pmt_analysis provides the basic tools used for the study of the response of the PMTs of the ICARUS experiment and their calibration. This project is currently under develelopment.
Clone the reposotory on your personal space using git
or fork the project to your personal GitHub page.
The core of the projects depends on:
- ROOT 6.15 or higher:
- Eigen:
- CMake: Some task-specific scripts may requires some common python packages such as numpy, pandas, and uproot.
On an experiment GPVM machine at FNAL or on SDCC at BNL, all required packages are found on CVMFS and configurable as ups products thanks to ./
. Alternatively, the user should edit the
scripts pointing to their local installation of the required packages.
On a GPVM machine at FNAL or at BNL SDCC, the environment is configured by
. On a personal machine, the user has to edit
in the most appropriate fashion. To prepare the environment:
chmod u+x
The second command has to be repeated at any new login.
During the data exploratory phase or for quick analysis tasks which doesn't involve using many files at each times, it is possible to use ROOT macros linked to the main project libraries. To do so:
cd macros/
root -l
The script
must always be called before a root macro including any of the project libraries inside inc/
and src/
. Its job is to create a ROOT dictionary for the project custom libraries.
Examples macros are provided to show to the user how to structure a simple analysis project or quick data visualization.
For the processing of large pmt datasets it is necessary to compile pmt_analysis. This part of the project is not yet completed, however a small example is provided in waveform/
. More detailed instruction will come in a near future.
Compiling requires a local installation of CMake or the correct UPS product sourced by
. Then in the main project directory do:
mkdir build/
cd build
cmake ../
cmake --build .
cd ../
If every step is successful a command called like the compiled script ( expect for the .cc part ) is created. In case the CMakeList.txt file is not changed, it is possible to run only the command cmake --build /path/to/bulddir
targeting the build directory.