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File metadata and controls

451 lines (375 loc) · 15.9 KB


Thank you for considering a contribution to AIPscan! AIPscan is a work-in-progress and does not yet have a formal contribution process. Bug reports and feature requests are welcome as issues in the AIPscan GitHub repository. Pull requests with community code contributions are similarly welcome but should typically be submitted after filing an issue and discussing the proposed approach.

In general, follow code style guidelines from the Archivematica project's CONTRIBUTING to the greatest degree possible.

Writing a new AIPscan report

Creating a new report in AIPscan is a multi-step process, comprising:

All new Data endpoints and reports must have appropriate test coverage. In addition, new reports should support CSV export as well as filtering by Storage Service, Storage Location, and start and end dates.

Creating a new Data endpoint

The first step when creating a new AIPscan report is to implement a new endpoint for the report's data.

AIPscan implements Flask blueprints to separate code into discrete sections by function. The Data blueprint is home to the data and report_data Python modules, which contain all of the application's data endpoints. Endpoints that expose overview information can be found in AIPscan/Data/ Endpoints which expose data particular to a report are in AIPscan/Data/ - this is typically where the Data endpoint for a new report should be added.

Data endpoints are Python functions which take parameters such as storage_service_id, start_date, end_date, and storage_location_id as input (start_date and end_date are datetime.datetime objects, which should always be created by passing YYYY-MM-DD string inputs through the parse_datetime_bound helper). Each report returns a dictionary containing the name of the queried Storage Service and Storage Location and the output data. The structure of these dictionaries can be explored via the API endpoints, which present the data returned by Data endpoints as JSON.

Data endpoints will typically rely on database queries using SQLAlchemy to fetch and shape data efficiently.

For example:

from AIPscan import db
from AIPscan.Data import (
from AIPscan.models import AIP, File, FileType, StorageLocation, StorageService

def _formats_count_query(
    storage_service_id, start_date, end_date, storage_location_id=None
    """Fetch information from database on file formats.

    :param storage_service_id: Storage Service ID (int)
    :param start_date: Inclusive AIP creation start date
        (datetime.datetime object)
    :param end_date: Inclusive AIP creation end date
        (datetime.datetime object)
    :param storage_location_id: Storage Location ID (int)

    :returns: SQLAlchemy query results
    FILE_FORMAT = "file_format"
    FILE_COUNT = "file_count"
    FILE_SIZE = "total_size"

    results = (
        .filter( == storage_service_id)
        .filter(File.file_type == FileType.original.value)
        .filter(AIP.create_date >= start_date)
        .filter(AIP.create_date < end_date)
        .order_by(db.func.count(, db.func.sum(File.size).desc())
    if storage_location_id:
        results = results.filter( == storage_location_id)
    return results

def formats_count(storage_service_id, start_date, end_date, storage_location_id=None):
    """Return a summary of file formats in Storage Service.

    :param storage_service_id: Storage Service ID (int)
    :param start_date: Inclusive AIP creation start date
        (datetime.datetime object)
    :param end_date: Inclusive AIP creation end date
        (datetime.datetime object)
    :param storage_location_id: Storage Location ID (int)

    :returns: "report" dict containing following fields:
        report["StorageName"]: Name of Storage Service queried
        report["Formats"]: List of results ordered desc by count and size
    report = {}
    report[fields.FIELD_FORMATS] = []
    report[fields.FIELD_STORAGE_NAME] = get_storage_service_name(storage_service_id)
    report[fields.FIELD_STORAGE_LOCATION] = get_storage_location_description(

    formats = _formats_count_query(
        storage_service_id, start_date, end_date, storage_location_id

    for format_ in formats:
        format_info = {}

        format_info[fields.FIELD_FORMAT] = format_.file_format
        format_info[fields.FIELD_COUNT] = format_.file_count
        format_info[fields.FIELD_SIZE] = 0
        if format_.total_size is not None:
            format_info[fields.FIELD_SIZE] = format_.total_size


    return report

All new Data endpoints must have proper test coverage. Examples can be found in AIPscan/Data/tests. Integration tests which use a test database rely heavily on pytest fixtures in AIPscan's project-wide conftest module.

Creating a new API endpoint

Each new Data endpoint should have a corresponding API endpoint. These are not used to serve data within the AIPscan application, but serve to allow flexible uses of data gathered by AIPscan.

All API code can be found in the API blueprint. AIPscan uses the Flask-RESTX library to provide API functionality and API documentation using Swagger.

API endpoints in AIPscan are thin wrappers around their corresponding Data endpoints. These can be found in the namespace_data and namespace_report_data modules within the API blueprint.

For example:

from flask import request
from flask_restx import Namespace, Resource

from AIPscan.API import fields
from AIPscan.Data import report_data
from AIPscan.helpers import parse_datetime_bound

api = Namespace(
    "report-data", description="Retrieve data optimized for AIPscan reports"

class FormatVersionList(Resource):
            fields.FIELD_START_DATE: {
                "description": "AIP creation start date (inclusive, YYYY-MM-DD)",
                "in": "query",
                "type": "str",
            fields.FIELD_END_DATE: {
                "description": "AIP creation end date (inclusive, YYYY-MM-DD)",
                "in": "query",
                "type": "str",
            fields.FIELD_STORAGE_LOCATION: {
                "description": "Storage Location ID",
                "in": "query",
                "type": "int",
    def get(self, storage_service_id):
        """List file format versions with file count and size"""
        start_date = parse_datetime_bound(request.args.get(fields.FIELD_START_DATE))
        end_date = parse_datetime_bound(
            request.args.get(fields.FIELD_END_DATE), upper=True
        storage_location_id = request.args.get(fields.FIELD_STORAGE_LOCATION)

        return report_data.format_versions_count(

The API endpoints can be very useful during the development process, as they provide increased visibility into the data being returned from a Data endpoint.

Creating a new view and template

Once a Data endpoint has been created and tested, it is time to create a new report in the GUI. Each report in AIPscan is a web page with a corresponding view and template in the Reporter blueprint. Reports with multiple representations (for example, a tabular report and a pie chart) will have a separate view function and template for each representation.

Each report's views are contained within a separate module, which is subsequently imported into AIPscan/Reporter/ All views related to a report should be contained within the same module. Common request parameters are defined as constants in AIPscan/Reporter/

For example, the report_format_versions_count() tabular view is defined in AIPscan/Reporter/

from flask import render_template, request

from AIPscan.Data import fields, report_data
from AIPscan.helpers import parse_bool, parse_datetime_bound
from AIPscan.Reporter import (


@reporter.route("/report_format_versions_count/", methods=["GET"])
def report_format_versions_count():
    """Return overview of format versions in Storage Service."""
    storage_service_id = request.args.get(request_params.STORAGE_SERVICE_ID)
    storage_location_id = request.args.get(request_params.STORAGE_LOCATION_ID)
    start_date = parse_datetime_bound(request.args.get(request_params.START_DATE))
    end_date = parse_datetime_bound(
        request.args.get(request_params.END_DATE), upper=True
    csv = parse_bool(request.args.get(request_params.CSV), default=False)

    version_data = report_data.format_versions_count(
    versions = version_data.get(fields.FIELD_FORMAT_VERSIONS)

    if csv:
        # Using the translate_headers function's "True" argument will
        # have it automatically add an additional size column with the size
        # data left as the number of bytes, rather than a more human readable
        # description of the size, to make it easier to sort CSV rows by size
        headers = translate_headers(HEADERS, True)

        filename = "format_versions.csv"
        csv_data = format_size_for_csv(versions)
        return download_csv(headers, csv_data, filename)

    headers = translate_headers(HEADERS)

    return render_template(
            version.get(fields.FIELD_COUNT, 0) for version in versions
        total_size=sum(version.get(fields.FIELD_SIZE, 0) for version in versions),

CSV downloads are handled by the Reporter blueprint's download_csv helper. Report data is also formatted using the format_size_for_csv helper, which converts sizes in bytes to human-readable values.

The report module is then imported in AIPscan/Reporter/

from AIPscan.Reporter import (  # noqa: F401

Each Flask view has a corresponding jinja2 template within AIPscan/Reporter/templates. Each template extends from a base template defined in AIPscan/templates/report_base.html.

For example:

{% extends "report_base.html" %}

{% block content %}

<div class="alert alert-secondary">
  {% include "report_buttons.html" %}

  <strong>Report:</strong> File format version count
  <strong>Storage Service:</strong> {{ storage_service_name }}
  {% if storage_location_description %}
    <strong>Location:</strong> {{ storage_location_description }}
  {% endif %}
  {% if start_date and end_date %}
    {{ total_file_count }} original files ingested between {{ start_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') }} and {{ end_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') }}
  {% elif start_date %}
    {{ total_file_count }} original files ingested on and since {{ start_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') }}
  {% elif end_date %}
    {{ total_file_count }} original files ingested on and before {{ end_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') }}
  {% else %}
    {{ total_file_count }} original files
  {% endif %}
  {{ puid_count }} different format versions totalling {{ total_size | filesizeformat }}

{% if versions %}
  <table id="formatversioncounts" class="table table-striped table-bordered">
        {% for column in columns %}
        <th><strong>{{ column }}</strong></th>
        {% endfor %}
    {% for version in versions %}
        <td>{{ version["PUID"] }}</td>
        <td>{{ version["Format"] }}</td>
        <td>{{ version["Version"] }}</td>
        <td>{{ version["Count"] }}</td>
        <td>{{ version["Size"] | filesizeformat }}</td>
    {% endfor %}
{% else %}
  <p class="h4" style="margin-top:20px;">No file format versions to display.</p>
{% endif %}

{% endblock %}

A template partial is utilized for the "Download CSV" and "Print" buttons to ensure consistency between all reports.

At this point, you can verify that your report is working as expected by manually entering the URL specified by the view into your browser.

New reports in the Reporter endpoint should have accompanying tests in Reporter/tests. This should include at least one test to ensure that the view returns the correct page as expected, and at least one test to verify the contents of a CSV export.

Integrating the new report to the Reports selection screen

Finally, once a Data endpoint, API endpoint, and report view and template have been created, it is time to add your new report to the Reports selection screen template AIPscan/Reporter/templates/reports.html.

First, add your new report to the reports table. Each report should have a title, description (including available filters), and one or more buttons in the "Format" column. Additional parameter dropdown selectors can be added to the "Report" column under the report's title as needed. Be sure to give each button in the "Format" column a readable and semantically meaningful ID.

Finally, add an event handler for each button in the template's JavaScript, which uses jQuery.

For example:

$("#aipsByOriginalFormat").on("click", function() {
	var fileFormat = $('#originalFormatSelect').val();
	var url = (
	  window.location.origin +
	  '/reporter/aips_by_file_format/' +
	  '?amss_id=' +
	  storageServiceId +
	  '&storage_location=' +
	  storageLocationId +
	  '&file_format=' +
	  fileFormat +

Congratulations! You've now added a new report to AIPscan.