- Location: https://meet.jit.si/AragonCoop
- Date: 15-16:00 (UCT) 7th May 2019
- Agenda
- Quick intros / new people (<30s each max)
- Working Group updates (breakdown groups below)
[name=bylaws] JB 1st draft doc
> [name=OWL/Coop] JB described outcomes from earlier WG member conversation*5min
- Finance & funds allocation JB draft working proposal
- Discussed aims and intentions of the AragonCoopDAO
- Discussed DAOLIST and considered possible future plans for the project
- Participants:
- Julian (JB)
- Marko
- Onbjerg
- Contact: Julian [email protected]
- Host: JB
- Reference: - Last weeks' meeting minutes
- Recording of meeting: - is here :::
- see above
intros julian discussed the working groups (wg) julian discussed the coop principles wg julian discussed the education wg julian discussed the community fund dao wg julian discussed the finance issues
** OWL/COOP/education working group (burrrata) unsure of current commitment availability. Position requires clarity (as does several coop issues atm). Explained and discussed the coops aims (for new participants), with i.e. us being perceived as: 'a thinktank of knowledgeable community members' by newly joined participant.
daolist (much talk re daolist - fascinating - recording worth checking out for further info)
outcomes working groups require further allocations and firm commitments from members as well as more regular progess reports (coord) finance and funding allocations are our primary and immediate concern - inc. Coop Coordinator roles and seperate bounty allocations (requires a mainnet vote a.s.a.p. - Julian proposes)