All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Fix a glitch when creating your first item with an empty todo.txt [#128]
- Add option to start weeks in the date picker on Monday/Sunday. [#125]
- Added a more intuitive date picker for common dates.
- Greatly improved the context menu and handling.
- Multiple performance enhancements. [#127]
- Fix focus issue when adding a new item.
- Fix layout issue when adding long URLs to your item description
- Fix an issue where new tasks cannot be created. [#124]
- Do not persist items that are being created
- Fix sidebar badge count when creating an item
- Distribution as an Arch Linux / Manjaro AUR package [#116]
- Move to flutter-stable (from flutter-beta) [#119]
- View your archive and restore items if necessary [#60]
- Exit search mode when searching and switching to another view [#110]
- Improve handling of deleting of contexts/projects/tags. [#109]
- Handle several edge cases when creating/editing/deleting items.
- Complete overhaul of design and user experience
- Archiving now only archives completed items in the current view
- Added visual due data picker (typing due:date is still possible)
- Improved visual style of contexts and projects
- Revamped editing an item.
- Updated shortcuts for item navigation and manipulation
- Default filter can now also be a context or project. [#86]
- (macOS) Set filter to use for dock badge count. [#87]
- Add setting and in-view option to select item sorting. [#90]
- Search does not match case for easier finding. [#91]
- Cannot select light theme from settings. [#97]
- Swap order of projects and contexts in the sidebar. [#92]
- TxDx's uses folder-based storage now. [#82]
- Automatically setup todox.txt and archive.txt for new users. [#76]
- Add counters to all filters, contexts and projects. [#84]
- Make theme selection more intuitive. [#85]
- Open the file picker in user documents by default. [#83]
- Fixed start-up issue when no user preferences are available. [#78]
- Handle
due date helpers. [#74]
- Improve selecting next item on toggle complete / delete. [#26]
- Misc. bug fixes
- Show number of items in under each filter. [#72]
- Show dock badge for today's items on macOS. [#73]
- Add a helpful welcome screen for new users. [#54]
- Sort projects/context alphabetically. [#71]
- Enable Sandbox mode on macos for App Store/Notarized release [#66]
- Make setings screen more usable [#69]
- Link to correct website [#67]
- Add option to sort items when writing to file. [#29]
- Add search/filter through cmd-f. [#64]
- Handle future due dates: due:1y2m3w4d format. [#63]
- Fix dueOn words calculation. [#65]
- Item context menu (right click) for quick item tasks [#62]
- Add setting for the default item filter on start-up [#56]
- Refactored the Upcoming and Someday filtered views [#55]
- Automatically add due:today, project or context if a filter is selected. [#39]
- Fixed off-by-one issue with relative time for due dates.
- Misc. improvements and fixes
- Fixed correct scrolling behavior for sidebar and item list [#32]
- Add settings for system/light/dark theme mode [#38]
- Add cmd-t shortcut to move the selected item to 'due:today' [#41]
- Detect file changes in todo.txt and offer to reload [#12]
- Added setting to auto reload when todo.txt changes [#12]
- Do not show contexts/projects in sidebar if there are none. [#34]
- Add cmd-up/cmd-down to change the priority of the selected item. [#33]
- Update color scheme for better contrast
- Keep focus on new item input field after adding an item [#30]
- Initial release of TxDx
- Read and manage todo items from a Todo.txt file
- Filter items on due date, context or project
- Archive completed items to a separate Archive.txt file
- Handle 'human input' due dates, like