Aranha Events is a Rails REST API to listen to Github Issue Events via webhooks, persist and expose then. An issue event is triggered when an issue is opened, edited, deleted, transferred, pinned, unpinned, closed, reopened, assigned, unassigned, labeled, unlabeled, locked, unlocked, milestoned, or demilestoned.
This app uses:
- Ruby version 2.5.1
- Rails 5.2.3
- PostgreSQL 9.6.8
- Ngrok 2.3.29
To run tests it was used RSpec, Factory Bot and Database Cleaner gems. For more details check Gemfile.
This app is published at Heroku and this repo has a webhook to issues events pointing to it ( So, all issues updates here can be viewed there.
For example:
The Issue entity it's composed of the following properties:
- url: String
- repository_url: String
- labels_url: String
- comments_url: String
- events_url: String
- html_url: String
- node_id: Integer
- number:: Integer
- title: String
- user: JSON
- labels: JSON
- state: String
- locked: Boolean
- assignee: JSON
- assignees: JSON
- milestone: JSON
- comments: JSON
- closed_at: DateTime
- author_association: String
- body: String
- events: list of relates Events
For user, labels, state, etc. the json object was used to make the declaration flexible and the app simpler.
This entity validates presence of url, repository_url, labels_url, comments_url, events_url, html_url, labels_url, node_id, number, title, user and state.
All these properties were retrieved inspecting the webhook request payload and from the Github Webhook documentation.
The Event entity it's composed of the following properties:
- action: String
- issue_changes: JSON
- title_changed_from: String
- body_changed_from: String
- assignee: JSON
- label: JSON
- repository: JSON
- sender: JSON
- issue_id: Integer (foreign key to reference the Issue entity)
- issue: Issue entity
This entity validates presence of action, repository and sender.
All defined endpoints returns a JSON Object (a message or requested entities).
This endpoint is used to returns all the events from a specific issue and its handled by action events at Issues Controller.
If any issue is found with the given id, a response with the serialized events and status code 200 will be returned. If no issue was found, a no issue found message error and 404 status code are expected.
This endpoint is used by the Github Webhook when and issue event occur. It create or update an issue and create the new event related to it. This endpoint its handled by action sync at Events Controller. This action expect to receive the valid attributes and returns http status code 200. If not, it should return a response with a error message informing that the event wasn't saved and the status code 422.
- Use ActiveModel Serializer to handle better serialization/deserialization.
- Implement authentication and authorization.
- Improve security with Rack Attack to protect from bad clients. Can be used to prevent brute-force passwords attacks, scrapers and throttling requests from IP addresses for example.
- Scan code to look for security vulnerabilities with Brakeman.
- Add State Machines to Issue State (AASM gem can be used).
- Add User, Repository, Label and Milestone models.
- Add a Web UI to the app.
Make sure you have a Ruby on Rails with Postgres environment set it up and Ngrok installed. Then, clone this repo and bundle it.
git clone
cd aranha-events
Create the local database and run the migrations.
rake db:create
rake db:migrate
Start the rails server.
rails s
Start the ngrok service to expose the local server.
./ngrok http 3000
The fowarding url will be the Webhook Payload url. Follow this link to create and configure the webhook:
In the app folder, create the test database and run the migrations.
RAILS_ENV=test rake db:create
RAILS_ENV=test rake db:migrate
Run the RSpec.