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3. What is PostgreSQL All About?

PostgreSQL is a powerful and open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) that is known for its reliability, scalability, and extensibility. It was first released in 1989 and has since become one of the most popular RDBMSs in the world.

PostgreSQL supports a wide range of programming languages, including C, C++, Java, Python, and Ruby, and provides built-in support for many features that are typically available only through add-ons in other databases, such as JSON and XML data types, full-text search, and advanced indexing.

PostgreSQL is also highly customizable, with a large number of extensions and plug-ins available to add functionality and improve performance.

4. Database Design

Database design is the process of creating a database schema that defines the structure and organization of the data stored in a database. A good database design can improve performance, reduce redundancy, and make it easier to maintain and update the database in the future.

There are several key concepts and terms that are important to understand when designing a database:

  • Entity: A thing or concept that we want to store data about, such as a person, product, or order.
  • Attribute: A characteristic of an entity, such as the name, age, or price of a product.
  • Primary key: A unique identifier for each entity that is used to distinguish it from other entities in the same table.
  • Foreign key: A reference to a primary key in another table that is used to establish relationships between entities.
  • Relationship: A connection between two entities that is defined by a foreign key.

Quiz 1: Database Terminology

Quiz questions to test your knowledge of database terminology.

5. Creating Tables

In PostgreSQL, tables are created using the CREATE TABLE statement. The basic syntax for creating a table is as follows:

CREATE TABLE table_name (
  column1 datatype1 [constraints],
  column2 datatype2 [constraints],

Here is an example of creating a simple users table with two columns:


In this example, we are creating a table called users with two columns: id and name. The id column uses the SERIAL data type, which automatically generates a unique value for each new row. The PRIMARY KEY constraint indicates that the id column is the primary key for the table. The name column uses the VARCHAR data type with a length of 50 characters and the NOT NULL constraint, which means that a value must be provided for this column when inserting a new row.

6. Analyzing CREATE TABLE

In PostgreSQL, we can use the \d command to display information about a table, including its columns and constraints. For example, to display information about the users table we created in the previous step, we can run the following command:



\d users

This will display the following output:

                                        Table "public.users"
 Column |         Type          | Collation | Nullable |               Default                
 id     | integer               |           | not null | nextval('users_id_seq'::regclass)
 name   | character varying(50) |           | not null | 
    "users_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)

This output shows that the users table has two columns (id and name), with the id column being the primary key. It also shows that the id column uses the integer data type and the name column uses the character varying data type with a length of 50 characters.

7. Inserting Data Into a Table

In PostgreSQL, data is inserted into a table using the INSERT INTO statement. The basic syntax for inserting data is as follows:

INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, ...) VALUES (value1, value2, ...);

Here is an example of inserting a new row into the users table we created earlier:

INSERT INTO users (name) VALUES ('Alice');

This will insert a new row into the users table with a value of 'Alice' for the name column. Since we did not provide a value for the id column, it will be automatically generated by the SERIAL data type.

8. Retrieving Data with SELECT

In PostgreSQL, data is retrieved from a table using the SELECT statement. The basic syntax for selecting data is as follows:

SELECT column1, column2, ... FROM table_name WHERE condition;

Here is an example of selecting all rows from the users table:


This will retrieve all columns (*) from the users table.

Coding Exercise 1: Create, Insert, and Select!

Let's practice creating a table, inserting data into it, and retrieving data from it.

  1. Create a new table called employees with the following columns:
  • id (serial, primary key)
  • name (varchar(50), not null)
  • age (integer, not null)
  • salary (numeric(10,2), not null)
  1. Insert the following data into the employees table:
  • Name: Alice, Age: 25, Salary: 50000.00
  • Name: Bob, Age: 30, Salary: 60000.00
  • Name: Charlie, Age: 35, Salary: 70000.00
  1. Retrieve all columns from the employees table.

9. Calculated Columns

In PostgreSQL, we can create calculated columns by using expressions in the SELECT statement. These expressions can perform calculations on existing columns or combine multiple columns into a new column.

Here is an example of creating a calculated column that calculates the total revenue for each order in an orders table:

SELECT order_id, quantity * price AS total_revenue FROM orders;

In this example, we are multiplying the quantity and price columns for each row and assigning the result to a new column called total_revenue.

10. Calculating Phone Revenue

Let's practice creating a calculated column using a real-world example.

Suppose we have a sales table that contains information about phone sales, including the number of phones sold and the price per phone. We want to calculate the total revenue for each sale and display it in a new column called total.

Here is an example of how we can do this:

SELECT sale_id, phone_price * phone_quantity AS total FROM sales;

In this example, we are multiplying the phone_price and phone_quantity columns for each row and assigning the result to a new column called total.

Coding Exercise 2: Using Calculated Columns

Let's practice creating a calculated column.

Suppose we have a products table that contains information about products, including the price per unit and the number of units sold. We want to calculate the total revenue for each product and display it in a new column called revenue.

  1. Create a new table called products with the following columns:
  • id (serial, primary key)
  • name (varchar(50), not null)
  • price_per_unit (numeric(10,2), not null)
  • units_sold (integer, not null)
  1. Insert the following data into the products table:
  • Name: Product A, Price per unit: 10.00, Units sold: 100
  • Name: Product B, Price per unit: 20.00, Units sold: 200
  • Name: Product C, Price per unit: 30.00, Units sold: 300
  1. Create a calculated column called revenue that calculates the total revenue for each product.

  2. Retrieve all columns from the products table.

11. Exercise Solution

Here is a possible solution to Coding Exercise 2:

-- Step 1: Create a new table
CREATE TABLE products (
  name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
  price_per_unit NUMERIC(10,2) NOT NULL,
  units_sold INTEGER NOT NULL

-- Step 2: Insert data into the table
INSERT INTO products (name, price_per_unit, units_sold) VALUES
('Product A', 10.00, 100),
('Product B', 20.00, 200),
('Product C', 30.00, 300);

-- Step 3: Create a calculated column
SELECT id, name, price_per_unit, units_sold, price_per_unit * units_sold AS revenue FROM products;

-- Step 4: Retrieve all columns from the table
SELECT * FROM products;

This solution creates a products table with four columns (id, name, price_per_unit, and units_sold), inserts three rows of data into the table, creates a calculated column called revenue that multiplies the price_per_unit and units_sold columns for each row, and retrieves all columns from the table.

12. String Operators and Functions

In PostgreSQL, we can use string operators and functions to manipulate strings and perform operations on them. Some common string operators and functions include:

  • ||: Concatenation operator that combines two strings into one.
  • LENGTH(string): Function that returns the length of a string.
  • SUBSTR(string, start, length): Function

13. Filtering Rows with "Where"

In PostgreSQL, we can use the WHERE keyword to filter rows based on a specified condition. The basic syntax for using WHERE is as follows:

SELECT column1, column2, ... FROM table_name WHERE condition;

Here is an example of using WHERE to filter rows from an employees table based on age:

SELECT * FROM employees WHERE age > 30;

This will retrieve all columns (*) from the employees table where the age column is greater than 30.

14. More on the "Where" Keyword

In addition to using comparison operators like > and <, we can also use other operators in conjunction with WHERE to filter rows based on more complex conditions. Some common operators include:

  • =: Equal to
  • <> or !=: Not equal to
  • LIKE: Matches a pattern (use % as a wildcard)
  • IN: Matches any of a list of values
  • NOT: Negates a condition

Here are some examples of using these operators in WHERE clauses:



SELECT * FROM employees WHERE name = 'Alice'; -- Matches rows where name is exactly 'Alice'
SELECT * FROM employees WHERE age <> 30; -- Matches rows where age is not equal to 30
SELECT * FROM employees WHERE name LIKE 'A%'; -- Matches rows where name starts with 'A'
SELECT * FROM employees WHERE age IN (25, 35); -- Matches rows where age is either 25 or 35
SELECT * FROM employees WHERE NOT (name = 'Bob' AND age = 30); -- Matches rows where name is not 'Bob' OR age is not 30

15. Compound "Where" Clauses

We can also use multiple conditions in a WHERE clause to create more complex filters. We can use the AND and OR operators to combine conditions in a single WHERE clause.

Here is an example of using AND to filter rows from an employees table based on both name and age:

SELECT * FROM employees WHERE name = 'Alice' AND age > 25;

This will retrieve all columns (*) from the employees table where the name column is 'Alice' and the age column is greater than 25.

Here is an example of using OR to filter rows based on two different conditions:

SELECT * FROM employees WHERE name = 'Alice' OR age > 30;

This will retrieve all columns (*) from the employees table where the name column is 'Alice' or the age column is greater than 30.

16. A "Where" Exercise Overview

Let's practice using the WHERE keyword to filter rows from a table.

Suppose we have an orders table that contains information about customer orders, including the customer's name, the date the order was placed, and the total amount of the order. We want to retrieve all orders placed by customers named 'Alice' that were placed on or after January 1st, 2020.

Coding Exercise 3: Practicing Where Statements

Write a SQL query that retrieves all columns from the orders table where the customer_name column is 'Alice' and the order_date column is greater than or equal to '2020-01-01'.

17. A "Where" Solution

Here is a possible solution to Coding Exercise 3:

SELECT * FROM orders
WHERE customer_name = 'Alice'
AND order_date >= '2020-01-01';

This solution uses WHERE to filter rows from the orders table based on two conditions: that the customer_name column is 'Alice' and that the order_date column is greater than or equal to '2020-01-01'.

18. "Where" With Lists

We can also use the IN operator in a WHERE clause to filter rows based on a list of values. Here is an example of using IN to retrieve rows from a users table where the name column is either 'Alice' or 'Bob':

SELECT * FROM users WHERE name IN ('Alice', 'Bob');

19. A "Where" With Lists Solution

Let's practice using the IN operator in a WHERE clause.

Suppose we have a sales table that contains information about phone sales, including the phone model and the price per phone. We want to retrieve all rows from the sales table where the phone model is either 'iPhone' or 'Samsung'.

Coding Exercise 4: A More Challenging 'Where'

Write a SQL query that retrieves all columnsfrom the sales table where the phone_model column is either 'iPhone' or 'Samsung'.

20. Calculations in "Where" Clauses

We can also perform calculations in a WHERE clause to filter rows based on the result of a calculation. For example, we can retrieve all rows from a sales table where the price_per_phone column is greater than $500:

SELECT * FROM sales WHERE price_per_phone > 500;

21. Solving Calculations

Let's practice using calculations in a WHERE clause.

Suppose we have a products table that contains information about products, including the product name and the price per unit. We want to retrieve all rows from the products table where the price per unit is less than $10.

Coding Exercise 5: Trying Calculations in Where Clauses

Write a SQL query that retrieves all columns from the products table where the price_per_unit column is less than $10.

22. Updating Rows

In addition to retrieving rows from a table, we can also update rows using the UPDATE statement. The basic syntax for UPDATE is as follows:

UPDATE table_name SET column1 = value1, column2 = value2, ... WHERE condition;

Here is an example of using UPDATE to set the price_per_phone of all rows in a sales table where the phone_model is 'iPhone' to $600:

UPDATE sales SET price_per_phone = 600 WHERE phone_model = 'iPhone';

23. Deleting Rows

We can also delete rows from a table using the DELETE statement. The basic syntax for DELETE is as follows:

DELETE FROM table_name WHERE condition;

Here is an example of using DELETE to delete all rows from a sales table where the phone_model is 'iPhone':

DELETE FROM sales WHERE phone_model = 'iPhone';

Coding Exercise 6: Try Updating Records In a Table!

Let's practice using the UPDATE statement to modify rows in a table.

Suppose we have a users table that contains information about users, including their name and age. We want to update the age of the user named 'Alice' to 35.

Coding Exercise 6: Try Updating Records In a Table!

Write a SQL query that updates the age column of the users table to 35 for the row where the name column is 'Alice'.

24. A Solution for Updating Rows

Here is a possible solution to Coding Exercise 6:

UPDATE users SET age = 35 WHERE name = 'Alice';

This solution uses UPDATE to modify the age column of the users table to 35 where the name column is 'Alice'.

Coding Exercise 7: Practice Deleting Records

Let's practice using the DELETE statement to delete rows from a table.

Suppose we have a customers table that contains information about customers, including their name and email address. We want to delete all rows from the customers table where the email address ends in ''.

Coding Exercise 7: Practice Deleting Records

Write a SQL query that deletes all rows from the customers table where the email column ends in ''.

25. Solution for Deleting Rows

Here is a possible solution to Coding Exercise 7:

DELETE FROM customers WHERE email LIKE '';

This solution uses DELETE to remove all rows from the customers table where the email column ends in ''. The LIKE keyword is used with the % wildcard to match any email address that ends with ''.

One-to-Many Relationship

A one-to-many relationship exists between two tables when one record in the first table corresponds to one or more records in the second table.


Students Classes
Name Class Name
Age Teacher
Class ID

In this example, the Class ID column in the Students table is a foreign key that references the ID column in the Classes table. This relationship allows us to retrieve all the classes attended by a particular student or all the students attending a particular class.

Many-to-One Relationship

A many-to-one relationship exists between two tables when many records in the first table correspond to one record in the second table.


Orders Customers
Date Name
Amount Email

In this example, the CustID column in the Orders table is a foreign key that references the ID column in the Customers table. This relationship allows us to retrieve all the orders placed by a particular customer.


Understanding one-to-many and many-to-one relationships is essential for designing efficient and scalable databases. By using foreign keys, we can establish these relationships and retrieve data from multiple tables easily.


In a one-to-many relationship, how many records in the second table correspond to one record in the first table?

  • One
  • Many
  • Zero
  • None of the above

Answer: b

In a many-to-one relationship, how many records in the first table correspond to one record in the second table?

  • One
  • Many
  • Zero
  • None of the above

Answer: b

Which of the following is a foreign key in the following table relationship?

Orders Customers
Date Name
Amount Email
  • ID in the Orders table
  • ID in the Customers table
  • Name in the Customers table
  • CustID in the Orders table

Answer: d

Auto-Generated IDs

When creating a new row in a table, it's common to assign a unique ID to that row. This ID can be used as a primary key or a foreign key in other tables. The easiest way to create an auto-generated ID is to use an integer data type and set it as the primary key column. Most databases have a built-in function that generates a new ID each time a row is added to the table.


Let's say we have a "Customers" table and we want to add an auto-generated ID column:

CREATE TABLE Customers (
  Name TEXT,
  Email TEXT

In this example, the "ID" column is assigned as the primary key and set to auto-generate a new ID each time a row is added to the table.

Setting Constraints Around Insertion

When creating a foreign key column, it's important to set constraints around insertion to ensure that only valid data is added to the table. For example, if we have a "Customers" table and a "Orders" table, we need to ensure that only valid customer IDs are added to the "Orders" table. We can set a foreign key constraint to achieve this.


Let's say we have an "Orders" table that references the "Customers" table using the "CustID" column:

  Date DATE,
  Amount NUMERIC(10, 2),

In this example, the "CustID" column in the "Orders" table is a foreign key that references the "ID" column in the "Customers" table. We can set a foreign key constraint to ensure that only valid customer IDs are added to the "Orders" table. If a customer ID that does not exist in the "Customers" table is inserted into the "Orders" table, the database will throw an error and prevent the insertion.

Setting Constraints Around Deletion

When deleting data from a table, it's important to consider the impact on related tables. For example, if we delete a customer from the "Customers" table, we need to decide what should happen to the related records in the "Orders" table. There are several options for handling this situation, including setting foreign keys to null on delete or preventing the deletion altogether.


Let's say we have an "Orders" table that references the "Customers" table using the "CustID" column:

  Date DATE,
  Amount NUMERIC(10, 2),

In this example, if we delete a customer from the "Customers" table, we set the foreign key in the "Orders" table to null. Alternatively, we can set a constraint to prevent the deletion of a customer if they have orders associated with them.


In addition to setting foreign keys to null or preventing deletion, we can also use cascading to automatically delete related records when a record in the parent table is deleted. For example, if we delete a customer from the "Customers" table, we might want to automatically delete all the orders associated with that customer from the "Orders" table.

  Date DATE,
  Amount NUMERIC(10, 2),

In this example, if we delete a customer from the "Customers" table, all orders associated with that customer will be automatically deleted from the "Orders" table.

Adding Some Data

To demonstrate the use of auto-generated IDs and foreign keys in database design, let's add some data to our "Customers" and "Orders" tables.

INSERT INTO Customers (Name, Email) VALUES ('John Smith', '[email protected]');
INSERT INTO Customers (Name, Email) VALUES ('Jane Doe', '[email protected]');

These commands will add two customers to the "Customers" table.

INSERT INTO Orders (Date, Amount, CustID) VALUES ('2022-01-01', 100.00, 1);
INSERT INTO Orders (Date, Amount, CustID) VALUES ('2022-02-01', 200.00, 1);
INSERT INTO Orders (Date, Amount, CustID) VALUES ('2022-03-01', 300.00, 2);

These commands will add three orders to the "Orders" table. The first two orders are associated with the first customer, and the third order is associated with the second customer.

Queries with Joins and Aggregations

We can use joins to combine data from multiple tables. For example, to retrieve a list of all orders with the customer name and email, we can use a join between the "Orders" table and the "Customers" table.

SELECT Orders.ID, Orders.Date, Orders.Amount, Customers.Name, Customers.Email
FROM Orders
INNER JOIN Customers ON Orders.CustID = Customers.ID;

This command will return a table that includes the order ID, date, amount, and the corresponding customer name and email.

We can also use aggregate functions to calculate summary statistics on our data. For example, to calculate the total amount of orders for each customer, we can use a GROUP BY clause and the SUM function.

SELECT Customers.Name, SUM(Orders.Amount) AS TotalAmount
FROM Orders
INNER JOIN Customers ON Orders.CustID = Customers.ID
GROUP BY Customers.Name;

This command will return a table that includes the customer name and the total amount of orders for that customer.

Joining Data from Different Tables

Sometimes, we need to join data from multiple tables that are not directly related. In these cases, we can use multiple joins to link the tables together.

For example, let's say we have a "Products" table that includes information about the products sold in our orders. We can join the "Orders" table and the "Customers" table as before, and then join the "Products" table to retrieve information about the products in each order.

SELECT Customers.Name, Orders.Date, Products.Name AS ProductName, Orders.Amount
FROM Orders
INNER JOIN Customers ON Orders.CustID = Customers.ID
INNER JOIN OrderDetails ON Orders.ID = OrderDetails.OrderID
INNER JOIN Products ON OrderDetails.ProductID = Products.ID;

This command will return a table that includes the customer name, order date, product name, and order amount for each order.

Another Quick Join

We can also use a LEFT JOIN to retrieve data from one table even if there is no corresponding data in the other table.

For example, let's say we want to retrieve a list of all customers and their orders, even if they haven't made any orders yet.

SELECT Customers.Name, Orders.Date, Orders.Amount
FROM Customers
LEFT JOIN Orders ON Customers.ID = Orders.CustID;

This command will return a table that includes the customer name and order information for each order, but will also include customers with no orders.

Exercise Overview

Now that we've covered the basics of joins and aggregations, let's practice with some exercises.

Practice Joining Data

For this exercise, we have two tables: "Employees" and "Departments". The "Employees" table includes information about the employees in a company, and the "Departments" table includes information about the departments in the company.

We want to retrieve a list of all employees and their corresponding department names. Write a SQL query to accomplish this task.

SELECT Employees.Name, Departments.Name AS Department
FROM Employees
INNER JOIN Departments ON Employees.DepartmentID = Departments.ID;

This command will return a table that includes the employee name and their corresponding department name.

A Joinful Solution

In some cases, there may be multiple ways to write a SQL query that accomplishes the same task. Here's an alternate way to write the previous query using a LEFT JOIN.

SELECT Employees.Name, Departments.Name AS Department
FROM Employees
LEFT JOIN Departments ON Employees.DepartmentID = Departments.ID;

This command will return the same table as before, but will also include employees with no department information.

Alternate Forms of Syntax

SQL syntax can vary between database management systems. Here are some examples of alternate syntax for the same commands we've used in this article.

Auto-Generated IDs (MySQL)

CREATE TABLE Customers (
Name VARCHAR(255),
  Email VARCHAR(255)

In MySQL, we use the AUTO_INCREMENT keyword instead of SERIAL to create an auto-generated ID column.

Setting Constraints Around Insertion (Oracle)

  Date DATE,
  Amount NUMBER(10, 2),

In Oracle, we use the CONSTRAINT keyword to set foreign key constraints.

Setting Constraints Around Deletion (SQL Server)

  Date DATE,
  Amount DECIMAL(10, 2),

In SQL Server, we use the ON DELETE SET NULL syntax to set foreign keys to null on delete.

Joining Data from Different Tables (SQLite)

SELECT Customers.Name, Orders.Date, Products.Name AS ProductName, Orders.Amount
FROM Orders
INNER JOIN Customers ON Orders.CustID = Customers.ID
INNER JOIN OrderDetails ON Orders.ID = OrderDetails.OrderID
INNER JOIN Products ON OrderDetails.ProductID = Products.ID;

In SQLite, we use the INNER JOIN keyword to join tables together. The syntax for aggregate functions and group by clauses is the same as in other database management systems.

Another Quick Join (PostgreSQL)

SELECT Customers.Name, Orders.Date, Orders.Amount
FROM Customers
LEFT JOIN Orders ON Customers.ID = Orders.CustID;

In PostgreSQL, we use the LEFT JOIN keyword to retrieve data from one table even if there is no corresponding data in the other table.

Missing Data in Joins

It is possible that some data may be missing or not present in one of the tables being joined. In such cases, there are four types of joins that can be used to handle the missing data:

  1. Inner Join - returns only the rows that have matching data in both tables.
  2. Left Join - returns all the rows from the left table and the matching rows from the right table. If there is no match, the result will contain null values for the right table.
  3. Right Join - returns all the rows from the right table and the matching rows from the left table. If there is no match, the result will contain null values for the left table.
  4. Full Outer Join - returns all the rows from both tables, including null values where there is no match.

Why Wasn't It Included

Sometimes, a table may not be included in a join query because it is not relevant to the analysis or its data may not be needed. In such cases, the table can be omitted from the query altogether.

Four Kinds of Joins

There are four types of joins in PostgreSQL:

  1. Inner Join - returns only the rows that have matching data in both tables.
  2. Left Join - returns all the rows from the left table and the matching rows from the right table. If there is no match, the result will contain null values for the right table.
  3. Right Join - returns all the rows from the right table and the matching rows from the left table. If there is no match, the result will contain null values for the left table.
  4. Full Outer Join - returns all the rows from both tables, including null values where there is no match.

Each Join in Practice

Let's look at an example of each type of join in practice:

Inner Join

The following query returns only the rows that have matching data in both tables:

FROM table1
ON =;

Left Join

The following query returns all the rows from the left table and the matching rows from the right table. If there is no match, the result will contain null values for the right table:

FROM table1
LEFT JOIN table2
ON =;

Right Join

The following query returns all the rows from the right table and the matching rows from the left table. If there is no match, the result will contain null values for the left table:

FROM table1
ON =;

Full Outer Join

The following query returns all the rows from both tables, including null values where there is no match:

FROM table1
ON =;

Does Order Matter?

The order of tables in a join query does not matter. For example, the following queries return the same result:

FROM table1
ON =;

FROM table2
ON =;

Quiz 7: Test Your Joining Knowledge

Test your knowledge of joins in PostgreSQL with this quiz.

Exercise Overview

In this exercise, we will practice using joins on a sample database. We will be using three tables: employees, departments, and dept_emp.

Coding Exercise 10: Joins, Joins, Join!

Complete the following tasks using joins:

  1. Retrieve the first name, last name, and department name for all employees.
  2. Retrieve the first name, last name, and department name for all employees who worked in the sales department.
  3. Retrieve the first name, last name, and department name for all employees who worked in the sales department between 1990 and 1995.

Two Possible Solutions

Here are two possible solutions to this exercise:

Solution 1

-- Task 1
SELECT e.first_name, e.last_name, d.dept_name
FROM employees e
INNER JOIN dept_emp de ON e.emp_no = de.emp_no
INNER JOIN departments d ON de.dept_no = d.dept_no;

-- Task 2
SELECT e.first_name, e.last_name, d.dept_name
FROM employees e
INNER JOIN dept_emp de ON e.emp_no = de.emp_no
INNER JOIN departments d ON de.dept_no = d.dept_no
WHERE d.dept_name = 'Sales';

-- Task 3
SELECT e.first_name, e.last_name, d.dept_name
FROM employees e
INNER JOIN dept_emp de ON e.emp_no = de.emp_no
INNER JOIN departments d ON de.dept_no = d.dept_no
WHERE d.dept_name = 'Sales'
AND de.from_date >= '1990-01-01'
AND de.to_date <= '1995-12-31';

Solution 2

-- Task 1
SELECT employees.first_name, employees.last_name, departments.dept_name
FROM employees, dept_emp, departments
WHERE employees.emp_no = dept_emp.emp_no
AND dept_emp.dept_no = departments.dept_no;

-- Task 2
SELECT employees.first_name, employees.last_name, departments.dept_name
FROM employees, dept_emp, departments
WHERE employees.emp_no = dept_emp.emp_no
AND dept_emp.dept_no = departments.dept_no
AND departments.dept_name = 'Sales';

-- Task 3
SELECT employees.first_name, employees.last_name, departments.dept_name
FROM employees, dept_emp, departments
WHERE employees.emp_no = dept_emp.emp_no
AND dept_emp.dept_no = departments.dept_no
AND departments.dept_name = 'Sales'
AND dept_emp.from_date >= '1990-01-01'
AND dept_emp.to_date <= '1995-12-31';

Where with Join

In PostgreSQL, it is possible to use WHERE clauses with joins to filter the results further. For example:

FROM table1
ON =
WHERE table1.column = 'value';

This query will return only the rows from table1 that have a column value of 'value', and their matching rows from table2.

Three Way Joins

It is also possible to join three or more tables in PostgreSQL. For example:

FROM table1
ON =
ON =;

This query joins three tables, with table1 and table2 joined on their id columns, and then table2 and table3 joined on their id columns.

A Bit of Practice

Let's look at another example of using joins in practice:


We have three tables: employees, titles, and salaries. We want to retrieve the first name, last name, title, and salary for all employees.


SELECT e.first_name, e.last_name, t.title, s.salary
FROM employees e
INNER JOIN titles t ON e.emp_no = t.emp_no
INNER JOIN salaries s ON e.emp_no = s.emp_no;

Coding Exercise 11: Three Way Exercise

Complete the following task using a three-way join:

  1. Retrieve the first name, last name, department name, and salary for all employees who worked in the sales department.

Exercise Solution

SELECT e.first_name, e.last_name, d.dept_name, s.salary
FROM employees e
INNER JOIN dept_emp de ON e.emp_no = de.emp_no
INNER JOIN departments d ON de.dept_no = d.dept_no
INNER JOIN salaries s ON e.emp_no = s.emp_no
WHERE d.dept_name = 'Sales';

This query retrieves the first name, last name, department name, and salary for all employees who worked in the sales department. We join the employees and dept_emp tables on their emp_no columns, then the dept_emp and departments tables on their dept_no columns, and finally join the employees and salaries tables on their emp_no columns. We use a WHERE clause to filter the results to only include employees who worked in the sales department.

Aggregating and Grouping in SQL

In SQL, we can use aggregate functions and grouping to summarize and analyze data. Aggregate functions perform computations on a set of values and return a single value. Grouping allows us to group data by one or more columns and apply aggregate functions to each group.

Reference Table

Let's start with an example table that we can use to demonstrate how to use aggregate functions and grouping in SQL. Consider the following table of sales data:

| id | product_category | revenue|
|  1 | Electronics      |   5000 |
|  2 | Clothing         |   2000 |
|  3 | Electronics      |   3000 |
|  4 | Clothing         |   1500 |
|  5 | Furniture        |   4000 |
|  6 | Furniture        |   2500 |

Aggregating Data

There are several aggregate functions in SQL which can be used to summarize data. Let's take a look at some examples:

  • COUNT: returns the number of rows in a group or table.
  • SUM: returns the sum of the values in a group or table.
  • AVG: returns the average of the values in a group or table.
  • MIN: returns the minimum value in a group or table.
  • MAX: returns the maximum value in a group or table.

We can use these functions to summarize data and answer questions such as:

  • How many rows are in a table?
  • What is the total revenue for each product category?
  • What is the average revenue across all sales?

Let's run some SQL queries using the sales table to demonstrate these functions:


This query returns the number of rows in the sales table, which is 6.

SELECT SUM(revenue) FROM sales;

This query returns the sum of the revenue column in the sales table, which is 18000.

SELECT AVG(revenue) FROM sales;

This query returns the average of the revenue column in the sales table, which is 3000.

SELECT MIN(revenue) FROM sales;

This query returns the minimum value in the revenue column in the sales table, which is 1500.

SELECT MAX(revenue) FROM sales;

This query returns the maximum value in the revenue column in the sales table, which is 5000.

Grouping Data

Grouping allows us to group rows in a table by one or more columns and apply aggregate functions to each group. For example, we can group sales data by product category and compute the total revenue for each category.

To group data in SQL, we use the GROUP BY clause. The GROUP BY clause specifies one or more columns to group the data by. For example:

SELECT product_category, SUM(revenue)
FROM sales
GROUP BY product_category;

This query groups the sales table by product_category and computes the sum of revenue for each category. The result would be:

| product_category | sum    |
| Electronics      |   8000 |
| Clothing         |   3500 |
| Furniture        |   6500 |

We can also use the HAVING clause to filter groups based on their aggregate values. For example, to find product categories with total revenue greater than $5000, we can use the following query:

SELECT product_category, SUM(revenue)
FROM sales
GROUP BY product_category
HAVING SUM(revenue) > 5000;

This query groups the sales table by product_category, computes the sum of revenue for each category, and filters the groups to include only those with total revenue greater than $5000. The result would be:

| product_category | sum    |
| Electronics      |   8000 |
| Furniture        |   6500 |


Aggregate functions and grouping are powerful tools for summarizing and analyzing data in SQL. By using these functions, we can quickly answer questions about our data and gain insights into trends and patterns.

The Basics of Sorting

In SQL, you can use the ORDER BY clause to sort the results of your query based on one or more columns. By default, the results are sorted in ascending order, but you can also specify descending order.

Here's the basic syntax for the ORDER BY clause:

SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM table_name
ORDER BY column1 [ASC|DESC], column2 [ASC|DESC], ... ;

In this syntax, column1, column2, etc. are the columns that you want to sort by, and [ASC|DESC] specifies the sort order.

Let's look at an example:

Suppose we have a table called employees with columns for name, age, and salary. We want to sort the employees by salary in descending order:

SELECT name, age, salary
FROM employees

This will give us a result set that is sorted by salary in descending order.

Two Variations on Sorting

There are two other variations on the ORDER BY clause that are worth mentioning: sorting by a calculated column and sorting by a column alias.

Sorting by a Calculated Column

In SQL, you can use expressions in the ORDER BY clause to sort by a calculated column. For example, suppose we want to sort the employees by their salary divided by their age:

SELECT name, age, salary, salary/age AS salary_per_age
FROM employees
ORDER BY salary_per_age DESC;

This will give us a result set that is sorted by the calculated column salary_per_age.

Sorting by a Column Alias

You can also sort by a column alias that you have defined in the SELECT clause. For example, suppose we want to sort the employees by their salary divided by their age, and we want to give the column alias salary_per_age:

SELECT name, age, salary, salary/age AS salary_per_age
FROM employees
ORDER BY salary_per_age DESC;

This will give us a result set that is sorted by the column alias salary_per_age.

Offset and Limit

In SQL, you can use the OFFSET and LIMIT clauses to page through the results of your query. OFFSET specifies the number of rows to skip before starting to return rows, and LIMIT specifies the maximum number of rows to return.

Here's the basic syntax for OFFSET and LIMIT:

SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM table_name
ORDER BY column1 [ASC|DESC], column2 [ASC|DESC], ...
LIMIT limit_value
OFFSET offset_value;

In this syntax, offset_value specifies the number of rows to skip, and limit_value specifies the maximum number of rows to return.

Let's look at an example:

Suppose we have a table called employees with columns for name, age, and salary. We want to sort the employees by salary in descending order, and we only want to return the top 10 employees:

SELECT name, age, salary
FROM employees

This will give us a result set that is sorted by salary in descending order, and it only includes the top 10 employees.

Sorting, Offsetting, and Limiting

Let's practice using the ORDER BY, OFFSET, and LIMIT clauses together with an example.

Suppose we have a table called sales with columns for date, product, and sales_amount. We want to find the top 5 sales for the month of January, sorted by sales amount in descending order.

Here's the SQL query to do this:

SELECT date, product, sales_amount
FROM sales
WHERE date >= '2022-01-01' AND date < '2022-02-01'
ORDER BY sales_amount DESC

This query will return the top 5 sales for the month of January, sorted by sales amount in descending order.

Exercise Solution

Here's the solution to the exercise:

SELECT name, age, salary
FROM employees

This query will return the 11th to 15th highest paid employees, sorted by salary in descending order.

What's a Subquery?

In SQL, a subquery is a query that is nested inside another query. It is used to retrieve data that will be used in the main query as a filter or in an expression.

Here's the basic syntax for a subquery:

SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM table_name
WHERE column1 IN (SELECT column_name FROM another_table WHERE condition);

In this syntax, the subquery is enclosed in parentheses and is used as a filter in the WHERE clause of the main query.

Let's look at an example:

Suppose we have two tables: employees and departments. The employees table contains information about each employee, including their name, salary, and department ID. The departments table contains information about each department, including its name and ID.

We want to find all employees who work in the Sales department. We can use a subquery to get the department ID for the Sales department and then use it as a filter in the main query:

SELECT name, salary
FROM employees
WHERE department_id IN (SELECT id FROM departments WHERE name = 'Sales');

This will give us a result set that includes the names and salaries of all employees who work in the Sales department.

Thinking About the Structure of Data

When working with SQL, it's important to think about the structure of the data you are working with. This includes understanding the relationships between tables and the types of data that are stored in each table.

For example, suppose we have a database that contains information about books. We might have tables for authors, books, and publishers. The authors table might include columns for the author's name and ID, while the books table might include columns for the book's title, author ID, and publisher ID.

By understanding the structure of the data, we can write more efficient and effective SQL queries that take advantage of the relationships between tables.

Subqueries in a Select

In addition to using subqueries as filters in the WHERE clause, we can also use subqueries in the SELECT clause to perform calculations or retrieve additional data.

Here's the basic syntax for a subquery in the SELECT clause:

SELECT column1, column2, ..., (SELECT column_name FROM another_table WHERE condition) AS column_alias
FROM table_name;

In this syntax, the subquery is enclosed in parentheses and is used to retrieve a single value that will be included as a new column in the result set. The value is given a column alias using the AS keyword.

Let's look at an example:

Suppose we have a table called orders with columns for order_id, customer_id, and order_date. We want to find the date of the customer's first order and include it as a new column in the result set.

We can use a subquery in the SELECT clause to find the customer's first order date:

SELECT customer_id, order_date, 
  (SELECT MIN(order_date) FROM orders WHERE customer_id = o.customer_id) AS first_order_date
FROM orders AS o;

This will give us a result set that includes the customer ID, order date, and first order date for each order in the table.

Embedding in Select

Let's practice using subqueries in the SELECT clause with an example.

Suppose we have a table called employees with columns for name, age, and salary. We want to find the average salary for employees who are older than 30 and include it as a new column in the result set.

Here's the SQL query to do this:

SELECT name, age, salary, 
  (SELECT AVG(salary) FROM employees WHERE age > 30) AS avg_salary_over_30
FROM employees
WHERE age > 30;

This query will return the name, age, salary, and average salary for employees who are older than 30.

Select Solution

Here's the solution to the exercise:

SELECT name, age, salary, 
  (SELECT AVG(salary) FROM employees WHERE age > 30) AS avg_salary_over_30
FROM employees
WHERE age > 30;

This query will return the name, age, salary, and average salary for employees who are older than 30.

Subqueries in a From

In SQL, we can also use subqueries in the FROM clause of a query. This allows us to use the results of a subquery as a table that we can join with other tables or filter using the WHERE clause.

Here's the basic syntax for a subquery in the FROM clause:



SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM (SELECT column1, column2, ... FROM table_name WHERE condition) AS subquery_alias
JOIN another_table ON subquery_alias.column_name = another_table.column_name;

In this syntax, the subquery is enclosed in parentheses and is given a table alias using the AS keyword. We can then join this table with another table or filter it using the WHERE clause.

Let's look at an example:

Suppose we have a table called orders with columns for order_id, customer_id, and order_date. We want to find the total number of orders for each customer.

We can use a subquery in the FROM clause to group the orders by customer ID and count the number of orders:



SELECT customer_id, COUNT(*) AS num_orders
FROM (SELECT customer_id, order_id FROM orders) AS subquery_alias
GROUP BY customer_id;

This will give us a result set that includes the customer ID and the total number of orders for each customer.

From Subqueries that Return a Value

We can also use subqueries in the FROM clause to return a single value that can be used in the main query as a filter or in an expression.

Here's the basic syntax for a subquery in the FROM clause that returns a value:



SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM table_name
WHERE column1 = (SELECT column_name FROM another_table WHERE condition);

In this syntax, the subquery is used as a filter in the WHERE clause of the main query, and it returns a single value that is used to filter the results of the main query.

Let's look at an example:

Suppose we have a table called employees with columns for name, age, and salary. We want to find all employees who have a salary greater than the average salary for all employees.

We can use a subquery in the FROM clause to calculate the average salary:



SELECT name, age, salary
FROM employees
WHERE salary > (SELECT AVG(salary) FROM employees);

This will give us a result set that includes the names, ages, and salaries of all employees who have a salary greater than the average salary for all employees.

Example of a Subquery in a From

Let's practice using a subquery in the FROM clause with an example.

Suppose we have a table called orders with columns for order_id, customer_id, and order_date. We want to find the total number of orders for each customer who has placed more than 5 orders.

Here's the SQL query to do this:

SELECT customer_id, COUNT(*) AS num_orders
FROM (SELECT customer_id, order_id FROM orders) AS subquery_alias
GROUP BY customer_id

This query will return the customer ID and the total number of orders for each customer who has placed more than 5 orders.

Exercise Solution

Here's the solution to the exercise:

SELECT AVG(salary) AS avg_salary
FROM (SELECT DISTINCT department_id FROM employees) AS subquery_alias
JOIN employees ON subquery_alias.department_id = employees.department_id;

This query will return the average salary for all employees in each department.

Subqueries in a Join Clause

We can also use subqueries in the JOIN clause of a query. This allows us to join a table with the results of a subquery.

Here's the basic syntax for a subquery in the JOIN clause:

SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM table1
JOIN (SELECT column1, column2, ... FROM table2 WHERE condition) AS subquery_alias
ON table1.column_name = subquery_alias.column_name;

In this syntax, the subquery is enclosed in parentheses and is given a table alias using the AS keyword. We can then join this table with another table using the ON clause.

Let's look at an example:

Suppose we have two tables: employees and departments. The employees table contains information about each employee, including their name, salary, and department ID. The departments table contains information about each department, including its name and ID.

We want to find all employees who work in the Sales department and their department name. We can use a subquery in the JOIN clause to get the department name:

SELECT, employees.salary, departments.nameFROM employees
JOIN (SELECT id, name FROM departments) AS subquery_alias
ON employees.department_id =
WHERE = 'Sales';

This will give us a result set that includes the names, salaries, and department names of all employees who work in the Sales department.

More Useful - Subqueries with Where

We can also use subqueries in the WHERE clause of a query to filter results based on the results of a subquery.

Here's the basic syntax for a subquery in the WHERE clause:

SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM table_name
WHERE column_name IN (SELECT column_name FROM another_table WHERE condition);

In this syntax, the subquery is enclosed in parentheses and is used as a filter in the WHERE clause of the main query.

Let's look at an example:

Suppose we have a table called orders with columns for order_id, customer_id, and order_date. We want to find all customers who have placed an order in the last month.

We can use a subquery in the WHERE clause to find the latest order date and then use it as a filter:

FROM orders
WHERE order_date > (SELECT MAX(order_date) - INTERVAL '1 month' FROM orders);

This will give us a result set that includes the IDs of all customers who have placed an order in the last month.

Data Structure with Where Subqueries

Let's practice using a subquery in the WHERE clause with an example.

Suppose we have a table called employees with columns for name, age, and salary. We want to find all employees who have a salary greater than the average salary for their department.

Here's the SQL query to do this:

SELECT name, age, salary
FROM employees
WHERE salary > (SELECT AVG(salary) FROM employees WHERE department_id = employees.department_id);

This query will return the names, ages, and salaries of all employees who have a salary greater than the average salary for their department.

Exercise Solution

Here's the solution to the exercise:

SELECT customer_id, COUNT(*) AS num_orders
FROM orders
WHERE customer_id IN (SELECT customer_id FROM orders WHERE order_date >= '2022-01-01')
GROUP BY customer_id;

This query will return the customer ID and the total number of orders for each customer who has placed an order after January 1, 2022.

The Not In Operator with a List

In SQL, we can use the NOT IN operator with a list of values to exclude rows that match those values.

Here's the basic syntax for using NOT IN with a list:

SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM table_name
WHERE column_name NOT IN (value1, value2, ...);

In this syntax, we list the values we want to exclude in parentheses after NOT IN.

Let's look at an example:

Suppose we have a table called students with columns for id, name, and grade. We want to find all students who didn't get an A.

We can use the NOT IN operator with a list of grades to exclude all students who got an A:

SELECT id, name, grade
FROM students
WHERE grade NOT IN ('A');

This will give us a result set that includes the IDs, names, and grades of all students who didn't get an A.

A New Where Operator

In addition to the NOT IN operator, we can also use the <> operator in the WHERE clause to exclude rows that match a specific value.

Here's the basic syntax for using <> in the WHERE clause:

SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM table_name
WHERE column_name <> value;

In this syntax, we specify the value we want to exclude after <>.

Let's look at an example:

Suppose we have a table called employees with columns for name, age, and salary. We want to find all employees who don't make $50,000 a year.

We can use the <> operator to exclude all employees who make $50,000 a year:

SELECT name, age, salary
FROM employees
WHERE salary <> 50000;

This will give us a result set that includes the names, ages, and salaries of all employees who don't make $50,000 a year.

Finally Some!

Let's practice using the NOT IN operator and the <> operator with an example.

Suppose we have a table called orders with columns for order_id, customer_id, and order_date. We want to find all customers who haven't placed an order in the last month.

Here's the SQL query to do this:

FROM orders
WHERE customer_id NOT IN (SELECT customer_id FROM orders WHERE order_date >= '2022-01-01');

This query will return the IDs of all customers who haven't placed an order after January 1, 2022.

Quiz 10: Is It A Valid Subquery?

  1. Is this a valid subquery?
SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM table1
WHERE column_name IN (SELECT column_name FROM another_table WHERE condition);

Answer: Yes, this is a valid subquery.

  1. Is this a valid subquery?
SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM table1
JOIN (SELECT column1, column2, ... FROM table2 WHERE condition) AS subquery_alias
ON table1.column_name = subquery_alias.column_name;

Answer: Yes, this is a valid subquery.

  1. Is this a valid subquery?
SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM table_name
WHERE column_name NOT IN (value1, value2, ...);

Answer: No, this is not a subquery. It's just a regular query with a WHERE clause that uses the NOT IN operator.

Exercise Solution

Here's the solution to the exercise:

SELECT name, age, salary
FROM employees
WHERE salary > (SELECT AVG(salary) FROM employees WHERE department_id = 1);

This query will return the names, ages, and salaries of all employees who have a salary greater than the average salary for the Sales department.

Probably Too Much About Correlated Subqueries

A correlated subquery is a subquery that depends on the values in the outer query. In other words, the subquery is executed once for each row in the outer query.

Here's an example of a correlated subquery:

Correlated Subquery Example:

Suppose we have a "students" table with columns "student_id", "student_name", "class_id", and "score", and we want to find the average score of each student's class. We can use a correlated subquery to accomplish this:

SELECT student_id, 
       (SELECT AVG(score) 
        FROM students 
        WHERE class_id = s.class_id) AS avg_score
FROM students s;

In this query, we use a correlated subquery to calculate the average score for each student's class in the outer query.

Nested Subquery Example:

Suppose we have a "books" table with columns "book_id", "book_name", and "author_id", and an "authors" table with columns "author_id" and "author_name", and we want to find the names of all authors who have written a book that costs more than $10. We can use a nested subquery to accomplish this:

SELECT author_name
FROM authors
WHERE author_id IN (
  SELECT author_id
  FROM books
  WHERE book_id IN (
    SELECT book_id
    FROM books
    WHERE books.author_id = authors.author_id
    AND books.price > 10

In this query, we use a nested subquery to first find the book ID(s) that costs more than $10 written by each author. We then use this result to select the names of authors who have written a book that costs more than $10.

Correlated Subquery in the WHERE Clause Example:

Suppose we have a "orders" table with columns "order_id", "order_date", "customer_id", and "order_total", and we want to find all orders that have a total greater than the average total for that customer. We can use a correlated subquery in the WHERE clause to accomplish this:

FROM orders
WHERE order_total > (
  SELECT AVG(order_total)
  FROM orders
  WHERE customer_id = orders.customer_id

In this query, we use a correlated subquery in the WHERE clause to filter the result set based on the average total for each customer.

Nested Subquery in the FROM Clause Example:

Suppose we have a "products" table with columns "product_id", "product_name", and "unit_price", and we want to find the total sales for each product. We can use a nested subquery in the FROM clause to accomplish this:

SELECT product_name, total_sales
FROM products
  SELECT product_id, SUM(quantity * unit_price) AS total_sales
  FROM order_details
  GROUP BY product_id
) AS sales ON products.product_id = sales.product_id;

In this query, we use a nested subquery in the FROM clause to first calculate the total sales for each product in the order_details table. We then join this result with the products table to select the product name and total sales for each product.

Correlated Subquery in the SELECT Clause Example:

Suppose we have a "employees" table with columns "employee_id", "employee_name", "department_id", and "salary", and we want to find the employee with the highest salary in each department. We can use a correlated subquery in the SELECT clause to accomplish this:

SELECT department_id, 
       (SELECT employee_name 
        FROM employees 
        WHERE department_id = e.department_id 
        ORDER BY salary DESC 
        LIMIT 1) AS highest_paid_employee
FROM employees e
GROUP BY department_id;

In this query, we use a correlated subquery in the SELECT clause to select the name of the employee with the highest salary in each department. What is a from-less SELECT statement?

A from-less SELECT statement is a SELECT statement that does not include a FROM clause. Instead of selecting data from a table, a from-less SELECT statement can be used to select data that is not associated with any particular table. This can be useful in a variety of scenarios, such as when you need to perform calculations or generate random data.

Syntax of a from-less SELECT statement

The basic syntax of a from-less SELECT statement is as follows:

SELECT expression1, expression2, ...

In this syntax, the SELECT keyword is followed by one or more expressions that define the data to be selected. These expressions can be any valid SQL expression, including literal values, functions, and calculations.

Examples of from-less SELECT statements

Here are some examples of from-less SELECT statements based on a single reference table:

  1. Selecting a constant value

This statement will select the constant value 42.

  1. Selecting the current date

This statement will select the current date.

  1. Selecting a random number

This statement will select a random number between 0 and 1.

  1. Selecting a calculated value
SELECT 1 + 2 * 3;

This statement will select the calculated value 7.

  1. Selecting a string value
SELECT 'hello';

This statement will select the string value 'hello'.

Introduction to Data Partitioning

Data partitioning is a technique used in databases to divide large tables into smaller, more manageable parts. The idea behind partitioning is to improve query performance and reduce maintenance overhead by splitting up data based on some criteria, such as time, location, or range. PostgreSQL has several partitioning methods available, including range, list, hash, and composite partitioning.

Partitioning is useful in scenarios where tables grow too large to be efficiently managed by a single server or when certain queries are slow due to the size of the table. Partitioning can also be used to simplify data archiving and backup operations, as it allows for selective data restoration.

Creating and Managing Partitions

To create a partitioned table in PostgreSQL, we need to define a partition key - a column or set of columns that determine which partition a given row belongs to. Partition keys are typically chosen based on the nature of the data being stored.

For example, consider a table storing sales data for a retail store. We could partition the table based on the date of the sale by using the date column as the partition key. To create a partitioned table, we can use the CREATE TABLE statement with the PARTITION BY clause:

    id serial primary key,
    sale_date date,
    customer_id int,
    product_id int,
    sale_amount numeric

In addition, the partitioning column must be included in the table's primary key.

This creates a table called sales with a sale_date column as the partition key, partitioned by range. We can then create partitions for specific date ranges using the CREATE TABLE statement with the PARTITION OF clause:

    FOR VALUES FROM ('2022-01-01') TO ('2022-04-01');
    FOR VALUES FROM ('2022-04-01') TO ('2022-07-01');
    FOR VALUES FROM ('2022-07-01') TO ('2022-10-01');
    FOR VALUES FROM ('2022-10-01') TO ('2023-01-01');

This creates four partitions for the sales table, each covering a specific quarter of the year. Inserts into the sales table will be automatically routed to the correct partition based on the value of the sale_date column.

To manage partitioned data, we can use SQL commands such as INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE as we would with a regular table. However, we need to ensure that the partition key is included in all queries to guarantee that PostgreSQL routes the query to the correct partition.

Choosing the Right Partitioning Strategy

PostgreSQL supports several partitioning strategies, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. The choice of partitioning strategy depends on the nature of the data being stored and the types of queries being run.

Range Partitioning

Range partitioning divides a table into partitions based on a range of values. This is useful when the data being stored has a natural range, such as dates or numeric values. Range partitioning is easy to understand and maintain, but can result in unevenly sized partitions if the data is not uniformly distributed.

    id serial primary key,
    sale_date date,
    customer_id int,
    product_id int,
    sale_amount numeric

List Partitioning

List partitioning divides a table into partitions based on a list of values. This is useful when the data being stored can be categorized into discrete groups, such as product types or regions. List partitioning allows for precise control over how data is grouped, but can result in many partitions if the list is long.

    id serial primary key,
    region text,
    customer_id int,
    product_id int,
    sale_amount numeric

Hash Partitioning

Hash partitioning divides a table into partitions based on a hash function applied to the partition key. This is useful when the data being stored is not easily grouped by range or list, and when even distribution of data across partitions is important. Hash partitioning can result in many partitions, but allows for efficient querying of individual partitions.

    id serial primary key,
    sale_date date,
    customer_id int,
    product_id int,
    sale_amount numeric
PARTITION BY HASH (customer_id);

Composite Partitioning

Composite partitioning combines multiple partitioning strategies to create a more complex partitioning scheme. This is useful when the data being stored has multiple dimensions that need to be partitioned separately, such as by date and region.

    id serial primary key,
    sale_date date,
    region text,
    customer_id int,
    product_id int,
    sale_amount numeric
PARTITION BY RANGE (sale_date), LIST (region);

This creates a composite partitioning scheme for the sales table, with range partitioning based on the sale_date column and list partitioning based on the region column.

Monitoring and Tuning Partitioned Databases

Monitoring and tuning partitioned databases involves many of the same techniques used for regular databases, such as analyzing query performance, optimizing indexes, and tuning hardware resources. However, partitioned databases have some unique characteristics that require additional attention.

Monitoring Partitioned Tables

To monitor the performance of partitioned tables, we can use PostgreSQL's built-in monitoring tools, such as EXPLAIN and ANALYZE. We can also use the pg_partition_tree system view to view the partitioning hierarchy and check the status of each partition.

Partition Pruning

Partition pruning is the process of eliminating irrelevant partitions from a query plan, which can significantly improve query performance. In PostgreSQL, partition pruning is done automatically based on the partition key included in the query. However, we can also manually specify which partitions to include or exclude using the SELECT statement with the ONLY keyword.

Managing Partitioned Indexes and Constraints

Partitioned tables can have their own set of indexes and constraints, which need to be managed separately from the main table. We can use SQL commands such as CREATE INDEX and ALTER TABLE to add or modify indexes and constraints on partitions.

Troubleshooting Partitioned Databases

Partitioned databases can have unique issues related to data distribution, query performance, and maintenance. To troubleshoot these issues, we can use PostgreSQL's logging and error reporting features, as well as external monitoring tools such as pgAdmin or Datadog.

Example Based on a Single Reference Table

To illustrate data partitioning in PostgreSQL, let's use the example of a table storing customer orders for an e-commerce website. The table has the following columns:

    id serial primary key,
    order_date date,
    customer_id int,
    product_id int,
    quantity int,
    price numeric

We can partition this table based on the order_date column using range partitioning. We'll create four partitions, one for each quarter of the year:

    FOR VALUES FROM ('2023-01-01') TO ('2023-04-01');
    FOR VALUES FROM ('2023-04-01') TO ('2023-07-01');
    FOR VALUES FROM ('2023-07-01') TO ('2023-10-01');
    FOR VALUES FROM ('2023-10-01') TO ('2024-01-01');

To insert data into the partitioned table, we simply insert the data into the main table as usual:

INSERT INTO orders (order_date, customer_id, product_id, quantity, price)
VALUES ('2023-01-15', 1001, 101, 2, 10.99);

PostgreSQL will automatically route the data to the correct partition based on the value of the order_date column.

To query data from the partitioned table, we need to include the partition key in the query to allow for partition pruning:

SELECT * FROM orders WHERE order_date >= '2023-07-01' AND order_date < '2023-10-01';

PostgreSQL will automatically eliminate partitions that don't contain data within the specified date range, improving query performance.

In conclusion, data partitioning is a powerful technique for managing large tables in PostgreSQL. By dividing data into smaller, more manageable parts, we can improve query performance, simplify maintenance, and optimize resource usage.

Indexing in PostgreSQL

Indexing is a technique used in relational databases to speed up query execution. PostgreSQL provides several types of indexes to allow efficient querying of data. In this guide, we will cover the following topics related to indexing in PostgreSQL:

  • What is an index?
  • Types of indexes in PostgreSQL
  • Creating an index in PostgreSQL
  • Dropping an index in PostgreSQL
  • Using indexes in PostgreSQL
  • Limitations of indexes in PostgreSQL

What is an index?

An index is a data structure that stores a small portion of the original data in a way that allows for fast searching. It is similar to an index in a book that allows you to quickly find a specific topic by looking at the index page instead of flipping through the entire book. In a relational database, an index is created on one or more columns of a table to speed up queries that involve those columns.

Types of indexes in PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL supports several types of indexes, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. The most common types of indexes are:

  • B-tree index: This is the default index type in PostgreSQL and is suitable for most applications. It works well for columns with a wide range of values, such as timestamps or strings.

  • Hash index: This index type is fast for exact-match queries but not suitable for range queries. It works well for columns with a small number of distinct values, such as boolean or enum columns.

  • GiST index: This index type supports complex data types such as geometric data or full-text search. It can also be used for range queries.

  • SP-GiST index: This index type is similar to GiST but is optimized for space partitioning.

  • GIN index: This index type is optimized for full-text search and array operations.

  • BRIN index: This index type is optimized for large tables with a natural sort order, such as timestamp or ID columns.

Creating an index in PostgreSQL

To create an index in PostgreSQL, you use the CREATE INDEX statement followed by the name of the index, the table name, and the column(s) to index. Here's an example:

CREATE INDEX idx_users_email ON users (email);

This creates a B-tree index on the email column of the users table with the name idx_users_email.

Dropping an index in PostgreSQL

To drop an index in PostgreSQL, you use the DROP INDEX statement followed by the name of the index. Here's an example:

DROP INDEX idx_users_email;

This drops the idx_users_email index.

Using indexes in PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL automatically uses indexes to speed up queries that involve indexed columns. For example, if you have a B-tree index on the email column of the users table, the following query will use the index:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = '[email protected]';

To see which indexes are being used by a query, you can use the EXPLAIN statement. For example:

EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = '[email protected]';

This will show you the execution plan for the query, including which indexes are being used.

Limitations of indexes in PostgreSQL

While indexes can greatly improve query performance, they also have some limitations:

  • Indexes take up disk space, so creating too many indexes can slow down write performance.
  • Indexes need to be updated when data is inserted, updated, or deleted, which can slow down write performance.
  • Queries that involve multiple columns may not be able to use an index efficiently.
  • Queries that involve functions or expressions on indexed columns may not be able to use an index efficiently.
  • Queries that involve sorting or grouping may not be able to use an index efficiently.

It's important to carefully consider which columns to index and which type of index to use to optimize query performance without sacrificing write performance.

There are certain types of joins in which indexing may not be able to be used effectively. These include:

  • Full outer join: This type of join returns all rows from both tables, so an index may not be able to reduce the number of rows that need to be scanned.
  • Cartesian product: This type of join returns all possible combinations of rows from both tables, so an index may not be able to reduce the number of rows that need to be scanned.

ACID Properties in PostgreSQL

ACID is an acronym that stands for Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability. These properties are essential for ensuring the reliability, correctness, and durability of database transactions. PostgreSQL is an ACID-compliant database management system, which means that it provides mechanisms to ensure that transactions meet these properties. In this guide, we will cover the following topics related to ACID properties in PostgreSQL:

  • Atomicity
  • Consistency
  • Isolation
  • Durability


Atomicity is the property of a transaction that ensures that it is treated as a single, indivisible unit of work. This means that either all of the operations in the transaction are completed successfully, or none of them are. If a transaction is interrupted or encounters an error, the entire transaction is rolled back to its original state, and none of the changes made by the transaction are committed to the database. PostgreSQL ensures atomicity by using a write-ahead logging (WAL) mechanism, which records all changes made by a transaction before they are committed to the database.


Consistency is the property of a transaction that ensures that the database remains in a consistent state before and after the transaction. This means that the transaction must adhere to any constraints or rules defined in the database schema. PostgreSQL ensures consistency by enforcing constraints, such as primary key and foreign key constraints, and by providing mechanisms for maintaining referential integrity and data integrity.


Isolation is the property of a transaction that ensures that it is executed in isolation from other transactions. This means that the changes made by a transaction are not visible to other transactions until the transaction is committed. PostgreSQL provides four isolation levels, as described in the previous section, to control the visibility of data modifications made by other transactions.


Durability is the property of a transaction that ensures that once it is committed, its changes are permanent and will survive any failures, such as power outages or hardware failures. PostgreSQL ensures durability by using a WAL mechanism, which writes all changes to a log file before they are committed to the database. This log file can be used to recover the database in the event of a failure.

In addition to these properties, PostgreSQL also provides features such as transaction savepoints, which allow for nested transactions, and two-phase commit, which allows for distributed transactions across multiple databases.

It's important to understand the ACID properties and how they are enforced in PostgreSQL to ensure the reliability and consistency of your application's data.

Conflicts in PostgreSQL

Conflicts can occur in PostgreSQL when multiple transactions try to modify the same data concurrently. PostgreSQL provides several mechanisms to handle conflicts, including concurrency control, transaction isolation levels, and conflict resolution strategies. In this guide, we will cover the following topics related to conflicts in PostgreSQL:

  • Concurrency control
  • Transaction isolation levels
  • Conflict resolution strategies
  • Handling conflicts in application code

Concurrency control

Concurrency control is the process of managing access to shared resources in a database system to ensure that transactions execute correctly and consistently. PostgreSQL uses a multi-version concurrency control (MVCC) mechanism to provide concurrent access to data.

In MVCC, each transaction sees a snapshot of the database at a specific point in time, which is determined by the transaction's start time. This allows multiple transactions to execute concurrently without interfering with each other. When a transaction modifies data, it creates a new version of the data that is visible only to that transaction until it is committed. Other transactions see the previous version of the data until the modifying transaction commits, at which point the new version becomes visible to all.

Transaction isolation levels

Transaction isolation levels determine how concurrent transactions interact with each other by controlling the visibility of data modifications made by other transactions. PostgreSQL supports four isolation levels:

  • Read uncommitted: This level allows a transaction to see modifications made by other transactions before they are committed, which can lead to inconsistent data.

  • Read committed: This level allows a transaction to see modifications made by other transactions after they are committed. This is the default isolation level in PostgreSQL.

  • Repeatable read: This level ensures that a transaction sees a consistent snapshot of the database throughout its execution, even if other transactions modify the data.

  • Serializable: This level provides the highest level of isolation by ensuring that transactions see a consistent snapshot of the database and that concurrent transactions do not interfere with each other.

Conflict resolution strategies

Conflicts can occur when multiple transactions try to modify the same data concurrently. PostgreSQL provides several conflict resolution strategies to handle these conflicts:

  • Locking: Locking can be used to prevent concurrent access to data by other transactions. PostgreSQL supports several types of locks, including row-level locks and table-level locks.

  • Rollback: When a conflict occurs, one or more transactions can be rolled back to their previous state to resolve the conflict.

  • Retry: In some cases, a transaction can be retried after a conflict occurs to see if the conflict still exists.

  • Manual conflict resolution: In some cases, conflicts may need to be resolved manually by an administrator or developer.

Handling conflicts in application code

Handling conflicts in application code is important to ensure that data remains consistent and correct. Some strategies for handling conflicts in application code include:

  • Optimistic locking: This strategy involves checking whether the data being modified has been modified by another transaction since it was last read. If so, the transaction can be aborted to prevent conflicts.

  • Pessimistic locking: This strategy involves acquiring locks on data before modifying it to prevent other transactions from modifying it concurrently.

  • Retry: In some cases, conflicts can be resolved by retrying a transaction after a short delay.

  • Manual conflict resolution: In some cases, conflicts may need to be resolved manually by an administrator or developer.

It's important to carefully consider the specific needs and requirements of your application when choosing a conflict resolution strategy.