Releases: arenadata/adcm
New Features
- SDK: Multi State functionality. Now it is possible for developers to have presize control over states and actions.
- Group Of Hosts. Now End User could group host and change some parameters on this groups.
- New Job Status icon with "acknowledge" button, which grant more control over job notifications.
- New Locking subsystem with more informative messages on "!" symbol.
- Refactoring of adcm plugins set: some corner cases removed, most of plugins work on the same base logic, docs refactored.
- HTTPS protocol support out of box.
- UI: redesign of bundle view page
- UI: license view on bundle
- UI: Modern run menu by default on all objects.
- UI: Added a description to some objects
- Upgrade: ADCM backup database should be before applying migrations
- UI: Disabled upgrade button disappears in list after page refresh
- UI: Exclamation mark doesn't dissapear after failed task run until hover over it
- UI: Pagination on config group host page is broken
- UI: Fixup link (so called selector) from job to object for all variants.
- UI: Checkbox elements of config is out of column
- UI: Job id column width too small
- UI: Accept license window could reapear when user upload more than one bundle in one go.
- UI: Accept license window reapear after lost connection event.
- UI: "!" does not disappear in some rare cases.
- UI: Hosts paging is not working after fresh install log in.
- UI: Empty cluster update popup in toolbar
- UI: Empty add user popup after scrolling in User management page
- UI: Fix horizontal scroll on User management page
- UI: sorting on bundle list is not saved from session to session.
- UI: The host list reset after the addition
- UI: Wrong objects order at the Job details page
- UI: Missing Host-Components menu item
- UI: Wrong redirection in job urls
- UI: Endless host status loading
- UI: confirm password problem on profile page.
- UI: Issue link does not refresh the page
- UI: No upgrade icon in clusters table on cluster list page
- UI: Page not found link in cluster issues from cluster list page
- UI: Actions won't disappear after action run until page reload
- UI: Licence accept popup won't show after creating cluster/provider with bundle upload
- UI: Display name was ignored for service and component
- UI: Need to close popup after item choosing on Host-Component map view
- Backend: Rare racing in job state change event lead to wrong state on screen (reload required).
- Backend: Wrong bundle lead to rare incomplete cleanup after upgrade.
- Backend: HTTP 500 in job_list() from client after bundle removal
- Backend: HTTP 500 if two component of different services has the same name
- Backend: Slow speed of services list calls, leads to UI freezes on service page.
- Backend: In some cases host stuck in lock state as "infinite action"
- Backend: API accept an empty lists when "required" is true.
- Backend: Error 500 with pass changing
- Backend: Configuration save failed after bundle version upgrade
- Backend: Passing config to action without config (in bundle) leads to 500
- SDK: bundle with variant config is not valid.
- SDK: Not all object attributes from API are implemented in the adcm_client
- SDK: Methon host.cluster() fails when host is not assigned to cluster
Bug fix only release.
New Features
- UI: Scroll wide has been increased
- SDK: adcm_client has a troubles with action on Component
- UI: Pending stages of mulijob are clickable
- UI: Service actions does not work from main bar
- SDK: variant config not pass config parser in adcm
- UI: Blank popup on bundle page
- Backend: HTTP 500 on password change
- SDK: variant config not pass config parser in adcm
- Backend: Internal server error for service host action with two components on single host
- Backend: In some situation we got host which is locked forever.
docker pull
This is the release related to a couple of question around actions, components and configs.
New Features
- SDK: New config type variant with some sophisticated generators of possible values.
- SDK and UI: Component as an full object. From this moment components has a config and actions. So application developer abble to do more flexible variants for End User.
- Remove "Send Anonymous Statistics" from ADCM settings. This functionality was disabled long time ago. Just cleanup settings.
- Refactoring: Unified processing on services and hosts enpoints.
- Refactoring: New formal parser for bundle. Improved stability and switch to rule based schema for config.yaml
- UI: Make scroll in ADCM UI fit general UI theme
- UI: Scrolls on run action dialog
- UI: Password component. If the default value was empty then when reset, asterisks are shown instead of an empty value.
- UI: Cluster's hosts paging duplicates N-1 page if "Next page" button was clicked FAST.
- SDK: Implicit declaration of the required component causes an 500 error on cluster bundle upload
- API: Incorrect hyperlink enpoint job to to endpoint task
- ADCMClient: Search element fails if elements count > 50
- ADCMClient: Job.action() fails with ObjectNotFound
- UI: Deleted clusters are recreated on network reconnection
- ADCMClient: There is a way to null attr of ADCM object
- SDK: Binded components. There is a way to say, that some of the components should be coupled with another one, so there is no way to install one without another.
- Jobs: Add timing information to playbook execution
Merge pull request #781 from arenadata/develop Release 2021.03.10
New Features
SDK: Implement service/component dependency tree.
UI: Allow opening new browser tabs on clicking on ADCM tabs with middle mouse button.
Backend: Backup DB procedure on every migration.
UI: logout button.
Tests: Support Firefox in autotesting.
UI: Unify service and host addition to cluster dialogs.
Backend: Clearing temporary job’s tables at startup from garbage in case of rude shutdown of ADCM
UI: Unify labels on button and title of add/create dialogs
API: New endpoint /service in additions to /cluster/service to unify client’s codebase.
UI: Significant changes in handling errors. New look for messages, new logic for showing errors.
SDK: New config type: variant.
Backend: Store passwords in anisble vault format. There is no way to see passwords in API anymore.
UI: starting of action call refactoring. New unified menu instead of group of buttons. New tab on object view for actions.
UI: popup overlap on table view
UI: Basic browser page search doesn’t work at config page (Firefox only)
UI: Activatable groups doesn’t work correctly for job config
UI:”Required a import” redirects to the incorrect page
UI: Incorrect issue on config service
UI: Incorrect links on config issues.
UI: Possible cross site scripting
UI: Sometimes Host Components view are reset without any reason.
API: Undefined constraint showed as empty list through API
UI: hc_acl active on overy host action.
Backend: There is an error in /opt/adcm/log/init.err after restarting adcm container
Backend: Required option takes effect even if the activatable config group is inactive
SDK: jinja2_native: true params option doesn’t work for sub-tasks
UI: Password confirmation field validates nothing in activatable group
UI: The field description in the pop-up window is displayed in the background.
Backend: activatable group is disabling when upgrade bundle
SDK: Downloading the bundle through the SDK hangs and crashes on the test timeout
UI: Cannot unmap hosts within shrink action
Big bug fix release with a couple nice features.
That one was huge. We made so many changes in log system and made initial step to create RBAC in ADCM.
New Features
- UI: Most of forms react on Enter key.
- UI: Consistency within shrink/expand dimming
- UI: Put password confirmation on same line in config
- UI: Select all services within “Add service” window
- UI: Cluster/provider create dialog refactoring. It is more simple to choose latest version of bundle now.
- UI: Unify “cancel” button position
- Ansible: module for change hostcomponentmap
- Ansible: action plugin for custom log.
- Ansible: fixes for apt_rpm (for AltLinux)
- Ansible: Speed up playbooks execution with optional Mitogen plugin.
- Tests refactoring
- Massive loging system refactoring:
- Grouping for checks
- SDK: Add Log object to SDK client
- Logs now stored in DB
- Logrotation on fs and in DB
- adcm_check plugin allow grouping now
- UI now reacts on new logs (like checks apearence)
- Developers could show custom logs in UI with adcm_custom_log ansible plugin
- SDK: Task wait method shoud log failed job.
- SDK: Facility to differ release and non-release within bunde packing
- SDK: pmon position could be optional in bundle root or ansible root
- Ansible: refactoring adcm_add_host module to plugin
- Ansilbe: new plugin adcm_delete_host
- Tests: add tests to check max/min_stric imports
- UI Test coverage: Master for Actions component
- UI Test coverage: Configuration module
- Ansible: Host created by add_host plugin should be locked
- UI: Config interface does not render anything if using “structure” config type
- UI: Broken service paging
- UI: Only first 50 bundles is available for cluster creation
- Cluster actions doesn’t return after execution
- SDK: adcm_client provides the ability to run actions regardless object state
- UI: Broken warning layout
- Can’t add item of dict with non-required keys in structure type config
- UI: Possible to edit read only structure field
- UI: Regression. open check section by default when checks are present in job
- UI: Multi-job displaying is broken
- UI: Possible to save config for required map field without default value if field invisible
- UI: Activatable group doesn’t correct displayed in action config
- read_only option in prototype config doesn’t work for structure config parameter type
- UI: Missed frontend error for required empty list field
- There is no way to add new dict in list for structure config type
- Handling null or empty value for configs
- UI: Save button active for group with one RO field
- UI: Save button active for invisible groups
- UI: Save button not active for group with one RO field
- UI: Save button not active for advanced field with one group
- bad link object to cluster in tasks
- UI: Remove field body for log-list api method
- UI: Save button not active for group with required field without default
- UI: Save button active for active activatable group
- UI: link object in tasks work after 2 click
- Loading error on empty config
- http 500 on api/v1/docs
Small bugfix release while working on big features.
- 154 commits;
- 137 files changed;
- 2.6K lines added, 1.4k lines removed;
- 22 tickets closed;
New Features
- Ansible API: Add service version info into inventory
- UI: Ability to reset configuration parameter to default value from UI
- UI: Fixup advanced checkbox for action’s config
- ADCM Client: Doesn’t pass default actions config parametrs
- ADCM Client: Function upload_from_fs doesn’t exclude redundant directories
- Ansible: Apply ansible patch to support versioning in apt_rpm module
- Issue with Nginx’s temporary files which cause HTTP 500 during bundles uploading
- UI: Trouble with hc_map UI
- Ansible API: No way to operate with host from provider context
- UI: Broken paging at JOBS
- ADCM Client: Global replacement of version on bundle build may corrupt config.yaml
- There is a trouble while trying use adcm_config through service context
- Empty inventory of reused host.
Release Notes - Arenadata Cluster Manager - Version 2020.02.20.14
- [ADCM-1105] - Add component prototype method for adcm_client
New Feature
- [ADCM-623] - No difference in inventory file: service added or not
- [ADCM-649] - Extend import versions constraint with max(min)_strict
- [ADCM-1060] - Move everything related to python backend to one folder or two folders.
- [ADCM-1111] - Licence accept window should be shown on upgrade process.
- [ADCM-1121] - Inventory in host context too wide
- [ADCM-1133] - Call packer from upload_from_fs in adcm_client
- [ADCM-786] - Ordering at HOSTS tab
- [ADCM-1026] - Sqlite atomic transaction trouble
- [ADCM-1050] - Cannot select read-only config value from Firefox
- [ADCM-1062] - Long hostnames couldn't fit in their area
- [ADCM-1065] - Upgrade icon at cluster page appears only after going out and back at cluster page
- [ADCM-1076] - Move to top and bottom buttons overlay other elements
- [ADCM-1081] - Task is displayed as running, but it's finished (database is locked)
- [ADCM-1098] - Database is locked. Again.
- [ADCM-1113] - 500 error. Upgrade cluster with import
- [ADCM-1114] - api/v1/docs/md/ returns 500
- [ADCM-1118] - Save config button permanently disabled
- [ADCM-1122] - Page reload after first login
- [ADCM-1124] - Cluster addition/removal doesn't affect cluster list
- [ADCM-1127] - adcm_config lookup error: No module named 'adcm'
- [ADCM-1134] - Long hostnames couldn't fit in their area, part 2
- [ADCM-1136] - CONFIG_VALUE_ERROR when saving with no changes
- [ADCM-1146] - Action with config dont start from provider context