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Tutorial materials

Links to the recommended resources

Good enough practices in scientific computing. Wilson G, Bryan J, Cranston K, Kitzes J, Nederbragt L, et al. (2017) Good enough practices in scientific computing. PLOS Computational Biology 13(6): e1005510.

Ten Simple Rules for Reproducible Computational Research. Sandve GK, Nekrutenko A, Taylor J, Hovig E (2013) Ten Simple Rules for Reproducible Computational Research. PLOS Computational Biology 9(10): e1003285.

The Practice of Reproducible Research: Case Studies and Lessons from the Data-Intensive Sciences. Kitzes, J., Turek, D., & Deniz, F. (Eds.). (2018). Oakland, CA: University of California Press.

Jupyter Notebooks and reproducible data science. Woodbridge M, Sanz D, Mietchen D, & Mounce R (2017).


Exercise 1:

  • Candy trade
    • Pre-trade Review your selection of candy. Rate how happy you are with your selection on a scale from 1 (unhappy) to 10 (very happy).
      • In this google form, record your first name, your candy happiness rating, and select trade number "0".
    • Trade 1 Find one trading partner. Trade the candy you don't like for candy you do like with that partner only. Rate how happy you are with your selection on a scale from 1 (unhappy) to 10 (very happy).
      • In this google form, record your first name, your candy happiness rating, and select trade number "1".
    • Trade 2 Now trade with everyone in the room. Trade candy you don't like for candy you do like. Rate how happy you are with your selection on a scale from 1 (unhappy) to 10 (very happy).
      • In this google form, record your first name, your candy happiness rating, and select trade number "2".


Exercise 2:

  • Create one repository that holds all related research files: data, code, notebooks, documentation, etc.

Exercise 3:


Exercise 4:

  • Configure the run environment for your Jupyter Notebook using a container technology.
    • Example: Base Environment: Python 3 with Anaconda

Exercise 5:

Exercise 6:

Exercise 7:


Exercise 8:

  • Create a master script that executes your notebooks in order.
    • Create a file in the code directory.
    • Name the file "".
  • Use nbconvert to render your notebook.
    • In your script, use nbconvert to execute your notebook into the results directory.
  • Resource on automation using a driver script:

Exercise 9:


Exercise 10:

Exercise 11:

  • Share your notebooks!
    • Check whether your container is ready to publish by hitting "Run".
    • Following the dropdown next to "Run", start an interactive Jupyter session.