layout |
title |
../../layouts/CheatSheet.astro |
Linux Cheatsheet |
Linux is a family of open source Unix-like operating systems based on the Linux kernel, an operating system kernel first released on September 17, 1991, by Linus Torvalds. Linux is typically packaged in a Linux distribution.
Command |
Description |
exit |
Close / exit from a from terminal |
xkill |
After right click on any window to close |
poweroff |
Turn off the system using terminal |
reboot |
Restart the system using terminal |
Command |
Description |
ls |
List files in current directory |
ls -l |
List files in long format |
ls -a |
List all files including hidden files |
pwd |
Print working directory |
cd |
Change directory |
cd .. |
Change directory to parent directory |
cd ~ |
Change directory to home directory |
cd - |
Change directory to previous directory |
mkdir |
Create directory |
mkdir -p |
Create directory and parent directories |
touch |
Create file |
cp |
Copy file |
cp -r |
Copy directory |
mv |
Move file |
mv -r |
Move directory |
rm |
Remove file |
rm -r |
Remove directory |
rm -f |
Force remove file |
rm -rf |
Force remove directory |
Command |
Description |
chmod |
Change file permissions |
chmod 777 |
Change file permissions to 777 |
chmod u+x |
Change file permissions to executable for user |
chmod g+x |
Change file permissions to executable for group |
Command |
Description |
sudo -l |
List sudo permissions |
sudo -u |
Run command as another user |
sudo -i |
Run shell as another user |
sudo !! |
Run previous command as root |
su |
Run shell as another user |
Command |
Description |
ssh user@host |
Connect to remote host |
ssh -p port user@host |
Connect to remote host on specific port |
ssh-copy-id |
Copy SSH key to remote host |
ssh-keygen |
Generate SSH key |
Command |
Description |
uname |
Print system information |
uname -a |
Print all system information |
uname -r |
Print kernel release |
uname -m |
Print machine hardware name |
hostname |
Print system hostname |
hostname -I |
Print all IP addresses |
hostname -i |
Print IP address |
date |
Print system date and time |
cal |
Print calendar |
uptime |
Print system uptime |
whoami |
Print current user |
w |
Print who is logged in |
finger |
Print information about user |
id |
Print effective user and group id |
groups |
Print all groups current user is in |
last |
Print last logged in users |
lastlog |
Print when users last logged in |
free |
Print free and used memory |
df |
Print disk usage |
du |
Print file space usage |
du -h |
Print file space usage in human readable format |
man |
Print manual page (exit with q) |
top |
Get all running procsee & hardware consumptions |
Command |
Description |
Ctrl + a |
Go to the beginning of the line you are currently typing on |
Ctrl + e |
Go to the end of the line you are currently typing on |
Ctrl + u |
Clear the line before the cursor position. If you are at the end of the line, clears the entire line. |
Ctrl + k |
Clear the line after the cursor position. If you are at the beginning of the line, clears the entire line. |
Ctrl + w |
Delete the word before the cursor. |
Ctrl + r |
Let you search through previously used commands. |
Ctrl + l |
Clears the Screen, similar to the clear command. |
Ctrl + c |
Kill whatever you are running. |
Ctrl + d |
Exit the current shell. |
Ctrl + z |
Puts whatever you are running into a suspended background process. fg restores it. |
Ctrl + s |
Stop output to the screen (for long running command). |
Ctrl + q |
Allow output to the screen (for long running command). |
Ctrl + x |
Use the arrow keys to navigate through the command line history. |
Ctrl + _ |
Undo. |
Ctrl + Alt + T |
Open terminal using keyboard |
Ctrl + Shift + N |
Open new terminal window |
Ctrl + Shift + T |
Open new tab in terminal |
Ctrl + Shift + C |
Copy selected text from terminal |
Ctrl + Shift + V |
Paste any coppied text in terminal |
// Also press up & down arrow respectively to get the former & latter executed commands in a terminal .
Command |
Description |
nano |
Nano is a simple text editor for Unix-like computer operating systems. |
vim file |
Vim is a highly configurable text editor built to enable efficient text editing. |
vi file |
Vi is a screen-oriented text editor originally created for the Unix operating system. |
emacs file |
Emacs is a family of text editors that are characterized by their extensibility. |
Command |
Description |
tar -xvf file.tar |
Extract tar file |
tar -cvf file.tar directory |
Create tar file |
tar -tvf file.tar |
List contents of tar file |
tar -xvzf file.tar.gz |
Extract tar.gz file |
tar -cvzf file.tar.gz directory |
Create tar.gz file |
tar -tvzf file.tar.gz |
List contents of tar.gz file |
tar -xvjf file.tar.bz2 |
Extract tar.bz2 file |
tar -cvjf file.tar.bz2 directory |
Create tar.bz2 file |
tar -tvjf file.tar.bz2 |
List contents of tar.bz2 file |
unzip |
Extract zip file |
zip directory |
Create zip file |
zip -r directory |
Create zip file recursively |
unrar x file.rar |
Extract rar file |
rar a file.rar directory |
Create rar file |
Command |
Description |
df |
Show disk usage |
du |
Show file space usage |
du -h |
Show file space usage in human readable format |
du -a |
Show file space usage for all files |
du -s |
Show summarized file space usage |
du -sh |
Show summarized file space usage in human readable format |
du -c |
Show summarized file space usage with grand total |
fdisk -l |
Show all disk partitions |
fdisk /dev/sda |
Show disk partitions for /dev/sda |
mount |
Show mounted filesystems |
Command |
Description |
grep pattern file |
Search for pattern in file |
grep -r pattern directory |
Recursively search for pattern in directory |
grep -v pattern file |
Invert match, print non-matching lines |
grep -l pattern file |
Print only filenames with matches |
grep -i pattern file |
Ignore case distinctions |
grep -r -i pattern directory |
Recursively search for pattern in directory, ignoring case |
locate file |
Find file |
find / -name file |
Find file in / |
find / -name file -type f |
Find only files in / |
Command |
Description |
ifconfig |
Configure a network interface |
ifconfig -a |
Configure all network interfaces |
ifconfig eth0 |
Configure eth0 network interface |
iwconfig |
Get information for WiFi adapters |
nmcli networking off |
Turn off network connections |
nmcli networking on |
Turn on network connections |
systemctl stop NetworkManager |
Turn off network connections |
systemctl start NetworkManager |
Turn on network connections |
systemctl restart NetworkManager |
Restart network connectionss |
whois domain |
Get whois information for domain |
dig domain |
Get DNS information for domain |
dig -x host |
Get DNS information for host |
host domain |
Get DNS information for domain |
host -t mx domain |
Get MX records for domain |
hostname -I |
Get all IP addresses |
hostname -i |
Get IP address |
Command |
Description |
h |
move cursor left |
j |
move cursor down |
k |
move cursor up |
l |
move cursor right |
gg |
go to the first line of the document |
G |
go to the last line of the document |
zz |
center cursor on screen |
0 |
jump to the start of the line |
Command |
Description |
Write the current file to disk |
Close the current file buffer / Exit from Nano |
Insert another file into the current one |
ALT+< |
Switch to the previous file buffer |
ALT+> |
Switch to the next file buffer |
Count the number of words, lines, and characters |
Refresh (redraw) the current screen |
Command |
Description |
tree |
It will display the contents of the working directory recursively showing sub-directories and files |
tree -a |
Display also the hidden files |
tree -f |
Display contents with the full path prefix |
tree -d |
Display only the subdirectories |
tree -df |
Display subdirectories with their paths |
tree -L 2 |
Specifying depth of the directory |
tree -P* |
Display only those files that match the pattern |
tree --du |
Reports the size of each element |
tree -J |
Outputs the directory tree as an JSON formatted array |
tree -o direc_tree.txt |
Redirect the tree’s output to filename |