanitised 1 (true) or 0 (false).

    Strings return sanitised unicode strings, ie. N'foo'.

    Objects return json-stringified, sanitised unicode strings, ie. {foo:1} returns N'{"foo":1}'.

    Throws {TypeError} for non-finite numbers (not supported by mssql).

    Throws {TypeError} for all other values.

  • columns: (all: Record<string, string | boolean | Sanitised>, filter?: Record<string, boolean>) => Sanitised

    Returns column projection based on provided record and optional filter.

  • delete: (table: string | SanitisedIdentifier, where?: Sanitised | Record<string, unknown>) => Sanitised

    Returns DELETE DML for table with optional WHERE clause.

  • distinct: (lhs: string | Sanitised, rhs: unknown) => Sanitised

    Returns emulated NULL aware comparision.

    MSSQL doesn't support IS DISTINCT FROM comparision directly.

    Single invocation of RHS is not guaranteed.

  • eq: (lhs: string | Sanitised, rhs: unknown) => Sanitised

    Returns comparision expression.

    null RHS returns LHS IS NULL.

    undefined RHS propagates.

    See distinct for NULL aware comparision.

  • exists: (table: string | SanitisedIdentifier, where: Sanitised | Record<string, unknown>) => Sanitised

    Returns EXISTS query for table with WHERE clause.

  • fallback: <T>(x: T, f: (_: Exclude<T, SanitisedIdentifier | Sanitised>) => Sanitised) => Sanitised

    Returns sanitised value as is, otherwise falls back to provided sanitation function.

  • falseValue: Sanitised

    Value boolean false – 0 casted as BIT.

    Logical booleans can be used in condition expressions, ie. WHERE clause.

    Value booleans can be used in assignment statements, ie. UPDATE SET clause.

    See falseValue for value boolean variant.

  • gt: (l: string | Sanitised, r: unknown) => Sanitised

    Returns greater than expression.

    undefined RHS is propagated.

  • gte: (l: string | Sanitised, r: unknown) => Sanitised

    Returns greater than or equal expression.

    undefined RHS is propagated.

  • identifier: (x: Identifier) => SanitisedIdentifier

    Returns sanitised identifier.

    Already sanitised identifiers are returned as is.

    String including -> is returned as JSON_VALUE(LHS, RHS).

    String including ~> is returned as JSON_QUERY(LHS, RHS?).

    .-separated string is split and joined.

    Strings are quoted if not plain. Non plain string is MSSQL keyword or string containing special characters.

    Above rules are recursive with precedence as listed.

  • identifiers: (...xs: (string | SanitisedIdentifier)[]) => Sanitised

    Returns comma separated list of provided identifiers.

    See identifier

  • in: (l: string | Sanitised, r: unknown[]) => Sanitised

    Returns LHS in (RHS) expression.

    undefined RHS propagates.

    Falsy or empty array RHS returns logical false.

  • inlineTableOfColumn: (table: string | SanitisedIdentifier, column: string | SanitisedIdentifier, values: unknown[]) => Sanitised

    Returns single column literal table from provided array of values.

    Throws {Error} if provided values array is empty.

  • inlineTableOfObjects: (table: string | SanitisedIdentifier, objects: readonly Record<string, unknown>[], maybeKeys?: string[]) => Sanitised

    Returns literal table from provided array of records.

    Throws {Error} if provided values array is empty.

  • insertIgnore: (table: string | SanitisedIdentifier, onKeys: string[], objects: Record<string, unknown>[], maybeObjectKeys?: string[], { hints }?: { hints?: TableHintLimited[]; }) => Sanitised

    Returns insert DML ignoring existing rows.

    If provided array of objects is empty, returns SELECT 0.

    Optional hits can be provided. Defaults to SERIALIZABLE hint.

  • insertNotMatched: (table: string | SanitisedIdentifier, onKeys: string[], objects: Record<string, unknown>[], maybeObjectKeys?: string[], { hints }?: { hints?: TableHintLimited[]; }) => Sanitised

    Returns merge DML that runs insert operations on target table from the result of a join with source table.

    Already existing records are skipped.

    This DML is using MERGE statement.

    See insertIgnore for DML based on INSERT and LEFT JOIN.

  • insertObject: (table: string | SanitisedIdentifier, object: Record<string, unknown>) => Sanitised

    Returns insert DML for single row.

    undefined entries are filtered out.

    Throws {TypeError} if there are no non-undefined entries.

  • insertObjects: (table: string | SanitisedIdentifier, objects: Record<string, unknown>[], maybeKeys?: string[]) => Sanitised

    Returns multiple row insert DML.

    See insertIgnore for DML which ignores existing rows.

    See insertNotMatched for DML which ignores existing rows using MERGE statement.

  • is: <Lhs, Rest extends unknown[], R>(f: (lhs: Lhs, ...args: Rest) => R, ...args: Rest) => (lhs: Lhs) => R

    Returns where clause comparision combinator.


    Tsql.where({ foo:, 3) })
  • json: (x: unknown) => Sanitised

    Returns stringified json.

    undefined value is serialised as NULL.

  • jsonQuery: (column: string | SanitisedIdentifier, query?: string) => SanitisedIdentifier

    Returns JSON_QUERY(C, Q?) built-in function call.

  • jsonValue: (column: string | SanitisedIdentifier, query: string) => SanitisedIdentifier

    Returns JSON_VALUE(C) built-in function call.

  • like: (lhs: string | Sanitised, rhs: unknown) => Sanitised

    Returns LIKE operator.

    undefined is propagated.

  • limitedHintsIdentifier: (table: Identifier, hints?: TableHintLimited[]) => Sanitised

    Returns identifier with optional, limited hints.

  • line: (...elements: unknown[]) => Sanitised

    Returns space delimited line constructed from provided elements.

    undefined values are filtered out.

    Empty list returns sanitized empty string.

    See maybeLine for variant which propagates emtpy list to undefined.

  • lines: <T>(xs: readonly T[], separator: string) => Sanitised

    Returns lines joined with provided separator.

  • list: <T>(xs: readonly T[], f?: (_: T) => Sanitised) => Sanitised

    Returns comma separated list of values.

    Optional element to sanitised string mapping can be provided (defaults to auto-sanitation).

  • logicalFalse: Sanitised

    Simulated logical false – 0=1.

    Logical booleans can be used in condition expressions, ie. WHERE clause.

    Value booleans can be used in assignment statements, ie. UPDATE SET clause.

    See falseValue for value boolean variant.

  • logicalTrue: Sanitised

    Simulated logical true – 1=1.

    Logical booleans can be used in condition expressions, ie. WHERE clause.

    Value booleans can be used in assignment statements, ie. UPDATE SET clause.

    See trueValue for value boolean variant.

  • lt: (l: string | Sanitised, r: unknown) => Sanitised

    Returns lower than expression.

    undefined RHS is propagated.

  • lte: (l: string | Sanitised, r: unknown) => Sanitised

    Returns lower than or equal expression.

    undefined RHS is propagated.

  • maybeLine: (...elements: unknown[]) => Sanitised

    Returns space delimited line constructed from provided elements.

    undefined values are filtered out.

    Empty list (after filtering out undefined) propagates undefined.

  • merge1n: (table: string | SanitisedIdentifier, [lcolumn, rcolumn]: [string | SanitisedIdentifier, string | SanitisedIdentifier], lid: unknown, values: unknown[], { hints }?: { ...; }) => Sanitised

    Returns MERGE DML synchronising 1-n relation.

  • modifyJsons: (table: string | SanitisedIdentifier, entries: readonly Record<string, unknown>[]) => Sanitised

    Returns MERGE DML for json columns, multiple rows via JSON_MODIFY and JSON_QUERY.

  • ne: (l: string | Sanitised, r: unknown) => Sanitised

  • ng: (l: string | Sanitised, r: unknown) => Sanitised

  • nl: (l: string | Sanitised, r: unknown) => Sanitised

  • not: (rhs: Sanitised) => Sanitised

  • notDistinct: (lhs: string | Sanitised, rhs: unknown) => Sanitised

  • notIn: (l: string | Sanitised, r: unknown[]) => Sanitised

  • now: Sanitised

  • nstring: (value: string | Sanitised) => Sanitised

  • null: Sanitised

  • number: (x: number) => Sanitised

  • objectId: (name: string) => Sanitised

  • or: (...xs: unknown[]) => Sanitised

  • randomIdentifier: (prefix?: string, length?: number) => SanitisedIdentifier

  • raw: (x: string) => Sanitised

    Returns force x string to be sanitised; no sanitation of any kind is performed.

  • replaceObjects: (table: string | SanitisedIdentifier, onKeys: string[], objects: readonly Record<string, unknown>[], maybeObjectKeys?: string[], maybeUpdateKeys?: string[], maybeInsertKeys?: string[], { hints }?: { ...; }) => Sanitised

    Returns merge dml that replaces target table with inlined source table.

  • row: <T>(xs: T[], f?: (_: T) => Sanitised) => Sanitised

    Returns sanitised

  • rowset: <T>(xs: T[]) => Sanitised

  • Sanitised: typeof Sanitised

  • SanitisedIdentifier: typeof SanitisedIdentifier

  • select: (what: Sanitised | (string | Sanitised)[], { from, where }?: { from?: string | SanitisedIdentifier; where?: unknown; }) => Sanitised

  • star: (table?: string | SanitisedIdentifier) => Sanitised

  • TableHintLimited

  • template: (ts: TemplateStringsArray, ...vs: unknown[]) => Sanitised

  • top: (x?: number, Sanitised[]) => Sanitised

    Returns top expression.

    Example top(1, raw('with ties'))

    Example top(1, star)

    Example top(0.1, star) // value in <0,1> range returns percent, ie. top 10 percent.

    Example top(1, ids('foo', 'bar', 'baz'))

  • trueValue: Sanitised

    Value boolean true – 1 casted as BIT.

    Logical booleans can be used in condition expressions, ie. WHERE clause.

    Value booleans can be used in assignment statements, ie. UPDATE SET clause.

    See trueValue for value boolean variant.

  • unix: Sanitised

  • update: (table: string | SanitisedIdentifier, where: Sanitised | Record<string, unknown>, object: Record<string, unknown>, { hints }?: { hints?: TableHintLimited[]; }) => Sanitised

  • updateObjects: (table: string | SanitisedIdentifier, onKeys: string[], objects: Record<string, unknown>[], maybeObjectKeys?: string[], maybeUpdateKeys?: string[], { hints }?: { hints?: TableHintLimited[]; }) => Sanitised

    Returns update dml that runs update operations on target table from the result of a join with source table.

  • upsertObjects: (table: string | SanitisedIdentifier, onKeys: string[], objects: Record<string, unknown>[], maybeObjectKeys?: string[], maybeUpdateKeys?: string[], maybeInsertKeys?: string[], { hints }?: { ...; }) => Sanitised

    Returns merge dml that runs insert or update operations on target table from the result of a join with source table.

  • where: (value: Where) => Sanitised

    Returns simple where clause part from object.

  • Where: any

  • id: (x: Identifier) => SanitisedIdentifier

    Returns sanitised identifier.

    Already sanitised identifiers are returned as is.

    String including -> is returned as JSON_VALUE(LHS, RHS).

    String including ~> is returned as JSON_QUERY(LHS, RHS?).

    .-separated string is split and joined.

    Strings are quoted if not plain. Non plain string is MSSQL keyword or string containing special characters.

    Above rules are recursive with precedence as listed.

  • ids: (...xs: (string | SanitisedIdentifier)[]) => Sanitised

    Returns comma separated list of provided identifiers.

    See identifier

  • S: typeof Sanitised

  • Sid: typeof SanitisedIdentifier


MIT License

Copyright 2019 Applied Blockchain

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.