Twitter demonstration using spring boot and react
Implementation: Twitter demonstration has three features
• Retrieve the status using hashtag.
• Update status to the user profile
• Delete status from profile using the status id.
Technology used:
• Backend has been implemented using spring Boot (version 2.5.5)
• Test cases (positive and negative) are written using junit jar (version 4.12)
• Front end has been implemented using React (version 17.0.2)
• Styling is done using react-bootstrap (version 1.6.4)
• Axios is used to make http call to spring boot application, from react pages.
• Tools and IDE: Eclipse (Version: 2020-09 (4.17.0)), Visual studio code 1.60.2, Google Chrome
Please refer the screen prints below
1)This is the home page where we have three options.
2)Enter the hashtag to retrieve status related to it. First 20 status related to the given hashtag is retrieved and displayed in the table.
3)Below screen-print shows update status page.
4)Enter the status and post it. Status and its ID is displayed below.
5)Status is updated on the user’s twitter account.
6)Below screen-print is of delete page.
7)Enter the status id of the tweet that needs to be deleted. Press delete. Displays message stating the tweet is deleted.
8)Verify in the user’s profile.
- Test cases are written for Controller class.
- Test cases are written for Service class.