To use this library you can include the umbrella header Arduino_NiclaSenseEnv.h
which includes other header files from the library. Then you need to initialize the device object which gives you access to the different sensor and actuator objects:
#include "Arduino_NiclaSenseEnv.h"
void setup(){
NiclaSenseEnv device;
if (device.begin()) {
Serial.println("🔌 Device is connected");
auto indoorAirQualitySensor = device.indoorAirQualitySensor();
// ...
auto outdoorAirQualitySensor = device.outdoorAirQualitySensor();
// ...
auto temperatureSensor = device.temperatureHumiditySensor();
// ...
auto rgbLED = device.rgbLED();
// ...
auto orangeLED = device.orangeLED();
// ...
Once the desired object is obtained you can call functions on these objects such as temperatureSensor.temperature()
. A complete list of these functions can be found in the API documentation.
The API documentation can be found here.
The following scripts are examples of how to use the Nicla Sense Env board with Python:
- BoardControl.ino: Shows how to print the device information of the Nicla Sense Env, how to disable sensors and how to reset the device or put it to sleep.
- ChangeI2CAddress.ino: Demonstrates how to change the board's I2C address.
- FactoryReset.ino: Demonstrates how to perform a factory reset on the board.
- IndoorAirQuality.ino: Demonstrates how to read the indoor air quality data from the board's sensors.
- OutdoorAirQuality.ino: Demonstrates how to read the outdoor air quality data from the board's sensors.
- RGBLED.ino: Demonstrates how to control the board's RGB LED.
- TemperatureHumidity.ino: Demonstrates how to read the temperature and humidity data from the board's sensors.
- UARTRead.ino: Shows how to read data from the UART port on the board when not connecting to it over I2C.
- OrangeLED.ino: Demonstrates how to control the board's orange LED.