This section contains the learning paths to multiple technologies used in web development. Here is a quick walkthrough about this section and how to follow the learning paths.
Learn about the basics of HTML,CSS and JavaScript from Web 101 before diving into other learning paths
You can view three major sections in Web Dev:
🚀 Web 101 - You will learn about the basics of HTML, CSS and JavaScript
🎨 Frontend - Frontend is the part of web you view as a user, imagine the homepage of Netflix, Frontend Developers are the ones who develop it. This section comprises three set of resources:
- Static Site Generators
- This section contains learning path for Gatsby JS which is used to create static site sites
- Libraries and Frameworks
- Frameworks and Libraries are built to make the development process easier. This section consists learning path for frame works such as Angular(TypeScript based),Vue JS,React JS,Next JS and a collection of CSS Frameworks you can use.
- Advanced
- This section consist of learning path for TypeScript, a high-level programming language developed by Microsoft which is used widely in scalable applications
- Static Site Generators
🖥️ Backend - Simply said Backend is what happens behind the scenes when you are using a Web App. The resources in this section are divided into four categories:
- Languages
- This section contains learning paths for Python,JavaScript, Ruby and Go which are heavily used in Backend Development.
- Frameworks
- This section consist of learning paths for JS based frameworks Express JS and Node JS, Python based frameworks Django and Flask, and Ruby on Rails
- APIs
- Databases
- Languages