PyVO is an open source project developed through GitHub at; community contributions are welcome.
This project began in 2012 as a product of the US Virtual Astronomical Observatory, funded through a cooperative agreement with the US National Science Foundation.
PyVO was developed with contributions from the following developers:
Contributor's Name | Affiliations | GitHub identity ---------------------|----------------|------------------- Stefan Becker | Heidelberg Univ. | funbaker Thomas Boch | CDS | tboch Carlos Brandt | Universita di Roma La Sapienza | chbrandt Markus Demleitner | Heidelberg Univ. | msdemlei Christoph Deil | MPI for Nuclear Physics | cdeil Mike Fitzpatrick | NOAO | Matthew Graham | Caltech | doccosmos Gus Muench | Harvard/CfA, AAS | augustfly Ray Plante | NCSA/UIUC, NIST | RayPlante Brigitta Sipocz | Cambridge, UK | bsipocz Doug Tody | NRAO |