Below are details on the initial bootstrapping of the production environment on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and automated deployment using GCP Cloud Build and related services.
Create Google Cloud Platform account and a Google Cloud Project.
Install gcloud
command-line tools.
We use a bot gmail account to connect Google Cloud Platform to GitHub in order to automate our build and deployment process.
Load the bot account credentials into GCP Secret Manager.
gcloud config configurations create <BOT_NAME>
# Set to GCP Project ID
gcloud config set project <PROJECT_ID>
# Use bot account for project
gcloud config set account <BOT_ACCOUNT_EMAIL>
# Login to account
gcloud auth login
# Set region and zone
gcloud config set compute/region us-central1
gcloud config set compute/zone us-central1-a
This project originally used the US-CENTRAL1 region and there are many references in the code to that. You should select the region most appropriate to you, often, that will be one closest geographically to you.
Overall, follow the steps in the Django on Cloud Run docs
gcloud auth application-default login
curl -o cloud-sql-proxy
chmod +x cloud-sql-proxy
Create a Cloud SQL instance with 50GB SSD and db-g1-small tier.
Below is modified version from the Django on Cloud Run docs that additionally specifies storage size and type
gcloud sql instances create summarize-prod \
--project <PROJECT_ID> \
--database-version POSTGRES_14 \
--storage-size 50 \
--storage-type SSD \
--tier db-g1-small \
--region us-central1
IMPORTANT: After creating the above, go to the GCP web console for Cloud SQL and edit the instance to make it available on the default private network. This will be important for using a basic SQL connection string in Cloud Run. Under the Instance IP Assignment
click Private IP
and choose the option to have Google auto-generate a default network. Don't forget to click Save
at the bottom of the page!!
The above step will require a database instance restart, which can take a few minutes.
Once the db instance is updated and running again, create a db and user.
export DB_INSTANCE=summarize-prod
export DB_REGION=us-central1
export DB_NAME=summarize_prod
export DB_USER=admin
gcloud sql databases create $DB_NAME --instance $DB_INSTANCE
gcloud sql users create $DB_USER \
--instance $DB_INSTANCE \
--password $DB_PASS
Create a .env.gcp
file per create django secrets file:
# In particular, you must create the DATABASE_URL setting as below, substituting the
# actual values for that setting
Once you've created that file, upload it to Secret Manager:
gcloud secrets create django_settings_prod --data-file .env.gcp
Get the Project number for downstream steps:
gcloud projects describe $PROJECT_ID --format='value(projectNumber)'
export PROJECT_NUM=<PROJECT_NUM> # this will obviously change by project
Grant secrets access to cloud run and cloud build service accounts:
gcloud secrets add-iam-policy-binding django_settings_prod \
--member serviceAccount:$PROJECT_NUM[email protected] \
--role roles/secretmanager.secretAccessor
gcloud secrets add-iam-policy-binding django_settings_prod \
--member serviceAccount:$ \
--role roles/secretmanager.secretAccessor
Skip the Create Django superuser step.
Grant Cloud Build access to Cloud SQL
for the policy condition
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID \
--member serviceAccount:$ \
--role roles/cloudsql.client
Next, use the cloud-sql-proxy to set up the database and create a superuser (note this step strays from the docs). Open a new shell terminal and navigate to where you downloaded the cloud-sql-proxy
export DB_REGION=us-central1
export DB_INSTANCE=summarize-prod
Back in the original terminal shell:
Now you should be able to connect to the production database by using your prod settings and create a superuser, migrate the production database, and collect static files on Cloud Storage.
cd clip2story/
python migrate
python createsuperuser
python collectstatic
Next, we begin the Cloud Run deployment process.
Note, here we're going off script from the Django on Cloud Run docs in order to use Artifact Registry instead of Container Registry, which is officially deprecated.
Make sure to enable the relevant APIs per the instructions on this page
Once you've enabled the relevant APIs, we need to create an Artifact Registry repository to store the Docker container for use by Cloud Run.
gcloud artifacts repositories create summarize-prod \
--project $PROJECT_ID \
--repository-format docker \
--location us-central1 \
--mode standard-repository
Next, update local credentials for gcloud
gcloud auth configure-docker
Next, build, tag and push a Docker image to Artifact Registry.
On this initial build and push, we user the
by default. Later, we'll configure Cloud Run to usecloudbuild.yaml
to build and push the container whenever the code changes on themain
branch of our GitHub repo.
gcloud builds submit --tag$PROJECT_ID/summarize-prod/summarize:v1
Next, do a manual Cloud Run deployment:
gcloud run deploy summarize-service --image<PROJECT_ID>/summarize-prod/summarize:latest \
--add-cloudsql-instances <PROJECT_ID>:us-central1:summarize-prod \
--region us-central1 \
--platform=managed \
This first run won't result in a working deployment. But it will provide a key piece of information: The Service URL:
The Service URL must be passed as an environment variable since it is required for security-related settings in the clip2story/settings/
Now that we have the service url, let's run the deployment one more time.
Note the addition of the
gcloud run deploy summarize-service --image<PROJECT_ID>/summarize-prod/summarize:latest \
--add-cloudsql-instances <PROJECT_ID>:us-central1:summarize-prod \
--region us-central1 \
--platform=managed \
--set-env-vars=CLOUDRUN_SERVICE_URL= \
WOOT! You've now manually built and deployed the containerized app.
But we're not quite done. The last stage is setting up automated deployment when any changes are pushed to the main
branch of our GitHub repo. Make sure you stash that Service URL because we'll need it in the next step.
We'll use GCP Cloud Build for CI (aka automated deployment) of the application whenever changes are pushed to the main
The deployment process configured in cloudbuild.yaml
performs the following steps:
- build and push the container to Artifact Registry
- migrate the database
- collectstatic (ie deploy CSS, JS, etc to Cloud Storage)
- deploy the latest version of the Cloud Run app
To begin setting up CI, take the Service URL from the last step and add it to the cloudbuild.yaml
at the bottom under the substitutions
_CLOUD_SQL_INSTANCE_NAME: summarize-prod
Next, follow the instructions for setting up continuous deployment from Git using Cloud Build.
For this step, you need to work in the GCP web console.
IMPORTANT: Make sure to log into the Google Cloud Platform using your bot account
You can access the bot credentials by logging into GCP using your normal user account, and then getting the bot account's user/pass from the GCP Secret Manager. You should also grab the GITHUB_ACCOUNT
login credentials, since during this process you'll need to authorize GCP to access a GitHub repo.
Once you have those credentials, log out of your user account on GCP and log back in using the BOT_ACCOUNT_EMAIL
Then proceed to set up continuous deployment by following the below steps:
- Go to the Cloud Run on GCP web console
- Click on the
- Click the button to
- If the pop-up says
Currently not authenticated
, clickAuthenticate
- If you get a pop-up that says the GitHub App is not currently installed, click
- Choose the organization (
) - Select
All repositories
- Click
- Use the bot's GitHub password to confirm the installation
- Choose the organization (
- Once GCP is authenticated to work with GitHub, you can select a repository for the cloud build process.
- Check the user agreement box
- Click
- Under Build Configuration:
- Leave the
branch selected - Choose
for the Build Type
- Leave the
Once the above steps are complete, the repository should be set up to automatically build and deploy to Cloud Run whenever code is pushed or merged into the main