- turning off debug mode
- cleaning up, debug schnorr interface
- validation working somewhat
- BTC++ talk
- validating schnorr
- got schnorr signatures working
To keep running in background
nohup python -u main.py > deploy.log 2> deploy.err < /dev/null &
- linking to online version
- silencing errors
- setting up digital ocean
- tutorial for Timechain Academy
- signatures
- parsing out signature
- validation args
- verify
- formatting for slate
- reading up on schnorr
- lesson 4 - navigating elliptic curves
- check ruben somsen's silent payments! https://gist.github.com/RubenSomsen/c43b79517e7cb701ebf77eec6dbb46b8?permalink_comment_id=4113680
- ecdsa scheme working
- added corbellini visualization
- developing angular plot
- adding hourly
- Timechain Academy lecture
- ecdsa
- defining problem sets
- adding problem set
- got inverse permuations to display correctly
- got modinv working in dashboard
- demo to Timechain Academy
- debuged modinv code
- refactoring notebooks, install instructions, split into two services
- finalizing talk
- talk update
- signing
- secret points
- dry run, subraphs
- dry run
- signatures
- finished messaging
- decrypted message
- decrypt scaffolding
- added encryption
- fixed secret sharing
- run script, shared secret options
- secret sharing
- practice talk
- fixed primes bug
- formatting to fix cutoff
- order and subgroup order - for some reason the subgroup order changes when the base point is fixed
- multiplication
- added point check, rendering on click
- click data
- elliptic graph with parameters and equation rendering
- programmingbitcoin
- setting up docker
- verified signature with Jimmy's code
- validating signature
- matched result from Jimmy Song
- checking out programming bitcoin
- debugging multiply
- verifying signatures
- finding generators
- got discrete elliptic curves working
- finite fields - taking modulus of both sides maps the elliptic curve into the mod space but overloads geogebra
- test points
- fixed point multiplication
- finite spaces'
- finite fields
- verification alg
- dA=4
- ecdsa
- set up lesson book, up to discrete log problem