The latest untagged master branch can be obtained at
Tagged source code and pre-built binary releases prior to R2-0 are included in the areaDetector releases available via links at
Tagged source code releases from R2-0 onward can be obtained at
Tagged prebuilt binaries from R2-0 onward can be obtained at
The versions of EPICS base, asyn, and other synApps modules used for each release can be obtained from the EXAMPLE_RELEASE_PATHS.local, EXAMPLE_RELEASE_LIBS.local, and EXAMPLE_RELEASE_PRODS.local files respectively, in the configure/ directory of the appropriate release of the top-level areaDetector repository.
- Changed configure/RELEASE files for compatibility with areaDetector R3-3.
- Added support for new PVs in ADCore R3-3 in opi files (NumQueuedArrays, etc.)
- Added ADBuffers.adl to main medm screen.
- Improved op//autoconvert/ files with better medm files and better converters.
- Removed calls to unlock()/lock() around doCallbacksGenericPointer, not needed.
- Fixed op/Makefile for autoconvert.
- Removed calls to release lock around calls to doCallbacksGenericPointer.
- Fixed medm adl files to improve the autoconversion to other display manager files.
- Added op/Makefile to automatically convert adl files to edl, ui, and opi files.
- Updated the edl, ui, and opi autoconvert directories to contain the conversions from the most recent adl files.
- Fixed layout of medm screen for ADCore R3-0.
- Added PSTimestampType to prosilica_settings.req. Thank to Stuart Wilkins for this fix.
- Added support for new parameters ADSerialNumber, ADFirmwareVersion, ADSDKVersion, NDDriverVersion from ADCore R2-6. Minor change to driver and medm screen.
- Fixed bug in asynPrintIO call in frameCallback. It was printing data on previous frame, not current frame, and would crash if executed on first callback.
- Changes for compatibility with ADCore R2-2.
- Moved the repository to Github.
- Re-organized the directory structure to separate the driver library from the example IOC application.
- Fixes for connection management to handle multiple cameras per IOC. Thanks to Kate Feng.
- Added support for conversion from raw Bayer to RGB1, RGB2, and RGB3 in the driver.
In areaDetector releases prior to R2-0 this could be done in the NDPluginColorConvert plugin.
That capability has been removed from the plugin to make the plugin independent of the AVT PvApi library.
Release notes are part of the areaDetector Release Notes.