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NUITRACK for iOS [beta]

Support for Structure depth sensors only.

This Nuitrack version is for usage in iOS apps. Here is an example of using nuitrack.framework in XCode.


  • Structure SDK version: 0.11.2
  • Minimum iOS version: 11.4;
  • Architecture: arm64;
  • Bitcode is not supported.

Setup XCode Project:

  1. Create an XCode project (we'll use a "Single View App" with Objective-C language). Also you can set "General -> Deployment Target" to "11.4" (it's minimum for Nuitrack).

  2. Drag-and-drop nuitrack.framework and Structure.framework to "Project navigator -> %project name%". Make sure that the frameworks were copied to the project directory (next to your *.xcodeproj file) because it's a default search path for external frameworks. If you use a different way to include the frameworks to your project, make sure that "Build Settings -> Framework Search Path" is correct.

  3. To avoid the build error "... has C-linkage specified, but returns user-defined type ...", go to "Build Settings -> Apple Clang - Custom Compiler Flags -> Other Warning Flags" and add "-Wno-return-type-c-linkage".

  4. Disable Bitcode: go to "Build Settings -> Build Options -> Enable Bitcode" and tick "No".

  5. Copy the framework: click "General -> Embedded Binaries -> +" and select nuitrack.framework and Structure.framework. After that, check "General -> Linked Frameworks and Libraries": if you see two nuitrack.framework or Structure.framework in the list, remove one of them.

  6. Update your project Info.plist to work with Structure Sensor. Add a new key "SupportedExternalAccessoryProtocols" (if it doesn't exist) and add 3 items into this key: "io.structure.depth", "io.structure.infrared", "io.structure.control". As an option, you can insert the lines below into the source code of into.plist:

  7. Make sure that the project can use Nuitrack: "#include <nuitrack/Nuitrack.h>", "tdv::nuitrack::Nuitrack::init();" (don't forget to set the source file extension to *.mm instead of *.m).

Note: The Structure SDK uses the main thread at least during the initialization step. Try to use Nuitrack from a different thread and do not keep the main thread always busy or synchronized to Nuitrack.

Setting Up the Project for Working with an RGB Camera

  1. Import the ACFoundation framework and add a request for access to the RGB camera of the device:

     	#import <AVFoundation/AVFoundation.h>
     		// ask for access to camera once
     			completionHandler:^(BOOL granted) {
     				NSLog(@"CameraAccess: %s \n", (granted?"true":"false"));
  2. Add AVFoundation.framework to "General -> Linked Frameworks and Libraries";

  3. Update your project Info.plist. Add a new key "Privacy - Camera Usage Description" and fill it with your own value. As an option, you can insert the lines below to the source code of into.plist:

     	<string>Camera image used for visualization</string>

Configuring Nuitrack

You can configure Nuitrack in two ways: after Nuitrack initialization or using a configuration file. The configuration file contains the main parameters by default. You can find it in the framework nuitrack.framework/data/nuitrack.config. To override the parameters specified in nuitrack.config, you have to call the function Nuitrack::setConfigValue(*, *) after Nuitrack initialization.

Here is a list of useful Nuitrack parameters:

  • "DepthProvider.RotateAngle": Rotation of received frames. Possible values: 0, 90, 180, 270;
  • "DepthProvider.RGB": Support for RGB frames. Possible values: "Auto", "On", "Off";
  • "DepthProvider.Depth2ColorRegistration": Registration. Possible values: false, true;
  • "DepthProvider.Mirror": Image mirroring. Possible values: false, true.

Here is an example of configuring/updating the parameters of Nuitrack initialization:

    	//inintialize nuitrack
    	//rotate frames
    	Nuitrack::setConfigValue("DepthProvider.RotateAngle", "90");
    	//turn registration mode on
    	Nuitrack::setConfigValue("DepthProvider.Depth2ColorRegistration", "true");
    	//turn mirror mode on
    	Nuitrack::setConfigValue("DepthProvider.Mirror", "true");

Nuitrack Activation

Nuitrack framework contains activation API. The application should have access to the Internet for activation. If you use proxy, set it in the "Network.ProxyUrl" field of the configuration.

To activate the license, you have to use Nuitrack Device API. For example:

	using namespace tdv::nuitrack::device;

	// inintialize nuitrack

	// set proxy
	Nuitrack::setConfigValue("Network.ProxyUrl", "");

	// activation key
	const std::string activationKey = "license_activation_key";

	// find connected device
	vector<NuitrackDevice::Ptr> devices = Nuitrack::getDeviceList();
	if (!devices.empty())
		// get activation result
		ActivationStatus activationStatus = devices[0]->getActivationStatus();

		auto depthSensor = DepthSensor::create();

Please refer to Nuitrack Device API C++ example for more details.

Note: "Network.ProxyUrl" parameter should be set immediately after Nuitrack initialization.

Nuitrack Sample

There is an XCode project nuitrack_sample next to this README file. The sample was created by following the above steps and includes all Nuitrack modules. You could use it as a reference example. All you need to do is to setup "General -> Signing -> Team" and connect your device to XCode in development mode.

Unity package for iOS

Support for iOS was added in the latest release of NuitrackSDK.unitypackage. Follow the steps below to run Unity samples on iOS:

  1. Create a new Unity 3D project.

  2. Import NuitrackSDK.unitypackage (disable the project Tutorials/Zombie Nightmare (RIFT) to speed up loading).

  3. Open the scene /Assets/NuitrackSDK/NuitrackDemos/allModulesScene.unity.

  4. Drag-and-drop nuitrack.framework and Structure.framework to /Assets/NuitrackSDK/Nuitrack/NuitrackAssembly/iOS/ or other directory.

  5. Tick Add to Embedded binaries parameter in Platform settings for added frameworks.

  6. Open File > Build Settings... and click "Add Open Scenes" to add "allModulesScene".

  7. In "Build Settings", click "Player Settings" and set the following parameters:

    • Target minimum iOS version to "11.4"
    • Architecture to "ARM64"
    • add the use_structure_sensor define symbol to the Scripting Define Symbols field to enable Structure Sensor support
  8. Open File > Build Settings... and click "Build" to build the Xcode project for iOS.

  9. Open the XCode project and set up Team ID.

  10. Select a device and run the XCode project.

Note: Unity samples (except NuitrackDemos/allModulesScene) weren't updated to be used with Structure SDK (please read "Note" in the section "Setup XCode Project"). Therefore, they might not initilize Structure Sensor on a cold boot.