- Networking Devices are responsible for establish connection between twob devices.
- I am going to explain about following devices more.
- Layer-1 Device
- Works on electrical signal or bits.
- It is Half duplex.
- Cannot Store MAC.
- Always Broadcast
- Single Collision Domain.
- LAN Device
- It is not Intelligent Device.
- It regenerate your signal.
- cable can transmit upto 185m signal then we have to use Repeater to regenerate signal.
- It also known as Active Hub.
- It is Intelligent Device.
- Layer 2 Device
- Use to connect multiple network segment or LAN segment.
- Bridge inspect incoming traffic and decide whether to forward or reject. It check source and destination MAC adress.
- Bridges reduce the amount of traffic on a LAN by dividing it into two segments.
- It has two collion Domain.
- Layer 2 Device.
- Full duplex
- Maintain CAM Table (Content Accessible Memory)
- First time broadcast and then unicast & multicast
- Every port of Switch is separate collision Domain
- Switch has one broadcast domain.
- Switch can be 8/16/24/48 Ports.
- If we change the device then it will again broadcast message and then it will update the CAM Table.
- Layer 3 Device.
- WAN Device (Rarely use in LAN)
- Use to connect two or more Networks
- Hub, Switch and Bridge are Networking Devices But Router is InterNetworking Device becuase it communicate between two different networks.
- We can't connect our devices directly to router. we need to connect devices to switch then switch is connected to router.
- Router manintain Routing Table in that it maintain port & Network ID's.
- In Router, every port send data in the form of packets.
- Routers can have 2/4/8 Ports
- Fast 10Mbps/100Mbps/1GBps
- A Gateway is a connecting device used ton connect remote networks with host netwok.
- It act as entry or exit point of networks.
- Gateway operates at Application Layer.
Hope You Undersatnd the concept of Networking Devices. If you want to improve this guide then contribute. Let's Meet on next Day with Network Topology Day 6