Fix bug:
- 🐛 Fix bug with uri error generated by Intentx createUninstallAppIntent method
- 🔥 Androix waitRunInUI(ResultRunnable) rename to waitRunInUIResult(ResultRunnable), waitRunInUI(NullableResultRunnable) rename to waitRunInUINullableResult(NullableResultRunnable)
- 🔥 ResizeCalculator rename to Resizex
- 🔥 convertToTranslucent method rename to convertToTranslucentCompat, convertFromTranslucent method rename to convertFromTranslucentCompat
Behavior change:
- 🔥 Activityx all start method may now throw ActivityNotFoundException
- 🔥 The parameters of the Bundle type of the Activityx start(*, Class, Bundle) method are now used as pass parameters
- 🔥 Activityx convertToTranslucentCompat and convertFromTranslucentCompat add @RequiresApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) annotation
- 🔥 Activityx remove safeStart(Context, Intent, Bundle) method
- ✨ Activityx adds safeStart(*, Class, Bundle) and safeStart(*, Class) method
Perfect test:
- ✅ Improve Activityx testing
- ✅ Improve Colorx testing
- ✅ Improve Drawablex testing
- ✅ Improve Hardwarex testing
- ✅ Improve Toastx testing
- ⬆️ Upgrade Javax 0.8.5
- ⬆️ Javax upgrade to 0.8.4
Fix bug
- 🐛 Fix bug where Contextx's captioningManager method crashes in non-main thread
Renamed or deleted the following:
- 🔥*Arg,*Arg merge to Argsx
- 🔥 Deleted androidx-kt-args module, bind*Arg method moved to androidx-kt module ArgsBinder.kt
- 🔥 Hardwordx's getPhoneNumber, getDeviceId, getAndroidId, getSubscriberId, getSimSerialNumber, getIMEI, getIMSI methods now return 'unknown' by default
- 🔥 getDeviceModel rename to getModel and getDeviceName rename to getDevice
- 🔥 Hardwordx.kt removed getDeviceModel, getDeviceName, getHardware, getSupportedAbis, getSerial method
- 🔥 Romx removed getBuildProperties method
- ✨ Bitmapx adds calculateSamplingSize, calculateSamplingSizeForRegion method
- ✨*Arg method supported string res
- ✨ ArgsBinder.bind*Arg method supported string res
- ✨ Hardwordx's adds getProduct, getBrand method
- ✨ Add SystemPropertiesx
- ⬆️ Upgrade Javax 0.8.3
Renamed or deleted the following:
- 🔥 Jsonx.kt format method rename to formatJson
- 🔥 Intentx canStartActivity and safeStartActivity method removed to Activityx and rename to canStart and safeStart
- ✨ Romx support Flyme 7.0.1
- ✨ Fragmentx adds requireContext, requireAppContent method
- ✨ Activityx adds appContext method
- ✨ Viewx adds appContext method
- ✨ Activityx adds start method
- ✨ Networkx adds getGateway, getDNS1, getDNS2 method
- ✨ Intentx adds createSendTextIntent, createSendTextFileIntent, createSendImageFileIntent, createSendFileIntent method
- ⚡ Networkx getWifiState and setWifiEnabled method compatible WifiManager is null
- 🎨 Contextx.kt and Viewx.kt partial method changed to inline
- 🔨 @NotNull replace to @NonNull
- ⬆️ Upgrade Javax 0.8.1
- 🔥 Networkx removed getLocalIpAddress, getLocalIpV4Address method
- ✨ Bitmapx.kt adds use method
- ⬆️ Upgrade Javax0.8.0
- 🔥 Activityx and Fragmentx read*Arg(*, default) rename to read*ArgOr(*, default)
- 🔥 Activityx and Fragmentx readOptional*Arg(*, default) rename to read*ArgOrNull(*, default)
- ✨ Activityx adds read*UriIntentArg and read*IntentUriArg method
- ✨ Contextx adds midiManagerOrNull method
- ⬆️ Javax upgrade to 0.7.1
- 🔥 bind*Arg(*, default) rename to bind*ArgOr(*, default)
- 🔥 bindOptional*Arg(*, default) rename to bind*ArgOrNull(*, default)
- ✨ Activity adds bind*UriIntentArgOr and bind*IntentUriArgOr method
- ✨ Activity and Fragment adds bindCharSequenceArrayListArg, bindCharSequenceArrayListArgOr, bindCharSequenceArrayListArgOrNull method
- ⬆️ Kotlin upgrade to 1.2.71
- ⬆️ Javax upgrade to 0.7.0
- ⬆️ support-fragment upgrade to 28.0.0
- ⬆️ lifecycle upgrade to 1.1.1
- ✨ Storagex adds getFileIn method
Fixed some bugs:
- 🐛 Fixed Storagex getMountedVolumes method StackOverflow error
Renamed or deleted the following:
- 🔥 Romx all
method rename tois*
Added the following:
- ✨ Storagex add getFreeBytes(File, long), getTotalBytes(File, long), getAvailableBytes(File, long) method
- ✨ Perfect Contextx
- ✨ Androidx adds
method - ✨ Fragmentx adds
- 🔥 Remove bindOptionalByteArg, bindOptionalShortArg, bindOptionalIntArg, bindOptionalLongArg, bindOptionalFloatArg, bindOptionalDoubleArg, bindOptionalBooleanArg, bindOptionalCharArg method
- ✨ Adds
- ✨ Networdx add isActivated, isWifiActivated, isNoMeteredWifiActivated, isMobileActivated, isBluetoothActivated, isVPNActivated, isMetered, isRoaming, isFailover, getType, getTypeName, getSubtypeName, getExtraInfo, getNetworkInfo, getConnectivity
- ✨ Fragmentx add findUserVisibleChildFragment, findFragmentByViewPagerCurrentItem method
- ✨ Bitmapx add circularTo, circular, centerCropTo method and add related overloaded methods
- ✨ Add Imagex
- ✨ Add Servicex
- ✨ Add Romx
- ✨ Add Contextx
- ✨ Androidx add waitRunInUI
- 🐛 Fixed bug where Activityx convertToTranslucent method is invalid
- 🐛 Fixed a bug that caused a context.getExternalCacheDirs() and context.getExternalFilesDirs() to return null
- ⚡ Activityx isDestroyedCompat method is compatible with isFinishing after JELLY_BEAN_MR1
- ⬆️ Upgrade Javax 0.6.9
- 🐛 Fix StorageManagerCompat's getVolumeList and getStorageVolumes methods return inconsistent bugs on the 8.1 emulator
Removed or Renamed
- 🔥 Displayx getDisplayMetrics rename to getScreenMetrics, getDensity rename to getDensity, getScreenDensityDpi rename to getDensityDpi, isPortraitOrientation rename to isOrientationPortrait
- 🔥 Windowx remove isLandscape, isPortrait method
- 🔥 Windowx getDisplayRotation, getStatusBarHeight, hasNavigationBar, getNavigationBarHeight, getNavigationBarWidth method moved to Displayx
- 🔥 Androidx remove isAtLeastI, isAtLeast14, isAtLeast4_0, isAtLeastIMR1, isAtLeast15, isAtLeast4_0_3 method
- 🔥 Androidx getSdkVersionName rename to getVersionName
- 🔥 StorageManagerCompat getStorageVolumes rename to getVolumes, getStorageVolume rename to getVolume
- 🔥 Storagex getVolumeList method now returns List, increments getVolumes method returns StorageVolumeCompat[]
- 🔥 Color All method names that have started with make are changed to create
- 🔥 Intent All method names that have started with make are changed to create
- 🔥 Some duplicate classes or constants have been removed. Please use the corresponding class or constant in androidx now.
- ClipContent.kt, ClipHtmlText.kt, ClipIntent.kt, ClipPlainText.kt, ClipUri.kt,
- NetworkState.kt, StorageManagerCompat.kt, StorageVolumeCompat.kt, WeakAsyncTask.kt
- 🔨 Activityx.getImplWithParent method marked static
- 🔨 Now all methods in androidx-kt are extensions to androidx
- ✨ Displayx add isOrientationLandscape, isOrientationUndefined, getRotation method
- ✨ InputMethodx add delayShowSoftInput method
- ✨ Androidx add getVersionCodeName method
- ✨ Settingsx add getWindowBrightness, isWindowBrightnessFlowSystem method
- ⬆️ Upgrade Javax 0.6.6
- 🔨 Network getIpAddress rename to getLocalIpAddress
- ✨ Network add getLocalIpV4Address
- ⬆️ minSdkVersion rose to 16
- ✨ Add StorageManagerCompat and StorageVolumeCompat
- 🔨 StatFs getCompatAvailableBytes, getCompatFreeBytes, getCompatTotalBytes rename to getAvailableBytesCompat, getFreeBytesCompat, getTotalBytesCompat
- 🔨 Refactoring Storage
- ⬆️ Upgrade Javax 0.6.5
- Upgrade Javax 0.6.4
- Activity and Fragment add isDestroyedCompat method
- Optimization WeakAsyncTask test script
- ✨ Text adds the keywordMadeColorBySpannable() method
- 🔥 Refactoring Color
- ✨ Color adds argbEvaluate method
- ✨ Add WeakAsyncTask
- 🔥 Build, Process, System, Thread merge into Android
- ✨ Add Clipboard
- 🔥 Bitmap makeBitmapByColor method renamed to create
- 🔥 Refactoring Drawable
- ✨ Fragment add instance method
- ✨ Json adds format method
- ✨ Window adds the hasNavigationBar, getStatusBarHeight, getNavigationBarWidth methods
- ✨ Permission adds filterDeniedPermissions method
- 🔥 CanStartActivity adds safeStartActivity in Fragment are moved to Intent
- 🔥 Rename Package.get to getPackage
- 🔥 Simplify ViewAnim all method names
- ⬆️ Upgrade Javax 0.6.2
- Initial release