- Joined the class
- Created the Biodata in Piaza
- Created accounts with GitHub, - Chameleon, and future systems
- Going through the Plagiarism Course
- Went through Cloud Computing Material
- Started looking around (kaggle) for the project ideas
- Continue reading Cloud Computing Material, mainly the difference between IaaS and PaaS
- Selected Cloud Foundry as my contribution to the chapters
- Reading and playing with Cloud Foundry as documenting my findings towards the chapter
- Attended online class
- Talked to Professor about my project idea - Converting images of Math equations to LaTex equations using Deep Learning - CNN and RNN networks.
- Continue reading Cloud Computing concepts
- Continue research on the project and playing with python deep learning libraries - keras and Tensorflow.
- Completed the draft of Cloud Foundry MD file and requested professor to review it
- Need to work on the topics - how to deploy Cloud Foundry onto public clouds: AWS and Azure
- Read Cloud DevOp Concepts - CI/CD pipelines, Infrastructure-as-Code and Continuous Improvement
- Write Topic on DevOp -Conntinuous Improvement
- Learn Azure DevOp Tools - Azure Monitor and related tools
- Write Topic on Azure DevOp Tools
- Learn AWS DevOp Tools
- Write Topic on AWS DevOp Tools
- Learn Function-as-Service (FaaS) concepts
- Play with Azure Functions using C# to write Web-hooks, timer/scheduler jobs, messaging events to event grid/hub
- Play with AWS Lambda
- Deploy C# FaaS to AWS Lamdd
- Learn OpenFaaS - open source Function-as-service platform
- Learn how to write/deploy python applications onto OpenFaaS
- Continue the project report
- Work on the project using Machine Learning - CNN Algorithm for image classification
- Work on OpenFaaS function to classify the uploaded image using the model that has been created (a-head of the time)
- Continue the project report
- Compplete the project end-to-end using OpenFaaS, Docker Container to create, test, deploy and test the deployed package
- Implement couple of FaaS functions
- Deploy to Azure and test it there
- Continue the project report
- Make necessary changes to the project and/or project report based on the feedback from Professor and/or TA