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key maps

Artin Mobasher(artart222) edited this page Apr 22, 2022 · 4 revisions

First of all <leader> key is mapped to <space>

You can navigate trough NeoVim splits via Alt + h, Alt + j, Alt + k, Alt + l

You can resize NeoVim splits via Shift + h, Shift + j, Shift + k, Shift + l

You can go to next buffer with pressing Tab and you can go to previous buffer with Shift + Tab

You can move lines in visual mode by selecting them and holding Shift + k for moving above and Shift + j for bellow

You can toggle terminal wth <Ctrl + t> or pressing number + <Ctrl +t> for toggling multiple terminal

There is a long list of mappings via which-key. You can see them by pressing <leader> key

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