I am leaving my position as a Chair of Arcalot, effective today. In accordance with the charter, I propose chair elections on or shortly after the 5th of November 2022, depending on the vote outcome of this proposal.
Arcalot Round Table members are encouraged to submit a separate proposal for chair nominations with a reasoned opinion on why the person nominated would make a good chair for Arcalot. As per the charter, a second member must sponsor the nomination per comment on the nomination. Arcalot Round Table members will vote on the chair proposals using pull request reviews, while each member can only vote on one chair proposal.
The Arcalot Charter mandates a 6 months minimum membership for chair nominations, but the Arcalot organization is less than 6 months old, therefore this proposal is making any Arcalot member as of the 4th of October 2022 eligible to become an Arcalot Chair for this election only. In light of the rule change for chair voting, this proposal is open for voting using pull request reviews until the 12th of October.
- The chair elections are possible before January 29, 2023.